

1. And let them make haste, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters.


2. Does Q2 protect wet sparge to want in wet often gush?

Q2 保湿喷雾在雨天要经常喷吗?

3. NIV] Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.


4. It didn’t seem to ease his overstuffed condition since he vomited in a fashion not unlike that of a gushing geyser, no more than two seconds after he had placed his head down.

| ”玩家”吃得太多,餐后他要求到附近的公园躺一躺,放松疲惫的身躯。他的脑袋刚躺下不到两秒钟,就喷出了象喷泉的呕吐物,不象放松的样子。

5. "To discharge" means to drain pollutants into the sea,including pumping,spilling,releasing,gushing and pouring.


6. "To discharge" means to drain pollutants into the sea, including pumping, spilling, releasing, gushing and pouring.


7. BePlumbed is a classic game in which a plumber tries to lay pipe before a gushing stream of water can overwhelm him!


8. A flip of the switch sent water gushing out.


9. Every drop of effort brings a gush of rewards.


10. Three years later, a sequelae attack of car accident injury burst forth on him.He was sent to hospital, with sore festering and blood gushing in his internal organs.


11. Two have abundant mineral spring resources here, a lot of places all have the mineral spring to gush.


12. Therefore we gush out in abundance the classroom.


13. Human kindness is like a defective tap: the first gush may be impressive but the stream soon dries up.


14. The worde of the mouth are deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is a gushing stream.


15. Structural method for studying the gushing from floor is introduced. With the0ry limit winding moment, the fomula calculating the floor aquifuge effect1ve thichness is made.


16. Gushing out of the wounds, enfeebled he was sinking to the floor.


17. From analyzing coal-gas abstracts gas process, we contrasted and analyzed gas gushing rate from working face at high seam in slices and moveable mining.


18. A fountain of water gush from the break fire hydrant.


19. The awl came out instantly.Before he knew it a gush of blood spurted into his face.


20. He shot to fame with a stand-in appearance at London's Covent Garden in 1963 and had soon had critics gushing about his voluminous voice.


21. He revels in some of the more gushing ways he has been described, such as “the man who broke the Bank of England” and the “stateless statesman”.


22. He shot a grizzly bear, th looked up from his rifle sights and saw the steam gushing from the ground.


23. He was eager, but did not gush .


24. His agrestic flavour extremely strong name may have sufferred mock, but he stemmed with the gushing milk like spring the mouth that those stretching.


25. It didn't seem to ease his overstuffed condition since he vomited in a fashion not unlike that of a gushing geyser, no more than two seconds after he had placed his head down.


26. When he removed the bandage there was a gush of blood.


27. Hayek returned gushing, and wrote Thatcher, urging her to follow Chile's aggressive model more faithfully.


28. There was a gush of blood as the wound reopened.


29. The wound re - opened in a gush of blood.


30. There was a gush of blood as the wound opened.


31. But they couldn't take away the heavy bathroom ware and one of our blessings was the unlimited hot water gushing at our touch into the expensive surroundings.


32. And yet no flush would gush, no surge would purge, no swirl unfurled.


33. Florida's 320 natural springs gush out over eight billion gallons of drinkable water every day.


34. Your creative juices will be gushing after you witness tomfoolery with playing cards, forearms, watches, coins, business cards and anything else Liam can get his hands on.


35. There may also be a reluctance to admit that such a gushing provision of liquidity has altered the policy stance.


36. Drench gush of water temperature adjustment again 20 seconds.


37. It would be curtains for the family if there was another strong gush of wind blown against the house.


38. Repass gush drenchs lacquer of bottom river knead dough is handled, finished multilayer solid Mu Fu joins a floor board make.


39. Erosion of a relatively soft surface, such as a roadbed, by a sudden gush of water, as from a downpour or floods.


40. Crazy creativity: Perhaps the artistic temperament are born as gift, at the second inspiration flashes the mind are gushing like spring. I still love them even they are crazy.


41. Oh, don't slop and gush and be sentimental.


42. Teach received five pistol shots and 20 severe sword wounds and was still wielding his cutlass with blood gushing out of a neck wound.


43. Oil is gushing from the tanker which ran aground on the reef.


44. The other force is a gush of private-equity finance, much of it originating in America and landing in Europe.


45. Last year, we reached the camp in late April and found them gushing,” said Shailee Basnet, a young journalist from Nepal who climbed Everest in 2008.


46. Market appears later sparge aid black oil, also need others to do sth for sb ability gush is gotten even.


47. She flared up at this, got theatrical about it.And after a lot of gushing she commenced to whine and slobber.


48. STEP3: On gush puissant finalize the design fixature or 啫 Li.


49. Gush people the later period in cancer should operation or dry what? Is what still cure likely? Urgent. . .


50. The gushing hot spring water suggests that there might be heat energy underground.


51. Is gush door phlogistic how be evolution is gush door cancer? The odds of evolution how many? How to control? Ask authority advertent, thank!


52. There is a coal layer on the clay of direct roof.This layers is unstable and easy tofall down after mining and enable the gas to gush out.


53. In the 17th century, the Dutch physician and anatomist Regnier De Graaf spoke of "liquid as usually comes from the pudenda in one gush".


54. While the tradition is treated, add with agent of gush of mouth of Apollo active peptide, restore faster!


55. On the day of the visit, water was gushing down from burst pipes.


56. Sven Goran Eriksson's assistant was gushing with praise for the England midfielder having seen him score in Chelsea's 2-0 win at Highbury on Sunday.


57. The cohesion and modulus of compression of the substratum are deeply reduced after water gushing in pits, but the internal friction angle of the substratum doesn't change.


58. On night smallpox embed the lamp, pass through the outer garment of gush arenaceous glass of waterproof gas, downy radial scattering is in space.


59. Step2: The hair drips no longer when water, first gush a few protect hair agent, avoid the harm that sirocco correct sends.


60. Hair modelling popularity finalizes the design agent / gush fixature is the biggest, the class that has energy most.


61. Blood is gushing from his head.


62. Girls are always gushing over handsome film stars .


63. How to identify gushing water sources of mines depending on the content of standard components of ions in the water is a important subject.


64. If you got a deep cut in your arm, there's usually a gush of blood.


65. If you suddenly begin gushing about how GREAT the interviewer's haircut is, the interviewer will see right through your charade.


66. If you suddenly begin gushing about how GREAT the interviewer‘s haircut is, the interviewer will see right through your charade.


67. If you get a deep cut, there usually is a gush of blood.


68. If there is only a gaping wound left then it must gush forth though it produce nothing but toads and bats and homunculi.


69. What is different, says its creator, Hiroyuki Kobayashi of Capcom, an Osaka-based gaming company, is that there is no severing of limbs or gushing of blood.


70. The settlers say Israel is making a mistake.That it's handing victory to the Palestinian militants who have been attacking Gush Katif for years.


71. Indoor raised flowers and trees, do not facilitate gush water, time grew, beautiful Xie Shangrong falls easily dirt, block foliaceous aperture up dead.


72. Volumetric material feeding;no clogging,humping-up,or gushing of materials.


73. Young girls who gush over handsome film stars.


74. Young mothers are always gushing over their babies .


75. Young mothers are gushing over their babies.


76. The products range includes EVA, EVAL, COPA, COPES, HDPE, LDPE and PU which adapted to all kinds of paste dot, powder dot, scattering, coating machines and gushing glue machine.


77. There was a gush of blood as the arrow was pulled out from the arm.


78. A gushing endorsement is unlikely when sitting in gridlocked traffic or negotiating my way through probably the world's largest building site, the Cotai Strip.


79. On function basically as similar as ground glass, change differently grind arenaceous for gush arenaceous.


80. Always be sparge of " of tap water of " of the gush on past face, seem very wet, actually it already stealthily spirit away your hypodermic water.

