
honourhonourD.J.:[ˈɔnə]K.K.:[ˈɑnɚ]n.1.尊重, 敬重One must show honour to one's parents.人人都应该尊敬父母。2.名誉, 信用, 荣誉Her honour was discredited in the newspapers.她的名声被报纸败坏了。3.被引以为荣的人物He is an honour to his country.他是祖国的光荣。4.荣幸It has been a great honour your coming to visit me.您来看我, 不胜荣幸。They feel deeply the honour of belonging to the Senate.他们为作为参议院的成员而深感荣幸。5.各种荣誉称号He received many honours from many cities, colleges and societies.他享有许多城市、大学及学会所授予的荣誉称号。vt.1.尊敬We all honour courageous people.我们都尊重勇敢的人。Children should honour their father and mother.孩子们应该尊敬其父母。Lanny had honoured him as a teacher.兰尼尊他为师。I am honoured to be asked to speak.我应邀发言, 不胜荣幸。We're deeply honoured that you should agree to join us.想不到您会同意一起来, 真是不胜荣幸。2.承兑, 执行We demand that they honour this contract.我们要求他们执行这份合同。

honour['ɔnə]n.1.荣誉,光荣2.名誉,声誉,信誉;面子,体面3.节操,廉耻4.正义感,道义;自尊5.尊敬,敬意6.[复数]礼仪,仪式7.光荣的人(或事物);荣耀8.徽章,勋章;敬礼式;荣典9.[复数]叙勋,授勋10.[复数](尤指大学生的)优等;高级课程11.(所受到的)荣幸,款待12.高位,显职;封号13.[常作H-](前与his, your等连用)阁下;大人14.(女性的)纯洁,贞操15.(竞赛等的)奖励;比赛奖金16.=honor point17.=honor card18.【高尔夫球】先打权,开球权19.[古语]屈膝礼;鞠躬adj.1.荣誉的,名誉的;与名誉有关的vt.1.尊敬,尊重;敬重,仰慕:He will be always honoured by the people.他将永远受到人民的敬仰。You must honour him who will honour you.你必须尊重别人,他才会尊重你。2.向…表示敬重;授予…的荣誉(或职位等):Everybody stood up and warmly applauded to honour his coming.所有的人都从座位上站起来热烈鼓掌,对他的到来表示敬意。He was honoured with the Nobel prize for medicine in 2002.他曾获2002年度诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。3.礼待;有幸,使增光:John told me that the President would honour me by meeting me in the White House.约翰告诉我,总统要在白宫接见我。I'll be greatly honoured by your gracious presence.如蒙光临,不胜荣幸。4.执行,施行;批准,承认…有效:I only honoured my promise to your father.我只不过完成了我对你父亲的承诺。Your application to join the club was honoured.你加入俱乐部的申请获得批准了。5.【商业】承兑(汇票等),承认并如期支付(支票、票据)6.【方形舞】向…鞠躬(致意)7.【宗教】礼拜,膜拜(上帝)近义词homagereverencedeferencedo honour to (someone)给(某人)带来荣誉,给(某人)增光对(某人)表示敬意,尊敬地对待(某人)do the honours (of)作主妇(或主人)招待,尽地主之谊(feel) bound in honour (或 in honour bound) to do (something)(感到)在道义上有责任做(某事)for honour of为顾全…的信用for the honour of为了…的声誉give one's (word of) honour以名誉担保have the honour有幸,荣幸Honours(are)even.【牌戏】双方持有同等数目的大牌。力量(或实力等)均等,势均力敌。in honour of向…表示敬意;为纪念…;为了庆祝…on(或upon)one's honour以名誉担保,这的确属实put someone on his honour使某人立誓保证to someone's honour关乎某人的名誉;对某人的名声upon one's word of honour[口语]以人格担保
