
licklickD.J.:[lik]K.K.:[lɪk]vt.1.The little boy is licking the ice-cream cone.小男孩在舔着冰淇淋蛋卷。2.〈口〉打败I think we could lick the best teams there.我想我们能打败那儿最好的队。vt. & vi.1.(波浪)轻拍; (火焰)吞卷The flames licked against the building.火焰吞卷着那栋楼。The flames of the fire licked the sides of the fireplace.火焰卷烧着壁炉的边缘。n.1.He gave the bowl a thorough lick.他把饭碗舔得一干二净。2.(油漆等)一刷之量The house would look better with a lick of paint.这房子稍加颜色就好看了。

lick[lik]vt.1.舔,舐,舔吃:Allan licked the postage stamp and stuck it on the envelope.阿伦舔了舔邮票,把它贴在信封上。2.把…舔得…:The cat licked its paws clean.猫把爪子舔干净了。3.(火焰)燎着,卷烧;(波浪)轻拍,轻打,冲洗:In the fireplace, the flames of fire are licking the logs.在壁炉里,火焰正吞噬着干柴。The waves were licking the seawall.海浪轻轻拍打着海堤。4.[口语]揍,打,鞭打:The mother licked the child for failing the examination.母亲因孩子考试不及格而打了他。5.打败,战胜;超过,超越:Manchester United licked Chelsea in an English Premiership match.在一场英超联赛中,曼联队击败了切尔西队。6.使无法理解,使困惑 (常用 that, this, it 作主语):This licks me.我不明白这是怎么回事。It licks me how he settled the question.我搞不清楚他怎么解决了问题的。vi.1.舔;舐2.(波浪)轻轻拍打:The small waves were licking at the rocks.细浪轻拍着岩石。3.高速行进;急速运行:The flames were licking out of the door and windows.火焰正从门窗窜出来。4.[俚语]吸食强效纯可卡因n.1.舔;舐2.舌头一次舔的量;少量,些许3.[美国英语] salt lick 的缩略4.[口语]打,打击;痛击;狠揍5.短暂而有力的爆发,简短快捷的活动6.快速,快步;突进;速度7.一绺头发8.[美国英语]糖浆,糖蜜9.[常作复数][美国俚语]轮到的机会10.[美国俚语](尤指即兴插入的)爵士乐装饰句a lick and a promise潦草从事,匆忙而马虎地做某事(尤指洗刷)a lick of paint一层薄漆;敷衍了事的表面工作a lick of the tar-brush见 tar-burshat full (或 a great) lick[俚语]飞快地;高速地;全速地;匆忙get a licking[口语]挨揍;被击败give someone a licking[口语]痛揍某人;打败某人give someone a lick with the rough side of one's tongue痛骂某人;申斥某人;严厉责备某人lick (all) creation无可匹敌;胜过一切;好到极点[亦作 lick everything]lick (或 whip) into shape[口语](通过细心、坚持不懈的工作)塑造;整顿;使像样;锻炼;把…训练好;使有用lick one's boots (或 feet, shoes, spittle)巴结某人,奉承某人lick one's chops (或 lips)馋涎欲滴;迫切盼望[美国俚语]幸灾乐祸;喜形于色[俚语]约会时不见不散lick one's wounds舔伤口;(受伤、失败、挫折后)恢复元气;休养生息lick someone's arse舔某人屁股;巴结某人,奉承某人,拍某人马屁lick (或 whale) the (living) daylights out of[美国俚语]把…打得失去知觉,把…打得昏天黑地;狠揍…一顿put in best (big, solid) licks[美国英语]尽最大努力;苦干;不断努力

licklick[lik]vt.1.舐; 舐吃2.(火焰等)卷烧,蔓延,吞没,掠过; (波浪) 轻轻拍打3.[口]打击, 战胜4.[俚]揍; 鞭打The dog licked the plate very clean.狗把盘子舐得很干净。The flames licked up everything.火焰将一切烧尽。If you lick me, you may take what money I have.如果你赢我, 你可拿走我所有的钱。
词性变化lick[lik]vi.1.(火)卷烧2.(波浪)轻轻拍打, 冲洗3.高速行进The waves lick at the seawall.波浪轻轻地拍打海堤。lick[lik]n.1.2.少量3.[俚]痛打, 狠狠的一击4.[俚]速度, 步速5.[常用复][俚]轮到的机会6.(=salt lick)野兽常去舐的盐渍地7.[美]糖浆, 糖蜜8.一缕头发9.(即兴插入的)爵士音乐装饰乐句

继承用法lickspittle[ˈlɪkˌspɪtl]n.1.奉承者; 拍马屁的人

词性变化lick[lik]vt., vi.1.拍马屁, 奉承lick-upn.1.自动落筒, 自动落卷