

1. 2) Sparta's Helot system was far different from the Classical slavery characterizing Greek civilization, the model of which was Athens;


2. Bordeaux were in the Group stage in 1999 when Chelsea first qualified, and went through as runners-up to Sparta Prague.


3. With the defeat of Sparta, PRAP's sherd patterns also show, the population spread out through the countryside.


4. Be afraid! Sparta will burn to the ground!


5. “May I give the floor now to the wife of Leonidas and queen of Sparta.

” 下面让列奥尼达斯的妻子斯巴达的女王来讲话。

6. king of Persia who subdued numerous revolutions and made peace with Sparta


7. king of Persia who subdued numerous revolutions and made peace with Sparta (?-359 BC).


8. It is the noblest and safest thing for a great army to be visibly animated by one spirit -Archidamus of Sparta.


9. However, Sparta Praha are not to be under-rated.Ancelotti warned: 'They are an excellent team who have knocked out Lazio and Besiktas.


10. However, Sparta Praha are not to be under-rated.


11. can also go to Attica Peninsula, Athens, Sparta, visit the ancient city of culture, passing up the downtown billion;


12. One of a body of five elected magistrates exercising a supervisory power over the kings of Sparta.


13. Henry has just eclipsed Ian Wright's Arsenal scoring record with his two goals against Sparta Prague and was looking to increase his tally of 186 goals against Manchester City.


14. In this sense, the existence of Sparta and other less free city-states made the Athenians value and exercise the freedom that they possessed and further reinforced their awareness of freedom.


15. From ancient Sparta and Athens to Britain and Germany a century ago, hegemons and upstarts have tended to collide, rather than cooperate.


16. It was implacable duty, the police understood, as the Spartans understood Sparta.


17. He joined Ajax from Sparta Prague in 2003/04, winning the Dutch league title in his first season in Amsterdam.


18. He joined Ajax from Sparta Prague in2003/04, winning the Dutch league title in his first season in Amsterdam.


19. the police understood, as the Spartans understood Sparta, a pitiless lying in wait, a ferocious honesty, a marble informer, Brutus in Vidocq.


20. a war in which Athens and its allies were defeated by the league centered on Sparta; 431-404 BC.


21. A peninsula forming the southern part of Greece south of the Gulf of Corinth.It was dominated by Sparta until the fourth century b.c.


22. A peninsula forming the southern part of Greece south of the Gulf of Corinth. It was dominated by Sparta until the fourth century b.c..


23. The Peloponnesian War is the war between Athens and Sparta in the Fifth Century B.C.


24. But Kratos have no needs for the love of petty gods, he have found a new family in the warriors of Sparta, they bring solace from his past by climb to battle.


25. But ultimately with aid from Persia (modern-day Iran), Sparta defeated and conquered Athens, which never regained its glory.


26. But Sparta could not sustain its dominance.


27. He becomes a mere hereditary general;as in Lacedaemon, a mere functionary, as the King Archon at Athens, or a mere formal hierophant, like the Rex Sacrificulus at Rome.


28. But this small victory would not satisfy the man who had come to be known as the Ghost of Sparta.


29. A token of Sparta's submission to the will of Xerxes.


30. You are a warrior of Sparta, not a coward, only a coward accepts death.


31. You wear the crimson of a Sparta.


32. You speak as if all Sparta conspires against you.


33. Thucydides wrote about one such calamity: the Peloponnesian war between Sparta and Athens in the fifth century BC.


34. "gerousia -In ancient Sparta, the council of elders, one of two chief organs of the Spartan state, the other Being the apella. "


35. " gerousia -In ancient Sparta, the council of elders, one of two chief organs of the Spartan state, the other being the apella. "


36. Kratos: When the glory of Sparta is known throughout the world!


37. Kratos: My wife, my child... How? They were not in Sparta...


38. 1193 BC, the Trojan king Priam Paris handsome second son of King Menelaus of Sparta in Greece, the palace has been the warm hospitality.


39. In the year 1193 B.C., the Trojan prince, convinces Helen, Queen of Sparta, to leave her husband Menelaus, and sail with him back to Troy.


40. 404 B.C. Athens and Sparta square off in the Peloponnesian War. Athens and many other city-states begin to diminish in power.


41. In 273 BC, King Areus of Sparta was away with most of the army when his unpopular uncle Cleonymus invited King Pyrrhus of Epirus to invade Sparta.


42. The Culture and Education in Sparta and Athens


43. One of the best known are the Billings to establish Syracuse, Sparta build the tower together with (see the Greece), to establish the Byzantine Maijiala, Miletus were established, such as Olbia.


44. Sparta tyrannical rule on the use of the general discontent, Athens, in 378 BC, the city organized a new coalition.

利用对斯巴达暴虐统治的普遍不满,雅典于公元前378 年组织了新的城邦联盟。

45. By the seventh century BC a new series of cities had grown up in the valleys and islands of Greece, forgetful of the Aegean cities and civilization that had preceded them; Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Thebes, Miletus among the chief.


46. Former Liverpool goalkeeper Sander Westerveld has signed for Dutch side Sparta Rotterdam on a short term contract.


47. Among the former -- Sparta is the classic example -- marriage relations are in some ways still more archaic than even in Homer.


48. MILAN - After having an excellent display, Gennaro Gattuso sealed Milan's 4-1 victory over Sparta Praha with his first European goal.


49. A queen of Sparta and the mother, by Zeus n the form of a san, of Helen and Pollux and, by her husband Tyndareus, of Castor and Clytemnestra.


50. A queen of Sparta and the mother, by Zeus in the form of a swan, of Helen and Pollux and, by her husband Tyndareus, of Castor and Clytemnestra.


51. A queen of Sparta and the mother,by Zeus in the form of a swan,of Helen and Pollux and,by her husband Tyndareus,of Castor and Clytemnestra.


52. Leda A queen of Sparta and the mother, by Zeus in the form of a swan, of Helen and Pollux and, by her husband Tyndareus, of Castor and Clytemnestra.


53. Bachelor parties (also referred to as stag parties) are pre-wedding bachelor dinners that originated in ancient Sparta, where the dinner was called a “men's mess.


54. MILAN - After the 4-1 victory over Sparta Praha Kaka said: 'We played a great match, we can leave the San Siro with the qualification and with satisfaction.


55. Even here, Theron has eyes and ears which fuel Sparta with doubt and fear.


56. Eos (E): I am grateful you have come, Ghost of Sparta.


57. an ancient region of S Greece in the southeastern Peloponnesus; dominated by Sparta


58. an ancient region of S Greece in the southeastern Peloponnesus; dominated by Sparta.


59. On the other hand, domestic slavery was unknown in Sparta, at least during its best period; the unfree helots were segregated on the estates and the Spartans were therefore less tempted to take the helots' wives.


60. A War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Sparta Fought the Peloponnesian War


61. We are here in the region of extreamly ancient rituals,such as have maintained themselves also in other forms in Eleusis and Sparta;


62. When Sparta later accused him of complicity with Persia, he fled the Peloponnese, and served as governor of some Asian Greek cities still under Persian rule until his death.


63. Afterward the Sparta king and the Elis king has signed " the sacred armistice month " the treaty.


64. Later, King of Sparta and Elis Wang signed a "sacred truce," the treaty.


65. Even for the man who was known as the “Ghost of Sparta”?


66. To sacred Sparta, a king. Our king!


67. "return to sparta, and prepare for battle."


68. “At age seven, as is customary in Sparta...the boy was taken from his mother and plunged in a world of violence.


69. Before you speak, Persian, know that in Sparta, everyone, even a king's messenger, is held accountable for the words of his voice.


70. Nothing of importance had happened to her married life until Paris came to visit Sparta.


71. With dangers of the derby overcome, Pirlo now focuses on Sparta Praha.


72. Spartak Moscow, AEK Athens, Sparta Prague and Fenerbache are among the sides Rafa Benitez's men could face.


73. Aphrodite was also honored as a goddess of war,especially in Sparta,Thebes,Cyprus and some other places.


74. In Sparta(Lacedeman)kings were still distinguished in the sixth century B.C.


75. The recognized form of marriage in Sparta was a pairing marriage, modified according to the Spartan conceptions of the state, in which there still survived vestiges of group marriage.


76. Inevitably in these conditions women held a much more honored position in Sparta than anywhere else in Greece.


77. He did well in March against Sampdoria and Sparta Praha, he hit a post at Bologna and netted against Celtic.They are moments that make one feel alive, but they are not enough.

在那之后,因扎吉就一直伤痛不断,虽然在和桑普多利亚,和Sparta Praha的比赛中他的表现可圈可点,和博洛尼亚的比赛射中门柱,和凯尔特人的比赛不负众望打入一球。

78. Menelaus The king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War and the husband of Helen and brothter of Agamemnon.


79. The ng of Sparta at the tme of the Trojan ar and the husband of Helen and brothter of Agamemnon.


80. 2.The king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War and the husband of Helen and brothter of Agamemnon.

