

1. On March 18th, 2006, a pecial phenomena occurred during the homa ceremony on a beach in Qingdao.


2. HOMA 2


3. HOMA index


4. HOMA supplies a product range which sets standards in submersible pump technology -standards for higher performance, excellent quality and improved cost efficiency.


5. HOMA is a leading manufacturer of high quality submersible pumps, lifting stations, submersible mixers, tank cleaning systems and control panels.


6. HOMA pumps operate worldwide in various water, waste water and sewage transfer applications in the private, municipal and industrial sectors.


7. TG was significantly correlated with INS 0,CP 0,HOMA IR.

TG与空腹INS、C 肽、HOMA IR呈显著正相关。

8. A significant correlation could be found between HOMA IR with BMI,TG,INS 0,CP 0.Conclusion Insulin resistance and dyslipidemia could appear early in normoglycemia first degree of type 2 diabetes relative.

一级亲属HOMA IR与BMI、TG、空腹INS、C 肽呈显著正相关。 结论 2型糖尿病患者非糖尿病一级亲属在血糖正常时已存在高胰岛素血症 ,胰岛素抵抗 ,同时伴有高TG ,低HDL C血症等脂代谢紊乱。

9. Bahrami, Homa,1992, The Emerging Flexible Organization: Perspectives from Silicon Valley, California Management Review.


10. This morning I completed the composition of this homa ritual in Chinese.


11. Li emfazas, ke materio ekzistas en homa rezonado, oni ne konas la tabla econ, ne vere konas tablon, t.e. materio ekzistas en homa ideo.


12. Insulin resistance index, presented as homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance (HOMA IR), and glucose or insulin responses to OGTT were similar between groups.


13. Homa Ritual Honoring Bodhisattva Earth Treasure: Reverently composed in Chinese and Translated into English by Dr. Yutang Lin. For reference only, not for unauthorized practice.


14. ra:ay saka homa hoero.


15. Methods: Blood levels of LH, FSH, T, SHBG, TSH, INS were determined by RIA.FBG by GPO, IR by HOMA.


16. The bright, radiant young body took the dead body of the old swami and threw it into the Fire of the ceremony (Homa), and left the place.

明亮,容光焕发的年轻躯体取代的旧有的躯壳, 年青了的瑜珈师, 将旧躯壳扔进火内(哈尔霍马) ,离开这个地方。

17. Homa Ritual Honoring Manjusri:Chinese original written by Guru C. M. Chen, Edited and translated into English by Dr. Yutang Lin. For references only, not to be practiced without authorization.


18. More specifically, they cite a need to shield the new Jewish settlements of Gilo and Har Homa, partially built on old Bethlehem land.


19. Homa Ritual Honoring Heavenly King Vaisravana:Chinese original written by Guru C.M.Chen, Edited and translated into English by Dr.Yutang Lin.


20. Multiple regression analysis indicated that BMI, WHR and HOMA IR were major factors affecting EDD, though there were gender differences.

相关分析表明 ,BMI、WHR和HOMA IR是影响EDD的主要因素 ,但存在性别差异。

21. The application of homa model and minimal model method of reduced sample number on the insulin resistance


22. Results 1.INS 0,CP 0 and HOMA IR were significantly higher in relatives than those in controls.

结果 (1)一级亲属组较正常对照组 0点胰岛素和C 肽以及稳态模型法 (HOMA)计算的胰岛素抵抗指数 (HOMA IR)显著性升高。

23. CONCLUSIONS: High HOMA-IR and low HOMA%B were independently and consistently associated with an increased diabetes risk in a multi-ethnic cohort of US postmenopausal women.


24. Measures of insulin resistance were minimal model analysis (MMA) as the gold standard, and homeostasis model assessment (HOMA).


25. In this group, the 2-hour postload glucose measure also showed a rapid increase that started about 3 years before diagnosis, and HOMA insulin sensitivity fell sharply during 5 years before diagnosis.


26. These data suggest the alues of HOMA indices for diabetes risk in epidemiologic studies.


27. Insulin resistance was estimated by HOMA value and its relationship to leptin level in obese was analyzed.


28. Haffner SM,Kennedy E, Gonzalez C,et al. A prospective analysis of the HOMA model. The Mexico City diabetes study. Diabetes Care,1996,19:1138.


29. The levels of BMI,SBP,DBP,TG,HOMA? IR and serum cholesterol(TC) were increased and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol(HDL?C) was decreased step by step accompany by the number of cardiovascular risk factors increased.

随着危险因素数量增多 ,BMI、SBP、DBP、TG、HOMA IR和胆固醇 (TC)呈升高趋势 ,高密度脂蛋白 胆固醇 (HDL C)呈降低趋势 ,各种大血管病变的患病率明显上升。
