

1. (AFP, Havana) Cuban President Castro already met with the former US presidential candidate Nader, who arrived in Havana to discuss ways of combating tropical diseases.


2. In June 1968 he formed his first task force of crusading law students, later nicknamed "Nader's Raiders".


3. If the people who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 hadn't made the same mistake, Al Gore would have been elected President.


4. 1 P.J.Bohannan, “Ethnography and Comparision in Legal Anthropology.” In Laura Nader,ed,Law in Culture and Society, Chicago Aldine Publishing Company(1969),p410。


5. H.Gulliver, "Introduction to Case Studies of Law." In Laura Nader (ed.), Law in Culture and Society.Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co.


6. Nader thought there must be a better way.


7. The US needs a revolution but thy could`nt even elect Paul or Nader so in a sense they deserve what they get.


8. One two three four, Bush and Kerry go to war! Five six seven eight, We need Nader state to state!


9. There was no such coyness from Ralph Nader, who announced thathe would run for president again.


10. The banquet on the 7th is one of the two meetings Castro and Nader are scheduled to have this week.


11. To stand, let alone walk, Nader demands that every muscle in her body feel just right.


12. Rather than trying to get these folks to vote for Nader, Moore wants to mobilize the nation's largest party -- the 55 percent who are normally too disgusted to vote.


13. Neither Ron Paul, the libertarian, nor Ralph Nader, on the left, got anywhere.


14. “Before, they [customers] weren't able to rely on or trust goods imported,” Dr Werner Nader, head of marketing and sales, food analysis, told


15. If we move from left to right, we presumably encounter the 2000 presidential candidates in the order Nader, Gore, Bush, Buchanan.


16. There was no such coyness from Ralph Nader, who announced that he would run for president again.


17. Nader sparkplug simple interpersonal relationship and the culture of home.We think every employee's working image can show the most vivid company portrait of Nader.


18. Besides strengthening self-development, Nader is trying to build up the social role of Chinese excellent corporation.


19. Nader went on to investigate and expose other varieties of corporate abuse.


20. On the 7th, Castro held a banquet in the Palace of the Revolution in honor of Nader, who once made a bid for the US presidency as a Green Party nominee in 2000.


21. Cuban President Castro Meets with Former US Presidential Candidate Nader


22. Similarly, any voter who ranks Bush above Gore can be anticipated to rank Gore above Nader.


23. In California and the rest of the nation, Ralph Nader's Green Party is doing pretty well by offering Luddites a genuine anti-technology choice, rather than an echo of pro-business Republicrats.


24. If the remaining 49 percent rank Gore above Nader above Bush, Gore will win.


25. And if ideology drives voters' views, then any voter who ranks Nader above Gore is likely to rank Gore above Bush and Bush above Buchanan.


26. Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader is hoping his campaign run makes the record books.


27. The president's laughing'cause we voted for Nader


28. We need Nader to give us our voice, Republicans and Democrats there's no choice!


29. Over the years ,however [Ralph]Nader has developed a Don Quixote reputation for dogged pursuit of wrong-headed causes,the staff member said.


30. The struggle that Ralph Nader started is still going on today.


31. Every morning, he would lace up his tattered running shoes and lope off along bomb-cratered roads as kids shouted "Run, Nader, Run!"

每天早晨,他都会将破旧的跑鞋绑到脚上,在孩子们“快跑,纳德尔,加油!”的呐喊声中, 沿着布满弹坑的道路大步地慢跑,努力练习。

32. 4.Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader is hoping his campaign run makes the record books.


33. From the Buchanan ballots to Ralph Nader to Katherine Harris to Bush v. Gore. Life is unfair, but that was unreasonable; Gore has to feel less Job-like now.


34. So for the short term, she says, if your heart is with Nader, be loudly for Nader.If he gets 15 percent in the polls, he'll be in the presidential debates, with a chance to show up the two Tweedles.


35. This insight, namely that blame often lies not with consumers but rather with manufacturers unresponsive to safety data, would become a recurring theme in Nader's many later investigations.


36. Nader Khalili


37. Nader also spoke in favor of the US abandoning of its 40-year-long trade embargo against Cuba, saying the United States should treat Cuba as it treats China.


38. Mr Nader won 0.38% of the popular vote in the 2004 presidential election.


39. Nader and her father, Fred, spent months checking out the Portuguese procedure before she underwent the five-hour surgery.


40. Nader pointed out it is wise to form a partnership between the United States and Cuba in combating tropical diseases because the United States has the money while Cuba has experienced and well-trained personnel.


41. Nader brought a damage action for fraudulent misrepresentation, claiming that the airline had deceptively failed to disclose that it might "overbook" its flights and deny boarding to passengers with confirmed reservations.


42. Arriving earlier yesterday in havana, Nader was warmly welcomed at the airport by Alarcon, chairman of Cuban National Assembly


43. Nader indicated that he will use his stay in Cuba to meet with local dissidents, although it is not on his official itinerary.


44. Nader said the United States and Cuba also should start dialogs on the true meaning of democracy


45. Nader Al-Khateeb, the Palestinian director of the group, says the Jordan has lost freshwater sources.


46. One of the students with Ralph Nader exposed the government's lax oversightof the food industry.


47. Doug: Well sure, there's enough room for both of you. He'll do the shrink stuff, you do the microwaves, VCR's, furniture polish, all that Ralph Nader crud.


48. Peter E Sebaaly,Nader Tabatabee.Effect of Tire Parameters on Pavements Damage and Load-Equivalency Factors.Journal of Transportation Engineering,1992(6).

