

1. 1.You mean all the gadgets, busyness, and complexity that we have been taught are so crucial to success, may not be necessary? How liberating!


2. XML is liberating because its simplicity and extensibility allows you to define just about anything, while allowing room for expansion.


3. RC:[Wow, that was actually quite liberating.


4. The computer revolution is stimulating intellects, liberating limbs and propelling mankind to a higher order of existence.


5. "By pilfer date, it is to be returned overnight before liberating " , xiaowang mouth sighed.


6. "After liberating Afghanistan inshallah, our forces will be ready to conquer the land beyond the river [the old name given by the Muslims to central Asia].


7. (Homo liber, qui inter ignaros vivit, eorum, quantum potest, beneficia declinare studet.


8. Once Olga copped to her real fears, facing and embracing her worst-case scenario was even more liberating.


9. Absolutely nothing can financially stop you once you master this liberating philosophy.


10. It is quite liberating once you really do let go and put your trust in other people.


11. A Review of the Militant Features of Liberating the Yijiangshan Island


12. This is possible by connecting the three theaters underground, and with bridges in the air, leaving each building independent and efficient, while liberating the ground surface as public space.


13. There's something liberating about not pretending.Dare to embarrass yourself .Risk.


14. This is the humanity regarding nonego demanding, rather the humanity has been carrying on to oneself is liberating, free is always humanity's highest dream.


15. Reacts violently with water, liberating highly flammable gases.


16. Moderator:If we position community colleges as higher adult education institutions, then the goal should be focused on liberating knowledge and molding the civil society.


17. It also meant liberating one’s individuality and the personality independence, and causes the human to become for a modern and independence " human".


18. Perhaps science will in time slip completely into cyberspace, liberating investigators and trees from the hard-copy legacy of ever longer shelves groaning under the weight of ever more detailed and dusty tomes.


19. Over the next few weeks, Alexander marches nearly a thousand miles through Anatolia, liberating the Greeks.


20. Today, pay close attention: Are you following the gripping energy of fear or the liberating energy of love?


21. Going from my fancy office to being a brewer was like mountain climbing: exhilarating, liberating and frightening


22. Going from my fancy office to being a brewer was like mountain climbing: exhilarating, liberating and frightening.


23. They don't want to hear such liberating news.


24. They're considering liberating him from economic worry.


25. And theyre over there fighting for the cause of freedom and liberating the oppressed, much in the same way other countries did for us over 200 years ago.


26. He sums it up in his British travelogues, The Kingdom By the Sea, as the liberating fantasy of running away from home


27. He meant to show the liberating magic of industrial technology. And of course he meant to be funny.


28. He pointed out that Soviet troops had made a huge sacrifice in defeating Nazism and liberating Europe.


29. And he was a lifelong propagandist for the liberating force of the music he helped create


30. And he was a lifelong propagandist for the liberating force of the music he helped create.


31. Boosting the Progress of People by Means of Liberating the Individual Spirit -- A Study of SHU Wu's Modern Essays


32. Only through your own experience, however, does it become liberating.


33. You need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging.


34. Bulgarians thanked Tsarist Russia for liberating them from the Ottomans, and many recall communist rule as a time of modernisation.


35. The examination system of the optical liber sensor has been widely used in the large building.


36. Honorius, according to the Liber Pontificalis, came from Campania and was the son of the consul Petronius.He became pope on October 27, 625, two days after the death of his predecessor, Boniface V.


37. A few years later he staged a spectacle called "Useless Mechanical Activity," continuing his work of liberating machines into their own world.


38. And the idea of liberating hydro from geography with small, free-standing turbines may have local applications, but maintaining such turbines is far more trouble than taking a spanner to a windmill.


39. ” It's so important to both experience and to enjoy the liberating understanding that it is OK to aspire to a better self, even to love that better self you can become.


40. Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness.


41. The experience of developed countries certainly seems to indicate that economic growth is profoundly liberating for women.


42. Argument: The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing Company to the company's president.

另一个看都没有看, 义无返顾地选择了这个issue, 因为这一个总有点映象啊。

43. It was liberating to be able to serve God for free.


44. But then, as he dissects the situation in his mind, he sees how liberating it can be - freed from responsibilities, he no longer needs to be a slave to the establishment.


45. The latter considers the state's welfare policies as having the liberating functions of decommodification.


46. So, instead of promoting resigned powerlessness, the early Buddhist notion of karma focused on the liberating potential of what the mind is doing with every moment.


47. Therefore, all talk of “this is our land,” “we are liberating our land,” is meaningless.


48. International Cooperation and Systematic Innovation: Liberating the Productivity of University


49. LIBER; League of Friends of Paul;


50. This highly agitated confidence in the liberating efficacy of innovation has in some places become an article of faith almost as strong as the Natchez Indian’s consuming faith in the deity of the sun.


51. In the Rostov offensive, Soviets capture Rostov-on-Don and move forward 300-450 km, liberating most of the Rostov region.


52. While Findan was absent, the Elves succeeded in lifting the siege of Syris Thalla and liberating much of the Elven kingdom.


53. After liberating Anakin, Jinn sold Anakin's Podracer.


54. Deepening realization on labor value theory sticking to the principles of liberating thoughts and seeking truth from facts


55. Epicurus summed up his liberating philosophy with what he called the four medicinal herbs


56. Since I sometimes wrestle with the limitations of writing complex thoughts in simple language, it is liberating, even hilarious.


57. "Liberating Nature"


58. She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al.


59. Her mother instilled in her another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education


60. Her mother instilled in her another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education.


61. Her mother instilled another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education.


62. " She says her mother found the war a liberating and politicising experience.


63. Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura quae legis hic. aliter non fit, Avite, liber.


64. IF LIBERATING a nation from an egregious dictatorship had been the initial impulse behind the invasionof Iraq, it might have been a “just war”.


65. liberating feminism


66. Its victory did not prove that Palestinians had been bewitched by Islamist militancy or come to believe again in liberating all of Palestine by force.


67. For the artist, the best way to "self-salvation" is to "save the masses", and therefore, only by liberating "the Other" can one liberate oneself.


68. For pyritecontaining unoxidized kaolinite, the selective comminution aims at liberating and separating pyrite and its interlocking minerals.


69. "Carnivalesque" by Bakhtin has been the first selected word to demonstrate the liberating and creative thinking and fashion.


70. Georgy Zhukov would lead the Red Army in liberating the Soviet Union from the Axis Power’s occupation and advancing through much of Eastern Europe to conquer Berlin during World War II.


71. The Structure of Prevailing Relations between Me and You: Exclusion for the Extent of the Individual Liberating


72. When a ball valve is closed in periods of inactivity, the bleach will decompose over time liberating oxygen gas.


73. This is one of the most liberating approaches: it liberates you right now!Forget all about sin and forget all about saintliness;both are stupid.


74. Randy:Justin had done a lot of things that i wish i had been in power enough to do when i was in high school,it was liberating.


75. De oppresso liber !!!!!


76. I thought it would be liberating knowing how much time you had left to work.


77. If we try to live this liberating revelation to the full, we will look at the mystery and the sacredness of human life with clearer minds and more loving hearts.


78. We have to understand that engineering breakthroughs are not just mechanical or scientific, they are liberating forces that can continually improve people's lives.


79. What we want more than anything else is to assist you, as members of the Family of Light, to succeed in liberating the humans.


80. but our shirts are our liber, or true bark, which cannot be removed without girdling and so destroying the man.

