
ideaideaD.J.:[aiˈdiə]K.K.:[aɪˈdiə]n.1.想法, 主意The firm's directors quickly approved the new idea.公司的董事们很快赞同了这个新想法。At this moment an idea burst upon him—a glorious idea.此刻他突然产生一个想法, 一个十分美妙的想法。As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.因为有代沟的存在, 所以我们必须记住, 年轻人可能不喜欢这个想法。2.思想, 概念In ideas those two political parties are worlds apart.那两个政党在思想上有巨大分歧。They look alike but in ideas they are very far apart from each other.他们看起来相似, 但他们在思想方面却截然不同。After a frank exchange of ideas, the two of them finally broke down their long-standing prejudice against each other and became friends again.开诚布公地交换思想之后, 他们两人终于解开了长期存在的疙瘩, 重归于好。3.知道, 了解The report will give you an idea of the problems involved.这份报告将使你对所涉及的一些问题有所了解。Have you any idea of the time?你知道现在几点钟了吗?I had no idea of his age.我不知道他多大岁数了。I've got a fairly good idea of what they want.我已经完全清楚他们要什么。The police have a good idea how most of the cannabis that is introduced into the country gets past the Customs.警方非常了解传入该国的大部分印度大麻是如何通过海关的。

idea[ai'diə; 'ai'diə]n.1.观念;概念;思想2.主意,想法;意见,观点,看法;信念,念头3.计划,打算,意图4.想像,模糊的想法,幻想5.意义,意思6.【哲学】理念;观念;(康德哲学的)纯粹理性概念7.心灵中的映像 [基督教科学派用语]8.【音乐】主题;音型;乐思9.[废语]记忆中的形象10.[废语]意象,表象,外表,形象11.[废语]理想中的人(或物)get(或 have) ideas into one's head[口语]抱有不切实际的(或有害的)想法have no idea一无所知;没想到;完全不理解put ideas in somebody's head使某人想入非非;使某人心存奢望run away with the idea不加考虑地附和某种意见;轻率地下结论somebody's ideas of[口语]某人对…的看法That's the idea![口语]我赞成!对,就是这个意思!the big idea[用于讽刺]重要意图,伟大计划

ideaidea[aiˈdiə]n.1.思想; 概念2.意见; 主意; 念头3.计划; 企图; 建议4.想象; 感觉; 幻想5.【哲】理念; 观念absolute idea绝对观念a man of ideas有很多见解的人be full of ideas足智多谋I have no idea (as to) what you mean.我一点儿也不明白你的意思。That's a good idea.那是个好主意。What's your idea?你的意见怎样?My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life.我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。

参考词汇idea;concept;conception;thought;notion;impression;都含“念头”、“想法”、“观念”的意思。1.idea为一般用语, 指“由于理解、思索、推理、幻想而产生于脑中的思想、念头、主意、想法”, 如:The idea of death is frightening to most people.死的想法对于大多数人都是可怕的。2.concept 指“从一类事物的许多例子中概括出来的一种基本概念”, 如:The concept of cat arises from many cats we see.猫的概念是从我们看见的许多猫中产生的。3.conception指“在人的脑子里形成的意念或计划”, 即指“理性的概括活动”, 如:A good novelist needs great power of conception.一个好的小说家需要丰富的想象力。4.thought指“经过思考或推理而形成的思想、看法或想法”, 如:He has many thoughts on the matter.他对这事有许多想法。5.notion 指“未完全、清楚或彻底形成或了解的思想、想法”, 如:She had a notion that the share market would rise.她认为股票市场将兴起。6.impression 指“外部事物在脑子里所产生的印象”, 如:His speech made a strong impression on the audience.他的讲演给听众留下了深刻的印象。