

1. "And the one carried in the current said, 'I am no more Messiah than you.The river delights to lift us free, if only we dare let go.Our true work is this voyage, this adventure.


2. The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever and ever.


3. They said, "We killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God."They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, But the likeness of him was put on another man (and they killed that man)...


4. In 2004, Moon was the center of a coronation ceremony in Washington at which he declared himself the Messiah.


5. ESPM 2020 - Yao should be another Jesus! He's 7'6 after all! How can you not be the Messiah at


6. "He went out again about the sixth hour (600 BC beginning of prophesies about Messiah) and the ninth hour (around 1 AC Jesus were born) and did the same thing (created Christians and Christianity).


7. From Adam to Jesus, God sent prophets to mankind, warning them of sin’s punishment and foretelling the coming Messiah.

One prophet, Isaiah, described Him: 从亚当到耶稣,神派先知警告人关于罪的惩罚及预告弥赛亚的来临。

8. The Messiah Oratorio was composed by George Frideric Handel in 1741.

[弥赛亚] 神剧由韩德尔在1741年创作而成。

9. “Everybody wants the first visit of the Messiah,” remarks one French official wryly.


10. "Their Messiah came," I answered with reverence, "but he came poor and lowly, and they would have none of him."


11. "Their Messiah came," I answered with reverence,"but he came poor and lowly, and they would have none of him."


12. Messiah in the order of David


13. one theory is that Judas was a member of the Zealot party and hoped by precipitating a crisis to force Jesus into accepting the role of political Messiah.


14. As he entered the ground the reborn Geordie messiah said: "It's my third time around.


15. (Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic)Clone


16. Generations, you function as our dwelling, from days of old forever, you are the Lord GOD the Messiah.


17. Se Chin (who helped expand the power of Mahayana Buddhism): I believe that Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who revealed the Unification Principle on the earth, is the True Parent and Messiah.


18. The world's most popular oratorio (a composition for voices,and orchestra usually on a religious subject) is Handel's Messiah.


19. Former astronaut Spurgeon Tanner is brought out of retirement to command the mission, leading an international crew aboard the experimental spaceship Messiah.


20. The Lord's disciples believed he was Messiah


21. Primarily it was written to Jewish readers, to offer irrefutable proof that the long-awaited Messiah had come to bring God’s kingdom on earth.


22. It is speculated that this Zoroastrian belief in a Saoshyant influenced the Jewish belief in a Messiah.


23. Some believe that the temple Ezekiel envisioned is literal and that it will be built in this age or in the Millennial age by the Messiah.


24. In fact, the entire Day of Atonement pointed to the day of the Messiah’s eternal removal of sin (Zech. 3:8, 9;


25. Two thousand and four years ago, Messiah was born in Bethlehem.


26. the messiah who,it is believed,will appear at the world's end and establish a reign of peace and righteousness


27. and from the deportation to Babylon to the Messiah, fourteen generations.


28. 25. so they put a further question to John: “Then why are you baptizing if you are not the Messiah, or Elijah, or the Prophet?”


29. they, bemused by their preconception of the role of the Messiah, are unable to understand what he is saying to them


30. They're in the presence of the Messiah and they still don't get it!


31. They want to know when the Messiah will come/return.


32. They we convinced that the time for Messiah to appear was “now, or never”.


33. They knew lots of splendid prophecies about the coming Messiah: he was going to be a great and glorious leader, the deliverer of Israel, and king of the whole world.


34. The first thing he did was to find his brother simon. He said to him, We have found the messiah(which is the Hebrew forChrist)


35. The first thing he did was to find his brother Simon. He said to him, 'We have found the messiah'(which is the Hebrew for'Christ').


36. Early in the morning he came across his brother and said to him, We have made discovery! It is the Messiah! (which is to say, the Christ).


37. He immediately called a meeting of all high-ranking priests and the scribes, and asked them where the Messiah was to be born.


38. He believes in every new political messiah


39. He believes in every new political messiah.


40. Did he view himself as the promised Messiah?


41. He is a great teacher, Messiah and Savior of the Completed Testament Age.


42. His birth was said by his followers to fulfill the prophecies of Judaism that a messiah would come, from the house of David.


43. Indeed, the whole truth about the life and work of the Messiah, he says, has been suppressed and His story falsified and adulterated by ecclesiastical history.


44. The Ebionites believed that Jesus was a great prophet and the Messiah, but not divine.


45. " The Israelites who for many centuries knew about God and the prophecies of the Messiah did not have as high a concept of Jesus as this Roman did.


46. Israel rejected their opportunity to believe their Messiah at his first appearing.


47. Isaiah's prophecy about the Messiah


48. God has fulfilled in this way what he had foretold through all the prophets, that his Messiah would suffer.


49. Have you been inspired by Dark Messiah?


50. You are free to worship whoever you want, but other people's beliefs are not your concern, whether they believe that the Messiah is God, son of Mary, or that Satan is God, son of Mary.


51. Nuns saw on him the Messiah in flesh;


52. a leader who assumes the role of a messiah


53. There was the universal Greek language into which the Bible had been translated (the Septuagint), and this Old Testament Scripture, full of prophecy, prepared hearts for the coming of the Messiah.


54. The first century AD, from the development of a branch of Judaism, belief in order to save the humanity of Jesus the Messiah, and gradually develop into independent of the Jewish religion.


55. Bridget Jone's Diary - Messiah, Hallelujah Chorus - Academy Of St. Martin In The Fields


56. The other creatures are either adaptations from Dark Messiah (Goblins), updated versions of classic Heroes creatures (Centaurs), or a mix of these (Cyclops)


57. An unrighteous self-styled Messiah would soon have been exposed as a fraud.


58. The Armenian Apostolic Church observes Christmas on January 6.The Nativity of Jesus refers to the Christian belief that the Messiah was born to the Virgin Mary.


59. Purpose: To present the life of Jesus so that unbelievers will come to faith in him and believers will grow in their faith in him as the Messiah and the Son of God descended from heaven.


60. Rule of thumb, Hassan, you can't kill the Messiah.


61. Every minute, you are in our minds, from death to reviving, you are the Messiah.


62. The every minute, you are in our minds, from death to reviving, you are the Lord GOD the Messiah.


63. Caspar, on the other hand, said that the Messiah was Lord of heaven and earth, and he searched far and wide for a gift precious enough for such a powerful king.


64. Even the Pharisees and Sadducees who prided themselves in their knowledge of the Law, did not recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah.


65. The reason is found in the mission of the Messiah.


66. Because you're the one fated to be Peryton's messiah.


67. For all will be holy, and their king is the Lord Messiah.


68. Thus, they could not recognize him as the Messiah.


69. Accordingly, the gospels (Luke 2:4 and Matthew 2:1) report that Jesus, whom they proclaim as the Messiah, was born in Bethlehem, although he grew up in Nazareth.


70. So they turned a blind eye to the passages (including Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53) that spoke of Messiah's death.


71. Ikonic art can be found throughout the Orthodox Christian faith to represent the messiah, saints and other holy figures, but it is an exacting art that few men master, let alone dabble in.


72. One Easter in the eighties, Hillary and I took Chelsea to see the Easter Messiah service at the Mangun's church in Alexandria.


73. She is the first to whom he reveals himself as Messiah, and she is the first to be involved in evangelization.


74. Two days before the inauguration, when a preacher told a crowd that Mr Obama was not the Messiah, he was booed (in jest, one hopes).


75. In the streets of its capital, Freetown, Mr Blair was greeted almost like a returning messiah;once he must have hoped for something similar in Baghdad.


76. Christians believe that Emanuel is the prophet Isaiah's prophecy of the Messiah.


77. The origins of Christianity spring from Judaism. Christianity originally developed as an offshoot of Judaism with the followers believing that Jesus of Nazareth was the messiah.


78. which opening, they leap down with horrour and confusion into the place of punishment prepar'd for them in the Deep: Messiah returns with triumph to his Father.


79. If all goes well, it will help the Queen to avoid the terrible fate of becoming the mother of the Demon Messiah.


80. If we want to recognize the Messiah, we have to learn to see things as God does.And divinity is often found where we least expect it.

