

1. * Malty: a desirable quality commonly found in Assam teas.


2. * Malty: a faint of aroma of malt which is a desirable feature associated with good firing in quality teas.


3. 3. and friend drink not malty, the friend says you are disloyal gas, block up unbearably in the heart, very tired;


4. 9 see joke: Good wine of Liu Xuan Shi, malty hind anguish can'ts bear, pledge abstinence.

9看笑话: 刘玄石好酒,喝醉后痛苦不堪,发誓戒酒。

5. 9 see joke: Mate aboard hears a news, say his wife ran with a man, he is very sad, drink down, lifetime first time is malty.

9看笑话: 大副在船上听到消息,说他妻子跟一个男人跑了,他十分难过,借酒消愁,一生第一次喝醉了。

6. 9 see joke: Have a soldier malty wine, return barracks, the lieutenant that be on duty calls him v/arc an admonitory talk to subordinates.

9看笑话: 有个士兵喝醉了酒,回到营房,值班的中尉把他叫去训话。

7. 9 see joke: Late night 3 when, a fan is malty come home.

9看笑话: 深夜3时,一位球迷喝醉了回家。

8. extractum malti cum oleo jecoris

[医] 鱼肝油麦芽浸膏

9. extractum malti

[医] 麦芽浸膏

10. "I am malty come home, strip off the dress outside preexistence door, press a doorbell again.


11. The strict, captain that does not say feelings writes on the logbook that day: Mate is malty today.


12. Home village or town has an old person to go market is malty wine is groggy return the home, li Qiu blames ghost to change his son on the road then, help him up to tongue-lash.


13. He walks unsteadily, fu hind is admired before, resembling is malty wine.


14. But I must admit I am true every time malty, because I am afraid,I can become a hooter at this point.


15. A darker beer than Speckled Hen, Abbot has a ripe fruit character with a malty richness and perfect hop balance.


16. Even if do not drink not malty condition, the person that has limit often also makes a mistake easily before the gender.


17. Beery: Tasting term indicating the malty smell or taste of beer, usually considered a fault in wine.


18. Malty hind! How OK the fastest sober up?


19. Malty and drunken have a headache how should be dizziness solved? ?


20. Malty wine, what fruit to eat to you can see alcoholic drink? ?


21. Because the woman is malty loveless, you are malty more loveless in feminine eye.


22. Be in on friend party, I am malty, cry before the face of so much person actually the name that calls him, actually loud shout wears: "I think him, I want to sleep with him.


23. The wife that takes by him hastens pushed him, say to the policeman later: "You can not believe him, he one malty with respect to nonsense.


24. Head day is malty in the evening, have a headache the following day what should die to you still can eat to alleviate besides medicine?


25. Mixed wet silage of BSG and malty root with diffent proportion in bag for 30,60,90,120 days,then sensory value and NH3-N,pH,DM,CP,NDF and organic acid were analysed.

将啤酒糟和麦芽根按不同比例袋装混贮,分别在30、60、90、120 d开袋取样进行感官评定,pH值、氨态氮、干物质、粗蛋白、中性洗涤纤维及有机酸含量分析。

26. " Nevertheless, this season will be Malti Nigeria as a football player last season, he has previously stated in public that will be retired at the end of the season after retirement.


27. San Miguel is a lager-type beer with malty, cereal aromas.


28. Once, he malty, the wife puts a pair of pork liver in the contamination that he spits with respect to on the sly.


29. It is light hopped and surprisingly malty for such an airy, sunshiny beer.


30. Effect of Malty Root Regulating Moisture on Mixed Silage of Brewer's Spent Grains(BSG)


31. The 2nd week is turn for mate to write down logbook, in the last day of this week, he wrote a such words: The captain is done not have today malty.


32. Eventually one day crepuscular, the curtain was opened, the woman is malty wine, bare is worn on the floor that the foot takes in the balcony.


33. Its taste is equally distinctive and full-bodied, with fruity aromas but rich malty undertones.


34. This type of English draught is malty, moderately sweet, ranges in color from amber to dark brown and is brewed with top-fermenting yeasts.


35. Drinker's wager game is over all right, bonze is about malty.


36. This tea grown at sea level is known for its body, briskness, malty flavor, and strong, bright color.


37. Nose: Blackberry and blueberry fruit interwoven with perfectly tuned, malty, savoury oak, with liquorice and anise notes hovering above.


38. Taste Characteristics: 5-80ppm. Warm smooth sweet sugary, malty, molasses, honey caramellic


39. malty flavor


40. malty root

