a large extinct elephant-like mammal of the Miocene to Pleistocene epochs, having teeth of a relatively primitive form and number 柱牙象,乳齿象
Mammutidae and other families, order Proboscidea: many species, including Mammut americanus, which possibly survived to historical times in North America 乳齿象科和其他科,长鼻目: 多种,其中美洲乳齿象(拉丁名Mammut americanus)可能在北美洲一直存活到有历史记载的时期
派生 mastodontic [-ˈdɒntɪk] adjective 语源
early 19th cent.: modern Latin, from Greek mastos 'breast' + odous, odont- 'tooth' (with reference to nipple-shaped tubercles on the crowns of its molar teeth)