

1. The current products' ability to meet the latest HSF specification;


2. d) the availability and use of HSF monitoring and measuring devices,


3. b) The HSF objectives shall include a timeline, as appropriate, for the elimination of hazardous substances identified and used in processes or products including procured products.


4. Tip: Before you download HSF driver run a FREE scan for driver updates!


5. human splicing factor(HSF)


6. Expression of human HSF in E.coli and its effects on mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells in rhesus monkeys


7. The following webs are interactive and HSF suppliers could feedback if needed.


8. d) Records of the results of the HSF review and actions arising from the review shall be kept and maintained.


9. Halting Speed Function(HSF)


10. Keywords artesunate;fibroblast;HSF Cell line;HLF cell line;ECV304 Cell line;MTT selective action;


11. a) determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting HSF product quality,


12. Determine the interdependence and interaction of these processes and develop an appropriate HSF process management plan.


13. c) determine the interdependence and interaction of these processes and develop an appropriate HSF process management plan.


14. b) Processes that include any restricted substance shall be uniquely identified and segregated to prevent combination with HSF product.


15. a) includes a commitment to comply with requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the HSF management practices.


16. Includes a commitment to comply with requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the HSF management practices.


17. In simple hypoxia condition, HSF in G 0/G 1 phase were increased, but 3H TdR uptake was decreased.


18. HSF and HSC-T6 in logarithmic growth phase were incubated in culture plates in which the cultured cell density were adjusted to 1 x lOVml. OD values of the cells were tested by the method of MTT after 24hr incubation.


19. Acetylcholine-induced relaxation was markedly decreased in all experimental groups compared with that in NC group and the maximal response was decreased 37.4% in HSF group,32.7% in HUF group,27.7% in HS group.


20. The identification of phylogenetic relationships among HSF proteins in these species is a fundamental step to unravel the functionality of new and yet uncharacterized genes belonging to this family.


21. b) reporting to top management on the organization's performance pursuant to the HSF plan and needs and recommended improvements in execution.


22. Compared with the control group,the expressions of TIMP-1 mRNA in HSF in the Rz182 group and Rzm group were depressed by 87.9% and 36.4%,respectively. There was significant difference between the Rz182 group and the Rzm group(P<0.01).

在mRNA水平,与正常对照组相比,稳定表达活性核酶Rz182的HSF中TIMP 1的表达被抑制了87.9%,而点突变核酶抑制达36.4%,两者之间差异非常显著(P<0.01)。

23. Top management shall include and report on, during the regular management reviews, activities related to the HSF plan with regards to identification, use of hazardous substances, nonconformance's and corrective actions.


24. At suitable stages, systematic reviews of the design and development shall be performed in accordance with the HSF plan.


25. Control of nonconforming HSF product


26. Then, the HSF is diffused by the multi-scale diffusion algorithm and the diffused HSF is applied to the image segmentation based on GAC model.


27. b) the need to establish HSF processes, documents, and provide resources specific to the HSF product;


28. In order to study the function of HSF, two human HSF prokaryotic expression plasmids ( pET-11/HSF1 and pET-11B/HSF2 ) were constructed and expressed efficiently in E.

建立了两种人HSF原核表达体系并研究了原核表达产物与顺式作用元件HSE(heat shock element)相互作用的性质。

29. d) establish criteria upon which to objectively determine the effectiveness of the organization's HSF process management.


30. The organization shall validate HSF processes for production and service provision where the resulting output cannot be verified by subsequent monitoring or measurement.


31. e) records needed to provide evidence that the HSF realization processes and resulting product meet requirements.


32. b) provides a framework for establishing and reviewing HSF objectives.


33. e) providing resources to ensure progress toward HSF products and production processes.


34. i) reporting the status of all HSF corrective actions for management review.


35. Methods: The morphology of HSF was observed under an electron microscope. The cell cycle was analyzed with flow cytometry. 3H TdR uptake was tested with isotope labeled method.


36. First, this paper introduces the format and the structure of ZIP compressed files, then describes thecoding methods of HSF, at last analyses two compressing algorithms of ZIP.


37. The intention of this document is that HSF process management is to be congruent with the elements of ISO 9001:2000 international Standard.

本文件的目的是要让 HSF 流程管理符合 ISO 9001:2000 国际标准的要项。

38. We described the HSF structure and th e regulation of its transcriptional activity.


39. This includes any HSF processes where deficiencies become apparent only after the product is in use or the service has been delivered.


40. Heat shock factors ( HSF ) are major trans-factors for hsp transcriptional regulation. The study of its regulation mechanism will lead to a better understanding of their biological functions.


41. heat shock factor(HSF)


42. heat shock transcription factor (HSF)


43. The kinetics of iron released from the ferric core of horse spleen ferritin (HSF) by dithiothreitol(DTT) was determined by electronic spectroscopy method.

用光谱法研究了二硫苏糖醇 (DTT)还原马脾铁蛋白 (HSF)释放铁的动力学 .

44. Objective To investigate the expression level and intracellular distribution of calretic- ulin(CRT)in hypertrophic scar-derived fibroblasts(HSF)and normal skin-derived fibroblasts(NSF).


45. c) ensuring that HSF related requirements and responsibilities are communicated and understood throughout the organization.


46. b) identify the specific processes to be managed relevant to its HSF goals.


47. f) records of the organization's HSF process management performance.


48. The organization shall determine, collect and analyze appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the HSF process management system.


49. The organization shall determine the monitoring and measurement to be undertaken and the monitoring and measuring devices needed to provide evidence of conformity of HSF product to determined requirements.


50. The organization shall plan HSF production and service provisions under controlled conditions. Controlled conditions shall include, as applicable


51. The organization shall establish and implement the inspection or other activities necessary for ensuring that purchased product meets specified HSF purchase requirements.


52. f) The organization shall establish and implement the inspection or other activities necessary for ensuring that purchased product meets specified HSF purchase requirements.


53. a) The organization shall ensure that procured product conforms to HSF requirements.


54. The organization shall ensure that procured product conforms to HSF requirements.


55. The organization shall plan and implement the monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes needed to demonstrate conformity to HSF requirements.


56. The organization shall plan and develop the processes needed for HSF product realization.


57. The results showed that the mortality of the NaCl group was 98%, Indomethecin 100%, HC 58%, EGF 18%, HSF 16% and HSF+EGF 2%, respectively. It suggested that HSS + EGF had excellent curative effects in mice with toxic necrosis of the liver.


58. The results provide proofs for regulation of CaM on activity of HSF likely through binding to HSP70.Maize was used as experimental material.


59. The HSF outputs of design and development shall be provided in a form that enables verification against the design and development input and shall be approved prior to release.


60. HSF design and development changes shall be identified and records maintained. The changes shall be reviewed, verified and validated, as appropriate, and approved before implementation.


61. - Be responsible for handling all customer HSF questionnaires, declarations, etc.


62. a) Where appropriate, the organization shall identify the HSF product by suitable means throughout product realization.


63. The HSF gene was integrated into host genomic DNA of Suzhou Qing via Agribacterium tumefaciens and the PCR-Southern proved it.


64. g) implement actions to ensure continuous process improvement in achieving HSF.


65. - All HSF issues except the above.


66. b) HSF requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for specified or intended uses, where known.


67. HSF high structure furnace black


68. Top management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of practices consistent with achieving HSF products and production processes and the continuous improvement of such by


69. Top management shall ensure that HSF related responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated within the organization.


70. Top management shall ensure that the organization's personnel are informed of performance effectiveness and issues as relate to the HSF policies and execution plan.

