

1. bently microstation gfc api source code integrity, and can be used directly.

(译):本特利的MicroStation gfc API的源代码的完整性,并可以直接使用。

2. bently microstation gga api source code integrity, and can be used directly.

(译):本特利的MicroStation gga API的源代码的完整性,并可以直接使用。

3. The technique and procedure of customization Microstation 95 [J ].Dongbei Surveying and Mapping, 1999,22(2): 18 - 19.

Microstation 95二次开发的方法与步骤[J].东北测绘,1999,22(2):18-19.

4. Microstation V8 Chinese utility manual[ M].Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2002.

Microstation V8中文版实用手册[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2002.

5. The Microstation 95 developing way and step


6. Discussion on Microstation Secondary Development with MDL in VC++


7. Instrumentation Designer or Electric Designer.Normally, you should be familiar with AutoCAD and Microstation if you want to find a good job here.

一直从事,单片机开发,主要是接触数字,模拟电路. 在国内设计各种井下测量仪器.

8. Rebuild in the rehabilitate of the Pentagon in the process, microstation stands finished one's contributions in work.

在五角大楼的修复重建过程中,Microstation立下了汗马功劳。浴火重生 信息技术的价值在灾难降临时格外突出。

9. Firstly transforming Microstation J data to ASCII code. Secondly transforming ASCII code to AutoCAD2000 graphic file. Thus bring to success data transforming between Microstation J and AutoCAD2000. This method is simple and credible.


10. microst ructure


11. Microst ruct ure


12. Now many applications including large software is also used to preserve document formatting text configuration parameters, such as MicroStation Bentely GEOGRAPHICS8.0 GIS platform.

本文给出的就是利用VC来读取和分析配置文本文件,-early windows is the INI format text file.

13. The Biolog identification system (Biolog Inc. USA, BIS) with MicroStation TM V3.5 software were used for the rapid identification of bean wilt bacterium ( C. f . pv. flaccumfaciens, Cff) and related plant coryneform bacteria.


14. Good command of software skills in AutoCAD drawings, or Microstation(better solution), and PDS is a must.

精通AutoCAD图纸, 或者Microstation(更好), 以及PDS 厂区设计软件.
