
hunthuntD.J.:[hʌnt]K.K.:[hʌnt]vt. & vi.1.打猎, 猎取The men only hunted; the women did everything else.男人只管打猎, 别的事都是妇女干的。They are hunting the foxes.他们在猎狐。2.搜寻, 寻找, 追捕I've hunted everywhere but I can't find it.我到处都找遍了, 就是找不到。They went to the island to hunt the buried treasure.他们到岛上去寻找埋藏的宝物。vt.1.驱逐, 追逐We hunted the neighbour's chickens out of our yard.我们把邻居家的小鸡从我们院子里轰走了。He was hunted out of the country.他被驱逐出境了。n.1.打猎, 猎取I took part in the tiger hunt.我参加了猎虎。2.搜寻, 寻找The hunt is on for the criminal.正在搜捕该罪犯。

hunt[hʌnt]vt.1.狩猎,猎取,追猎;猎食;追杀(猎物):to hunt big game猎捕猛兽to hunt ivory猎象(以猎取象牙)2.用…狩猎:to hunt one's hounds驱赶猎犬打猎3.在…处狩猎:to hunt a hunting field在狩猎场狩猎4.追捕;寻找;追赶,驱赶;骚扰;迫害:At last he was hunted down and killed by hanging.最后,他还是遭到追捕,被处以绞刑。to hunt a treasure house寻找宝库5.【教会】改变(教堂鸣钟)的次序vi.1.打猎;(野兽等)猎食:Tiger hunts in the night.老虎在夜间猎食。2.搜寻,搜求;探求(常与 after, for 连用):I've been hunting for my cat for months, but I couldn't find him.我找我那只猫有好几个月了,可一直也没找到。to hunt after information探求知识3.4.(机器等)不规则地摇动(或摆动)5.【电子学】摆动,振动,振荡6.【航空学】摆振7.(教堂鸣钟)改变鸣响次序n.1.打猎,狩猎2.一组猎人,(骑马等的)猎队3.猎地,猎区;猎场4.猎人协会5.追逐,追寻6.寻找,搜寻,搜索7.8.摆动,振动,振荡9.【航空学】摆振10.(教堂鸣钟等5~12响之间有规律的)次序改变be on a hunt for找,寻找in the hunt[美国俚语]有机会on the hunt (for)正在寻找(或搜索)out of the hunt[美国俚语]没有机会the hunt is on (for)= on the hunt (for)

hunthunt[hʌnt]vt.1.打猎2.在(某地区)打猎, 搜索(猎物)3.追寻, 搜索(up, out)4.(用马, 狗)打猎5.捕捉; 追逐(from, down)hunt the county在这郡中打猎hunt the hounds用猎犬打猎hunt the cat out of the kitchen把猫赶出厨房They hunted him down and strung him up.他们把他捉住然后将他捆起来。
词性变化hunt[hʌnt]vi.1.打猎2.寻[探]求, (仔细)搜索[寻](after, for)3.(兽类等)猎食4.(机器等)不规则地摆[振, 波]动, 振荡, (仪器指示与实测值间的)不稳定关系hunt for a lost book寻找遗失的书Wolves hunt in packs,狼成群猎食。hunt[hʌnt]n.1.打猎2.追寻, 搜索3.打猎队; 猎区4.猎人会5.摆振a member of the hunt打猎队中的一员rainbow hunt痴心妄想, 追求不可得的事物treasure hunt寻宝(一种儿童游戏)


词性变化hunt[hʌnt]adj.1.(狗)经训练可牧羊的huntress[ˈhʌntrɪs]n.1.女猎人, 女猎神(Diana); 母猎马huntableadj.huntedlyadv.