
managemanageD.J.:[ˈmænidʒ]K.K.:[ˈmænɪdʒ]vt.1.经营, 管理; 控制, 操纵She managed a clothes shop two years ago.两年前她开了一家服装店。I doubt whether Jack could manage a sailing boat.我怀疑杰克会不会驾驶帆船。2.使用; 吃Can you manage another slice of pie?你能再吃一片馅饼吗?vt. & vi.1.办理; 设法对付Can you manage on your own?你一个人能行吗?My son is a lawyer, so he manages all my legal affairs.我儿子是律师, 由他处理我全部的法律事务。She managed to make herself understood in English.她设法用英语表达自己的意思。

manage['mænidʒ]vt.1.管理;掌管;处理;支配;指导;经营;负责:She managed the household very well.她把家掌管得很好。The hotel is badly managed.这家旅馆经营不善。2.控制;操纵,运用:In spite of these insults, I managed not to get angry.尽管遭到了这些侮辱,我尽力控制住自己没有发怒。3.使服从;使屈从;使用(武器、工具)4.驾驭,照管:She managed a car.她驾驶汽车。Please manage your naughty child!请管住你顽皮的孩子。5.[罕用语]节俭地经营(或使用);安排;小心处理;珍惜:I must manage my resources.我必须节约使用我的钱财。6.[古语]驯马,驭马7.设法完成;巧妙地做;达成:How did you manage to keep out of debt?你是怎样设法不欠债的?Come to my home as soon as you can manage it.设法赶快来我家里。8.[古语]省吃俭用;节约地使用;保重身体9.[讽刺语]竟做出;竟然搞得10.[口语][与 can, could, be able to 连用]得到;吃掉;安排时间做:I can't manage another mouthful.我是一口也吃不下了。I could manage another holiday.我想再休一次假。vi.1.管理;负责;处理事务;办理;经营2.设法对付;应付;支撑;勉强维持:They thought we would to bankrupt, but we managed.他们以为我们会破产,但我们设法支撑了下来。How will she manage with her husband gone?丈夫走了她如何维持?3.生活;过活:He managed on his income.他靠自己的工资生活。n.1.2.[古语]manège3.management近义词conduct变形vt.managedmanaging

managemanage[ˈmænidʒ]vt.1.处理, 支配; 管理, 经营2.驾驭, 开动; 训练(马)3.[口][常与can, could连用]对付, 吃4.设法...; 弄得...5.完成; 达成6.控制, 照管manage one's household治家manage the affairs of a nation处理国家事务manage a naughty child管住顽皮孩子Can you manage another slice of cake?你能再吃一片蛋糕吗?We finally managed to get there in time.最后我们及时赶到了。
词性变化manage[ˈmænidʒ]vi.1.处理, 办理; 应付, 敷衍(过去)2.生活3.撑住; 维持Who will manage while the director is away?经理不在时谁负责?manage[ˈmænidʒ]n.1.马术练习所, 骑马学校2.[古]练马