
jumpjumpD.J.:[dʒʌmp]K.K.:[dʒʌmp]vt. & vi.1.跳, 跃The red horse is jumping well.这匹红马在这几跳中都跳得不错。He jumped the ditch.他跃过了那条沟。vi.1.惊跳2.暴涨n.1.跳, 跃The jump was a very difficult one.这种跳是非常困难的一种。2.猛长, 激增There has been a jump in the price of food.食品价格暴涨。

jump[dʒʌmp]vi.1.跳,跃;跳跃;弹跳:He jumped with joy when he heard the good news.当他听到这一好消息时高兴得跳了起来。How high can you jump?你能跳多高?2.(从座位上)一下子站起:He jumped to his feet at the sight of his father.他一看见他爸爸立刻一跃而起。to jump from seat从座位上突然站起3.(因惊奇或震惊而)急动,猛地一跳:The scream made me jump.尖叫声吓我一跳。4.(用降落伞从飞机上)跳伞:At 4 a.m.parachuters began to jump.凌晨4点钟,伞兵们开始跳伞。5.匆促下结论(或做出判断):Don't jump to a conclusion.不要匆促下结论。6.立即行动(以抓住时机):He jumps at the chance when it occurs.当机会出现时,他及时抓住了。7.随意从一件事(或一个话题等)转移到另外一件事(或话题);突然变动:He jumps from one topic to another. I can't make out what he is driving at.他从一个话题跳到另一个话题,我不知道他究竟想说明什么。The young man jumps from job to job.那个年轻人不停地变换工作。8.(价格等)暴涨,突升;猛增:Oil prices jumped in the past year.在过去一年中,石油价格猛涨。The steel output is jumping.钢产量正在猛增。9.越级晋升:She jumped rapidly from secretary to manager.她很快从秘书越级晋升为经理。10.积极行动,奔忙;活跃:As soon as the plan is mapped out,he jumps at once.计划一制订好,他就立即行动起来了。The whole town is jumping.整个城镇一片活跃。11.跳跃正常位置:My typewriter jumps and I have to stop my work.我的打字机老是跳键,我不得不停下手里的活。12.【桥牌】跳叫:He jumped from 3 clubs to four spades.他从梅花3一下子跳叫到黑桃4。13.【西洋跳棋】跳吃对方的棋子14.一致,符合(常与with,together连用):His opinions jump with mine.他的意见与我的一致。Her tastes and her means don't jump together.她的爱好和她的收入很不相称。15.【计算机】离开指令执行的正常序列,转移16.(电视影像的)抖动;跳动17.[口语]活跃;(爵士乐等)奏出强烈节奏:The party was jumping when we left.当我们离开时,晚会正进行得红红火火。18.[口语](出其不意地)突然攻击,猛扑19.[口语]严厉批评,呵斥20.(报刊中将文章一部分)转入他页;由他页转来vt.1.跳跃,跳过:A dog jumped the fence.一条狗跳过了篱笆。to jump a ditch跳过沟堑2.使跳跃,使跳过;使颠动:to jump a horse across a ditch纵马跳过堑沟The mother is jumping her baby up and down on her knees.那位母亲正把她的小孩放在膝上上下颠动着。3.略过,跳过:You can jump this chapter.你可以跳过这一章不读。The clever boy jumped the fifth grade in school.那个聪明的男孩跳过了小学五年级。4.使惊起,使跳起:The noise jumped me out of my chair.这噪声把我从椅子上惊起。5.越(级)晋升;使越级晋升:The captain jumped several grades and now was a colonel.这名上尉一连跳过了好几级,现在是上校了。The college jumped him from instructor to full professor.学院突然把他从讲师越级提升为正教授。6.使(物价等)猛涨;使猛增:The country jumped their oil prices.该国突然大大提高了石油价格。7.[美国英语]跳上(或跳下),搭上(车辆等):He jumped an express train for Beijing.他跳上了一辆开往北京的特快列车。8.(火车等)出(轨):The train jumped the track.火车出轨了。9.[美国俚语](偷偷地)突然离开;擅离(职守);(因犯罪或负债)逃离,逃避,潜逃:I don't think he will jump his hotel bill.我认为他不会不付旅馆账单就溜掉的。to jump ship弃职离船10.(从隐藏处)突然袭击,猛地扑向;[美国俚语]抢劫,拦路抢劫:Two robbers jumped him last night.昨晚,两个强盗袭击了他。11.[口语](赛跑、开车等)抢在(规定或信号)前出发:The driver is trying to jump the green light.司机试图抢绿灯把车开过去。12.【桥牌】跳级叫牌13.(报刊中)把(文章一部分)转入另页14.[口语]猛攻,叱责:He jumped his son out.他把他的儿子痛骂了一顿。15.(在煎锅中)摇动着煎煮16.【跳棋】跳吃(对方棋子)17.非法侵占,霸占(他人土地或采矿权):to jump a claim霸占土地(或采矿权)18.【地质学】在(岩石)上冲击打眼19.【电子学】跨接,跳线20.[美国英语]交流;交换21.【计算机】转移22.[废语]冒…的危险;冒险做出n.1.跳,跃,跳跃2.一跳的距离(或高度)3.惊跳,突然的一跳4.(从飞机上的)跳伞5.[the jumps][俚语]震颤,心神不定;舞蹈病;神经性颤搐6.需跳越的障碍7.突变,突然转换8.【田径】跳跃运动(如跳高,跳远)9.(物价等的)暴涨;猛增10.略去部分;跳过部分11.短途旅行;短程12.(起步、出发时的)抢先,占先13.【跳棋】跳吃14.【桥牌】跳叫15.(报刊文章的)转页,转版16.【计算机】(电脑程序指令的)转移17.[俚语]抢劫18.[俚语]节奏强而快的爵士乐19.[俚语]舞会,社交聚会20.[俚语]性交21.【建筑学】大放脚的楼梯22.[废语]冒险adj.1.[美国俚语]节奏强而快的爵士乐的2.跳伞的,伞兵的adv.1.[废语]精确地;确切地a jump ahead抢先一步,超前一步(at a) full jump[美国英语]全速地,迅速地at one jump[美国英语]立刻,一下子at the jump一开始be all of a jump胆战心惊for the high jump[俚语](因为行为不端)受审一定要受惩处from the (first) jump从一开始get (或 have) the jump on[俚语]抢在…之前,先发制人;对…占优势,胜过give someone a jump[口语]使某人吓一跳jump a claim见 claimjump all over someone[俚语]叱责某人,责骂某人(尤指不给人以申辩余地)jump ball(篮球比赛开始时的)跳球jump bail见 bail¹jump down one's throat见 throatjump in the lake见 lake¹jump in (或 into) with both feet见 footjump off the deep end发脾气[美国俚语]仓促行事;采取果断行动jump on board= jump aboardjump out of one's skin见 skinjump over the broomstick见 broomstickjump pass【体育】跳传球jump salty[美国俚语]发怒,上为jump ship见 ship jump smooth [美国俚语]心平气和,态度友好诚实处置jump the bite见 bitejump the gun见 gunjump the queue见 queuejump through hoops以完成某些任务来证实自己的能力;在别人操纵下行动jump to it立即行动,马上着手干活jump to the eye(s)见 eyeone jump ahead= a jump aheadon the high jump= for the high jumpon the jump在移动中;在忙碌中,来回奔忙迅猛地;急忙地;突然地神经紧张,坐立不安on the keen jump迅猛地,赶快地take a jump up the line(巡回马戏团等)奔下一站而去

jumpjump[dʒʌmp]vi.1.跳, 跳跃2.突然起来; 惊跳; 雀跃3.猛烈地移[跳]动; 积极行动, 使劲干, 赶快做; 迅速抓紧(时机); 活跃4.跳过, 越过(over); 越级提升5.(物价等)暴涨6.(结论)匆匆做出; (话题、主张等)突然改变7.(工作等)任意变动; (注意力等)无目的地转移8.迫不及待地[欣然]接受(at), 急切投入(in, into)9.一致, 符合(with)10.(电影中的映象)歪跳, 颠倒; (桥牌中的)跳级叫牌11.猛扑; (口头上)攻击,叱责(on, upon)12.(打字机等)跳格,跳位; (从飞机上)跳伞; (计算机程序指令)移转; (排字)转栏, 转入他页jump at once立即行动jump over a page or two跳过一两页jump at [to] a conclusion匆匆作出结论, 轻率断定jump from one topic to another从一个话题跳到另一个话题jump from job to job盲目地调换工作, 见异思迁jump at the chance急切地抓住机会He wanted them to jump to it.他希望他们赶快办这件事。Gold shares jumped yesterday.昨天黄金股票猛涨。His ideas jump with mine.他的意见与我一致。This typewriter jumps and needs repairing.这台打字机跳字, 需要修理。
词性变化jump[dʒʌmp]vt.1.跳过, 越过2.使跳跃, 使颤动, 使惊起, 使鸟惊飞3.跳上[下], 搭上4.突然离开, 擅离(职位); [俚](因欠债等)逃离, 逃亡5.使(物价等)猛涨; 使(人)连升职位[级别]6.(报刊中)把(文章一部分)转入他页7.[口]猛攻, 叱责, 痛斥(out)8.(打桥牌时)跳级叫高; 抢在...前出发; 抢先于...行动; 非法侵占(采矿权等)9.(在煎锅中)摇动着煎煮10.【电】跨接, 跳线11.【地质】把(岩石)冲击打眼jump a baby up and down on one's knees把小孩抱在膝上上下颠动jump sb. out of chair使某人吃惊得从椅子上跳起jump the green light抢绿灯(在红灯转换之前把车开过去)be jumped by an enemy aircraft突然遭到敌机攻击The thugs jumped him in a dark alley.在黑巷里歹徒们突然攻击他。They jump their prices to offset heavy expenditures.他们提高物价来抵销庞大的开支。The college jumped him from instructor to full professor.大学突然把他从讲师提升为正教授。jump[dʒʌmp]n.1.跳, 跃2.惊跳; [the jumps] 震颤; 心神不定, 焦虑3.暴涨; 突升; 突增4.一跳的距离; (需要跳跃的)障碍5.跳跃比赛6.(西方棋中)吃对方子的一着7.(起步、出发时)占先8.(系列的)中断; 矿脉的断层9.(空航途中的)一段短程10.阶差11.【计】(指令)跳变, 转移12.跳线13.(文章)转入他页14.跳伞15.(爵士音乐等的)急奏16.【建】大放脚的梯级17.顶锻, 镦粗; (薄板叠轧时的)折皱(缺陷)
