
mournmournD.J.:[mɔ:n]K.K.:[mɔrn, morn]vi.1.哀悼The couple mourned for their dead child.这对夫妻哀悼死去的孩子。vt.1.为…哀痛, 向…志哀She mourned the loss of her brother.她因为失去了哥哥而悲痛。

mourn[mɔ:n; məun]vi.1.哀伤,悲哀;痛心;惋惜(常与for, over连用):The manager announced his resignation and everybody mourned.经理宣布了他的辞职,大家都感到惋惜。2.凭吊,哀悼(常与for, over连用):He sat alone in his room after the battle, mourning over the loss of his best friend.这场战役打完后,他独自坐在屋里,哀悼好友的牺牲。3.戴孝,穿丧服,服丧4.呜咽;哀鸣vt.1.为…悲痛;为…哀悼:The whole nation mourned the death of the beloved premier.全国哀悼敬爱的总理的逝世。2.悲痛地发出(或说出),发出(哀鸣):Let the whirlwind mourn its requiem.任由旋风哀唱其挽歌。3.为…感到痛心(或遗憾等):I really mourn the loss of that gold watch.我真为失掉那块金表惋惜。

mournmourn[mɔ:n]vi.1.哀悼, 忧伤2.惋惜3.悲哀; (鸽子似的)咕咕低鸣mourn for [over] the dead哀悼 死者
词性变化mourn[mɔ:n]vt.1.向(某人)哀悼[致哀]; 为(某事)哀痛The whole nation mourned the death of a much-loved leader.举国上下哀悼敬爱的领导人。