
labourlabourD.J.:[ˈleibə]K.K.:[ˈlebɚ]n.1.劳动, 努力; 工作They live by honest labour.他们靠正当劳动生活。This education aimed at combining brain work with manual labour.此项教育的目的在于实现脑力劳动与体力劳动相结合。We should try to reform criminals through labour rather than punish them.我们应该尽量通过劳动改造罪犯, 而不是惩罚他们。We regard labour as a matter of honour.我们认为劳动是光荣的事。2.劳工, 工人Farm labour used to hire themselves out for the summer.农业工人过去经常整个夏天在外面打工。3.分娩, (分娩时的)阵痛His wife is in labour.他的夫人正在分娩。She was in labour for two hours before her baby was finally born.她分娩了两个小时, 才生下婴儿。She went into labour two weeks early.她提前两周分娩了。vi.1.劳动; 努力The boy laboured quietly.这个男孩静静地干着。I laboured to understand him.我努力了解他的意思。They have laboured to complete the job.他们努力完成这一工作。We laboured hard to finish our job ahead of schedule.我们努力工作, 以期把活儿提前干完。2.艰难行进They laboured along the bad road.他们在那条难走的路上艰难地行进。

labour['leibə]n.1.(体力或脑力)劳动;生产性活动2.工作,辛苦,劳累3.劳方,劳工4.工人阶级;劳动力5.劳动成果6.【医学】分娩;阵痛;剧痛7.【医学】分娩期;阵痛期8.[L-]=Labour Party9.[复数] 世事,俗物10.【航海学】(船在海上的)颠簸;左右摇摆vi.1.劳动,干活:They labour assiduously for the benefit of future generations.他们为造福于后代而勤奋地劳动。2.努力(争取);苦干:to labour for the peace of the world为争取世界和平而努力to labour at a mathematical problem努力解决一道数学题3.为…所苦恼;为…而吃苦头;为…迷惑,受…蒙蔽:The couple have been labouring under housing difficulties for several years.这对夫妇几年来一直为住房困难所困扰。4.费力地缓缓前进;艰难地行进:The climbers laboured up the hillside.爬山者吃力地缓缓爬上山坡。5.【航海学】(船只在海上)颠簸;左右摇摆:The passengerliner laboured in the ruffled sea.客轮在波浪翻滚的海面上颠簸。vt.1.过分花费精力于…;过于详尽地阐述:There's no need for the manager to labour the point.经理没必要对这一点啰唆。2.使…辛勤地工作:They seldom labour their wits on thankless task.他们很少为吃力不讨好的工作动脑筋。3.使…厌烦;麻烦;使…疲倦:Don't labour me with trifles.别拿琐事烦我。4.[古语]干活;耕作(土地等)adj.1.劳工的;劳方的;工会的2.[英国英语]工党的be in labour在分娩中;在阵痛中labour for breath吃力地呼吸labour in vain徒劳[亦作lost labour]Labour is light where love doth pay.[谚语]有爱为酬,干活轻松。labour of Sisyphus无休无止的艰苦劳动[亦作Sisyphean toil]labour the point详细说明;啰唆地说to labour under a delusion (misapprehension, misunderstanding)幻想,痴心妄想;因弄错而吃苦头;为误解所苦恼surplus labour【政治经济学】剩余劳动(力)sweated labour血汗劳动;工资低微的工人
