

1. "Miss Melly ain'--kain--?" Pork paused delicately.


2. "Miss Scarlett, ef Ah doan have mo' in mah stummick, Ah kain split no wood."


3. "Cose, Mis' Gerald might' nigh had a fit w'en dey tuck me, an' he say he kain run de place widout me.


4. Nevertheless Kain shall be burned Until Asshur carry you away captive.


5. Kain, Gibeah, and Timnah: ten cities with their villages.


6. Cheongsam ini dibuat daripada kain apa?


7. "Her long reign saw the heyday of verbal humor" (Richard Kain)"The 1930s saw the development of sulfa drugs and penicillin" (Gregg Easterbrook)


8. "How viable are the ancient legends as vehicles for modern literary themes?" (Richard Kain).

“将古代传说作为表达现代文学主题的工具,这样的可行性有多少呢?” (理查德·凯恩)

9. "Hyde noted the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated" (Richard Kain)


10. "The text is a tissue of mocking echoes" (Richard M. Kain)


11. No'm, Ah kain stop fer you ter look around.


12. and the king of Israel discerned him that he [was] of the prophets. Lalu segeralah ia membuka kain pembalut itu dari matanya, sehingga raja Israel mengenali dia sebagai seorang dari rombongan nabi.


13. He is the author of Athena and Eden: The Hidden Meaning of the Parthenon's East Facade, and Athena and Kain: The True meaning of Greek Myth.


14. And he made the robe of the ephod [of] woven work, all [of] blue. Dibuatnyalah gamis baju efod, buatan tukang tenun, dari kain ungu tua seluruhnya.


15. Otis Kain commented via Something C.


16. In response to the economic conditions more and more seigneurs abolished the square-fields system contract,started the privatization of landownership and created the kain contract.


17. You kain show yo' buzzum befo' three o'clock an' dat dress ain' got no neck an' no sleeves.


18. And thou shalt make the robe of the ephod all [of] blue. Haruslah kaubuat gamis baju efod dari kain ungu tua seluruhnya.


19. Kain no gempmum fight wid his bowels tuhnin' ter water."


20. And every open vessel, which hath no covering bound upon it, [is] unclean. setiap bejana yang terbuka yang tidak ada kain penutup terikat di atasnya adalah najis.


21. Kain biological approved by the State Planning Commission and support, government support for China's first biological field virus engineered Demonstration Center.


22. Legacy of Kain - Defiance


23. dan Habel menjadi gembala kambing domba, Kain menjadi petani.


24. We kain tek no cow wid us.


25. Out of that city, the defiant line of Kain prospered as he and his offspring embraced the wisdom of the serpent.


26. And when the night was nearly spent, Mammy, who had cried herself out out over her mistress's dark head, protested, 'But, honey, you kain do dat!'


27. She say fer me ter tell y'all plain as Ah knows how dat she jes' kain unnerstan' y'all desertin' her in her hour of need."


28. Her long reign saw the heyday of verbal humor(Richard Kain)The 1930s saw the development of sulfa drugs and penicillin(Gregg Easterbrook)

她长时间统治期间为口语幽默的全盛期(理查德 凯恩)20世纪30年代是磺胺剂和盘尼西林研制开发完成的阶段(格雷格 伊斯特布鲁克)

29. Lalu bangunlah Yesus dan menanggalkan jubah-Nya. Ia mengambil sehelai kain lenan dan mengikatkannya pada pinggang-Nya,


30. dan sedang ia berjalan di atas tembok, kelihatanlah kepada orang banyak, bahwa ia memakai kain kabung pada kulit tubuhnya.


31. An', Miss Scarlett, Ah got ter honin' fer Miss Ellen an' Tara, tell it look lak Ah kain stan' it no longer, an' one night Ah lit out fer home, an' Ah rid de freight cabs all de way down ter 'Lanta.

思嘉小姐,我想念太太,想念塔拉。 后来我实在受不了,一天晚上就溜出来,上了一辆货车,一直坐到亚特兰大。

32. Kainō Michitaka


33. The others grumbled, too: "Miss Scarlett, 'ness I gits mo' to eat, I kain nuss neither of these chillun."

旁的人也在嘟嘟囔囔地叫苦。 "俺要是不多吃一点,思嘉小姐,俺的哪个孩子就奶不了了。"

34. and they seized him. Ada seorang muda, yang pada waktu itu hanya memakai sehelai kain lenan untuk menutup badannya, mengikuti Dia. Mereka hendak menangkapnya,


35. In addition, the company to enter the large-scale bio-engineering field, holding the Beijing Kain biotechnology company with a leading domestic research and development capabilities and biotechnology.


36. "Nevertheless Kain will be consumed; How long will Asshur keep you captive?"


37. The camera will reset and you will hear Kain say "Fear the Tube".


38. Miss Pitty, she say dey is Inlish but kain nobody unnerstan a' wud dey says. Yas'm 'tis pow'ful smoky an' de soot jes' ruinin' Miss Pitty's silk cuttins.


39. By Margaret Kain Benton During the '20s, Dad worked hard to support our family, but was very little money left over.


40. The return of Hephaistos to Olympus in Greek religion corresponds to Kain's ignoring Yahweh's command to wander, and his building a city instead.


41. And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? Firman TUHAN kepada Kain: ""Mengapa hatimu panas dan mukamu muram?


42. and he beheld the linen cloths lying there Maka datanglah Simon Petrus juga menyusul dia dan masuk ke dalam kubur itu. Ia melihat kain kapan terletak di tanah,


43. And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment [is] greater than I can bear. Kata Kain kepada TUHAN: ""Hukumanku itu lebih besar dari pada yang dapat kutanggung.


44. Kain, Gibeah and Timnah-ten towns and their villages.


45. The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicines by Surgical Patients: A Follow-Up Survey Study Shu-Ming Wang, Alison A. Caldwell-Andrews, and Zeev N. Kain


46. and the thing was not known. Kemudian perempuan itu mengambil kain tudungan, membentangkannya di atas mulut sumur itu dan menaburkan butir-butir gandum di atasnya, sehingga tidak kelihatan apa-apa.


47. Nomura : Well, if we did a sequel I think Kain is definitely in (laughs).

