

1. He had created a stir unlike any other zealot with messianic tendencies.


2. The pounding drums of 2008 People's Liberation Army soldiers had signalled the start of a ceremony which captured all the messianic ambition and no expense-spared scale of China's first Games.


3. matthew's gospel :with special reference to the messianic hope.

书名 the use of the old testament in st.

4. Actually Capharnaum much more than Nazareth offered to Jesus a twofold advantage as far as his messianic activity was concerned.


5. What were the four Messianic Miracles of Jesus?


6. When you read Paul’s sermon to the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch, you see his remarkable ability with the messianic passages in the Old Testament.


7. From the first verse of Psalm 22, it is clearly evident that this is a Messianic prophecy.


8. He dedicated himself to the study of the Kabbala with messianic fervor, and in 1570 he journeyed to a center of the movement in Galilee.


9. They cultivated a communal life of ritual purity, called the “Union,” led by a messianic “Teacher of Righteousness.


10. The lynchpin of his campaign has been a faith, almost messianic, in his personal excellence.


11. Convinced that he was" a messianic figure of great but secret importance," he frantically scanned The New York Times for encoded messages from aliens, and fiddled with radio dials to pick up signals from space.


12. Convinced that he was" a messianic figure of great but secret importance," he frantically scanned The New York Times for encoded messages from aliens,and fiddled with radio dials to pick up signals from space.


13. messianic nationalism.


14. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.


15. His perspective is very unique in that it is a Janus-faced combination of theology and Marxism.Therefore, the ultimate horizon of his criticism is Messianic redemption which he terms"origin".


16. But the power of the "free man" is strong among resistance fighters, many of whom see the former scientist as a messianic figure.


17. The author writes with messianic zeal about a life-management technique that she invented a dozen years ago and for which she has successfully proselytized ever since.


18. Obadiah's prophecy looks to the future Messianic deliverance of the people of God (the spiritual house of Jacob) from the wicked nations.


19. The Messianic Kingdom of the stone, however, would bring the destruction of all the previous kingdoms.


20. Even the unbelieving Jews never denied that the Old Testament was full of Messianic prophecies.


21. The foundation for peace is common faith in God and practice of true parental, conjugal and familial love.Hence the value of True Parents, and the messianic power of their words and works.


22. In that way Jesus was able to spread his messianic message to many persons without running too soon into trouble with the political and religious leaders.


23. To which nations did the prophet Ezekiel refer when he described how apocalyptic nations would wage war against Jerusalem before the final hour leading to the messianic age (Ezekiel 38-39)?


24. However, in the patriarchal line, this included the spiritual blessing and privilege of carrying on the Messianic lineage as well.


25. In the last few decades these conversions have often taken place via the Messianic Judaism movement.


26. At the conclusion of the psalm, we find verses of Messianic significance.


27. The resurrection is thoroughly Messianic event.


28. If Iran really is no more than the“messianic cult”of Mr Netanyahu's imagination, it would be worth running almost any risk to stop it acquiring nuclear weapons.


29. It also has Messianic significance, for the Apostle Paul quotes verse 18 as referring to Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven (prophetical interpretation).


30. For Wilson, the justification of America's international role was messianic: America had an obligation, not to the balance of power, but to spread its principles throughout the world.


31. For Paul, the appearance of the Messianic Age unfolds into successive epochs.


32. messianic hopes.


33. Babism originated as a messianic movement in Shiite Islam.


34. He did so, moreover, with a nearly messianic fervor and aplomb .


35. Messianic Judaism


36. As a child, Soros had what he calls “messianic fantasies”.


37. This is clearly a Messianic prophecy, for the right to the crown and throne of David belongs to the Lord Jesus alone.


38. This is clearly a Messianic reference, the fulfillment of which will come when the Lord Jesus returns to establish His glorious Kingdom.


39. messianic movement


40. With a textual analysis of the contemporary Russian ecoliterature, this paper examines its Messianic consciousness and ecological eschatology.

文章通过对当代俄语生态文学的文本分析 ,阐释了其中与生态末世论紧密相连的弥赛亚意识。

41. The New Testament authors and Jesus Himself understood this psalm as Messianic, and frequently quoted it as being fulfilled in Jesus.


42. The early Church not unnaturally adopted the position that failure to see the messianic character of his work was really caused by the people's own blindness.


43. Significantly, Job's deliverance from the hands of Satan and the salvation of Job's friends was marked by the offering of a sacrifice, which typified the future Messianic sacrifice of Jesus Christ.


44. Finally, before the close of chapter 18, we find a great Messianic prophecy that God promised through Moses.


45. This symbol might be the seal of the first / second Century Messianic Church in Jerusalem.


46. Jurgen Moltmann. The Church in the Power of the Spirit: A Contribution to Messianic Ecclesiology. Fortress Press,1993.


47. Messianic Consciousness has been intensively influencing Russia's foreign policy from the day it was formed.


48. Just as his initial Messianic polling numbers were misleadingly optimistic, his problems should now be put into context.


49. True Parents, I wish to receive the messianic teachings.


50. Scholars in theological vision discussed messianic criticism based both on Kabbalistic and Messianic complex by means of an analysis of Benjamin's metaphysics of language and philosophy of history.


51. Once again, Micah jumps from predicting the immediate future to predicting the start of the Messianic age.


52. the messianic individual that holds the power to save her people.


53. The place of the Transfiguration away from the public, found near to places where some significantly messianic miracles were worked (1:40-45;


54. The Essenes were a strict Torah observant, Messianic, apocalyptic, baptist, wilderness, new covenant Jewish sect.


55. On the Messianic Mission of Jesus


56. It is believed to have been created and used by the Jewish believers who called themselves Nazarenes in the first Messianic Church.


57. This psalm closes with a Messianic prophecy that exhorts those who know the Lord to preach to all people the imminent return of the Messiah.


58. This was not fulfilled during his reign, but will be during the Messianic reign of Jesus.


59. That message, often delivered in sententious, near messianic tones, had little appeal.


60. One theory is that He spent years swotting up the Old Testament until He knew all the Messianic prophecies, and then went around fulfilling them.


61. Following their expulsion from Spain in 1492, the Jews were more than ever taken up with messianic hopes and eschatology, and Kabbala found wide favour.


62. Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, and Richard Leigh, authors of The Messianic Legacy, spent over 10 years on their own kind of quest for the Holy Grail, into the secretive history of early France.

