
happenhappenD.J.:[ˈhæpən]K.K.:[ˈhæpən]vi.1.发生It happened under my eyes.这事就发生在我眼皮底下。2.产生结果, 发生作用He pressed hard on the brake but nothing happened.他使劲往下踩刹车, 但没有发生作用。3.碰巧, 恰巧What would happen if your parents found out?如果你的父母发现了, 会怎样呢?It happens that he is a teacher of English.恰好他是个英语教师。

happen['hæpən]vi.1.引起,发生:Accidents will happen.很有可能会发生意外。to happen what may无论发生什么情况2.降临(到某人身上)(常与to连用):Please give it to my wife if anything should happen to me.万一我遇到不幸,请把这个交给我妻子。3.碰巧;恰好:Do you happen to remember his car number?你还记得他的车牌号码吗?It so happens that I'm free today.真是巧极了,正好我今天有空。4.偶然遇见;偶然发现(常与on或upon连用):He happened on a clue to the mystery.他偶然发现了那秘密的线索。5.[主美国英语]偶然出现;碰巧来(或去):My friends happened along at that time.那时我的几个朋友碰巧来了。I bought today's newspaper for you as I happened past the post office.我刚巧路过邮局,就给你买了今天的报纸。6.[俚语]极其兴奋,非常有趣adv.1.[方言]偶然,碰巧近义词chanceoccurtranspireas it happens碰巧;偶然happen in with偶然遇到happen what may (或will)不管怎样,不管发生什么情况It (so) happens that碰巧,恰巧

happenhappen[ˈhæpən]vi.1.发生; 出现2.(后接不定式)恰好, 碰巧, 偶然3.巧遇; 偶然发现(on, upon)happen along[口]碰巧来到, 恰好出现It happened that偶然..., 碰巧...happen upon sb. in the street在街上偶遇某人We happened to be in the neighbourhood.我们恰好是邻居。
参考词汇happen;chance;occur;take place;都含“发生”的意思。1.happen为常用词语, 指“一切客观事物或情况的偶然或未能预见地发生”, 如:The accident happened yesterday.事故发生在昨天。2.chance 指“偶然发生”、“碰巧”, 如:He chanced to meet her.他偶然遇见了她。3.occur属正式用语, 指“按计划使某事或效果发生”, 通常所指的时间和事件都比较确定, 在以具体事物、事件作主语时, 可与happen 互换, 如:These events occurred in 1909.这些事件发生于1909年。4.take place 指“发生事先计划或预想到的事物”, 如:The meeting took place at 8:00 as planned.按计划会议在八点举行了。