

1. The next succession will be trickier.That may explain why the jingoistic volume is now being cranked up, to show that Mr Kim has army support for his plans.


2. The second turn saw the change to the conservative,traditional moralism and jingoism.


3. Predictions of jingoistic nationalismduring the Olympics proved to be wrong.


4. For example, the perception that Asian men are sneaky and traitorous is founded entirely on wartime hysteria and jingoism following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.


5. Tian’s large photographs have captured the cast of thousands performing jingoistic pieces dedicated to the glory of their leader Jongil Kim.


6. Even inside Israel, human-rights groups, concerned that much of the normally outspoken local press has turned largely jingoistic, have launched a website to expose the mounting tragedy inside Gaza.


7. More than once in our history we've seen patriotism slide into jingoism, xenophobia, the stifling of dissent;


8. More thanonce in our history we've seen patriotism slide into jingoism,xenophobia, the stifling of dissent;


9. that mass euphoria or hysterical jingoism are not substance for reporting and that a conscientious writer would think twice before subscribing to servility towards celebrities.


10. It is not a jingoistic call to arms.It mentions China only in passing, and it never explicitly addresses the reality that China has already become a big power.


11. We were never really at the party, and Britpop was like a big party: people slapping one another on the back and getting beery and jingoistic.

我们从来都不是所谓的英式摇滚 英摇就像个大趴替:大家互相拍打 买醉 变得狭隘易怒。

12. That said, I think we should first lay down a solid foundation-- a base line-- of extreme homophobia, jingoism, fear of the Other, and a psychotic rapaciousness toward the natural world.


13. That said, I think we should first lay down a solid foundation -- a base line -- of extreme homophobia, jingoism, fear of the Other, and a psychotic rapaciousness toward the natural world.


14. "It should also be saidthat Chinese students abroad are often more jingoistic than the ones inChina.


15. To top it all, irresponsible and jingoistic statements by the political leadership precipitated matters and gave a handle to the Chinese to attack Indian posts in 'self-defense'.


16. In tackling this issue, both governments must deal with national pride and jingoistic media.


17. That may explain why the jingoistic volume is now being cranked up, to show that Mr Kim has army support for his plans.


18. Avoid making criticism based on personal moral grounds, spirituality, or jingoism (excessive patriotism).


19. Gooks are just so chock full of racist,arrogant,jingoistic terminology proclaiming Korea to be some “heavenly kingdom”!

