

1. Transcription factors ABI3 (abscisic acid-insensitive 3), LEC2 (leafy cotyledon 2) and FUS3 (fusca3) interact with RY element and controls many events during seed development.

RY元件控制某些基因的种子特异性表达,与RY元件相互作用的是ABI3(abscisic acid-insensitive3)、LEC2(leafy,cotyledon2)、FUS3(fusca3)类转录因子。

2. IT IS a little after nine o'clock in the morning in Grapevine a leafy suburb of Dallas Texas and Thomas Hixon a Verizon engineer is hard at work installin ...

Telecoms firms are moving into television but it may not be a licence to print money 电信公司正在转战电视节目,但它也许不一定是个赚钱机器。

3. "They used to come at weekends to walk around," said a drink seller in the leafy Sun Yat Sen park in the centre of town."But they have not returned since the fight.


4. A sprawling skyline Half the urban area of Dortmund remains green, leafy and inviting.


5. One was a“ vegetable-soy” pattern based on tofu, cauliflower, beans, bean sprouts and green leafy vegetables, with not much meat.


6. Wild aster having grayish leafy stems and flower heads with narrow pale lavender or violet rayes,of rocky desert slopes California to Arizona and Utah.


7. A study also suggests that carotenoids found in green leafy vegetables(such as broccoli and kale)may help prevent vision loss.


8. And golden orioles sing amid the leafy trees.


9. Stems unbranched, suberect or flexuous, retrorse fine pubescent, ca. 55 cm tall, leafy toward apex, base prostrate, rooting from nodes.


10. In any case the gardens were an amazing sight: A green, leafy, artificial mountain rising off the plain. But did it actually exist? After all, Herodotus never mentions it.


11. Don't misunderstand: Everyone should eat enough leafy greens and citrus _ good folate from food is important at all ages.


12. BELYING its name, Harris Park is neither leafy nor green.


13. Pale to medium straw with subtle green hues.Displaying classic Chardonnay varietal character.Characteristic leafy honeysuckle notes with lively melon and citrus fruit.


14. Therefore, it is feasible to decrease nitrate level of some leafy vegetables that are grown on those soils high in nitrate by applying more phosphorus fertilizer.


15. Include dates, beans, and some leafy green vegetables.


16. They ordered me a bowl of soup with duck and noodles and mushrooms and some green, leafy vegetable.


17. They sat under the leafy bower at the end of the garden and watched the sun set.


18. He should eat plenty of fruits, leafy vegetables and coarse cereals.


19. He had a feeling that from amidst the leafy cover unseen eyes were watching their every move.


20. But last November, the Food and Drug Administration restated concerns about continuing E.coli outbreaks in leafy greens.


21. Supermarkets across the country pulled spinach from shelves and consumers tossed out the leafy green.


22. Layout: the island for the island was leafy glades center, slant hall, the song of northwest, short fences, ChaiMen composition yard.


23. One was a "vegetable-soy" pattern based on tofu, cauliflower, beans, bean sprouts and green leafy vegetables, with not much meat.


24. One was a “vegetable-soy” pattern based on tofu, cauliflower, beans, bean sprouts and green leafy vegetables, with not much meat.


25. Most other vegetables are high in fiber and low in calories and can boost your burn, but the cream of the crop, nutritionally speaking, are the dark green leafy vegetables.


26. Its branches turned toward him, but its roots remained under it.So it became a vine and produced branches and put out leafy boughs.


27. And its height was exalted among the leafy boughs, And it was visible in its height because of the multitude of its branches.


28. A shaded,leafy recess;an arbor.


29. A shaded, leafy recess; an arbor.


30. So, too, are the hundreds of people who have turned the leafy promenade along the city’s Funan River into a cavalcade of red-white-and-blue tarps.


31. California shrub with slender leafy shoots that are important browse for mule deer.


32. Green leafy vegetables including spinach kale (6) and collards appeared to be the most beneficial.


33. Beiyuan Association of Commerce takes root on the fertile land of Beiyuan, it must be in leafy profusion and has measureless vital force.


34. Why: It's almost impossible to meet your nutritional needs without eating dark leafy greens, from spinach and romaine to collard greens and chard.

原因: 几乎不可能满足你的营养需求脱离吃绿叶蔬菜,从菠菜和莴苣到羽衣甘蓝和菜。

35. Found in deposits of copper ore, malachite gets its name from the Greek word for its leafy green color, which can range from light to dark green.


36. Can corn, Huasheng Mi, Suzi (3:1:1) ground into powder, together with a small amount of sand, and often to some leafy vegetables (cabbage, spinach, rape, purslane).


37. Leafy arms began to stretch up the side of the rubbish pile and reach across the yard.


38. Leafy branches arched over the road.


39. Leafy: Describes the slightly herbaceous, vegetal quality reminiscent of leaves.


40. Leafy: Describes the slightly herbaceous, vegetal quality reminiscent of leaves. Can be a positive or a negative, depending on whether it adds to or detracts from a wine's flavor.


41. Bearing numerous leaves; leafy.

叶子茂盛的生长繁多的叶子的; 多叶的

42. Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flat and leafy.


43. Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flatand leafy.


44. Chlorophyll hosts many nutrients necessary to the life and health of human form, and it is for this reason that green leafy vegetables are good to consume each day.


45. Leafy sweet potatoes harvested in the afternoon had higher dry weight and soluble sugar content than those harvested in the morning.Conversely, the levels of water content, vit.


46. Folic acid is an artificial version of folate, a B vitamin found in leafy green vegetables, citrus fruit and dried beans.


47. Folate-rich foods include green leafy vegetables, orange juice, dried beans and peas, and fortified cereals.


48. Swiss chard: A leafy green vegetable packed with carotenoids that protect aging eyes.


49. Because these creatures are small and tend to hide beneath leafy plants they are not always visible to the naked eye.


50. Therefore, parents need to encourage their children to exercise, as well as eat more calcium-rich foods such as soybean and green leafy vegetables.


51. So ladies, get your man to visit the doctor more often, eat more green leafy vegetables, and to avoid skydiving stints with his macho friends.


52. The leafy lipid bilayer,spectrin tetramers arranged into hexagonal network that are anchored by membrane proteins.


53. With an obvious leafy stem rising above the ground.


54. I like to eat some leafy vegetables in the summer.


55. Inflorescence terminal on leafy branchlets, appearing after leaves develop, paniculate-racemose, 10-15-flowered, slender, with conspicuous bracts and small cincinni.


56. Figs axillary on leafy stems, with peduncle to 1 cm, rarely sessile; leaf blade 0.3-2 cm wide, margin entire or sometimes irregularly undulate with 2 or 3 teeth on each side.


57. There is a leafy forest in our hometown.


58. As we drive through the leafy Parc de Montjuic, just south of the city centre, the roads grow less congested and the driver maxes out at 85 kph.


59. Around streetlights in leafy suburbs what often seems like a moth at first glance may in fact be a small bat.


60. Beneath the hazy canopies of the enormous pitcher plants and leafy growths is a surreal color-drenched landscape.


61. In that leafy, flowery, bushy time, to look for any one in this garden was like playing at "hide-and-seek".


62. The green carpet, in the pattern of which pale rabbits frolicked among leafy trees, suggested the influence of William Morris.


63. "Lichens may form a thin, crustlike, tightly Bound covering over their substrate (e.g., cracks in rocks), or they may be small and leafy, with loose attachments to the substrate.


64. The geological prospectors bedded down for the night under the shelter of leafy trees.


65. These fatty acids are also found in nuts, soybeans and green, leafy vegetables.


66. Leafy trees cast shade.


67. This form of vitamin A is found in leafy vegetables such as salad bitters, spinach, kale, swiss chard or other greens.


68. Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables.


69. Herbs perennial, robust, erect, sprouting from caudex or with leafy basal rosettes.


70. Milk and milk products contain calcium. So do fish with soft bones, like salmon, and dark green leafy vegetables. Some orange juice, bread and cereals may have calcium added.


71. She sal Ole fall and sway in the air, and the called to him in leafy language:"Ole,come back!


72. Many crops will grow better when you use large leafy plants to provide ‘mulch’.


73. Turmeric comes from the root of Curcuma longa, a leafy plant in the ginger family. Ground Turmeric comes from fingers, which extend from the root.


74. Spores germinated on land, where mosses evolved over millions of years into herby plants and leafy trees that could live miles away from the water's edge.


75. Song said: flowers, the bamboo sections and Sik have flowers, flowering plum and miserly leaves, pine and leafy Hong Sik, only blue and the independence.


76. Chinese vegetable(Brassica rapa var. Chinensis) in the mustard family, having a leafy head similar to that of the common cabbage.


77. The birds were twittering and trilling in the tall leafy boughs of oak and elm.


78. The leafy greens are from Colorado and Canada, but not California.


79. The common or purple foxglove produces pretty flowers along a tall leafy stam stem called a stackspike.


80. The ark was in the act of passing the last curve of this leafy entrance .

