
jugglejuggleD.J.:[ˈdʒʌɡl]K.K.:[ˈdʒʌɡəl]vt.1.耍弄The juggler juggled three bottles.这个玩杂耍的人可同时抛接三个瓶子。2.歪曲, 颠倒He juggled the company's accounts to show a profit.为了表明公司赢利, 他篡改了公司的账目。

juggle['dʒʌɡl]vi.1.(用球、盘子、小刀等)玩杂耍;变戏法(常与with连用):The acrobat is good at juggling with plates.那个杂技演员很擅长耍盘子。2.玩弄,玩花样(常与with连用):Don't juggle with words any more. I know what you mean.不要再玩文字游戏了,我知道你是什么意思。3.耍花招,耍弄,欺骗 (常与with连用):Don't juggle with your old Daddy,son.不要骗你老爸了,儿子。4.歪曲,篡改 (常与with连用):to juggle with history歪曲历史vt.1.用…玩杂耍(或变戏法);边抛边接(球等):He can juggle a fan into a bird.他能把扇子变成小鸟。2.歪曲,篡改,颠倒:The clerk juggled the figures in his account.那个职员篡改了他户头上的数字。Never juggle black and white.千万不要混淆黑白。3.欺骗,诈取:to juggle somebody out of his money骗取某人的钱He juggled me into buying his car.他骗我买下他的车。4.对…抓(握)不住;试图持稳(或接稳);力图使平衡:He still juggled the ball though he made every effort to catch it.虽然他尽一切努力想抓牢那个球,但还是没接稳。Women usually have to juggle a career and a family.妇女通常不得不努力在事业与家庭间维持一种平衡。5.应付,努力对付:Manufacturers must be able to juggle demands of all kinds.制造商必须能够应付各种需求。n.1.变戏法,杂耍,魔术2.花招;骗局变形vi.juggledjuggling
