
hit the nail on the head

1. 说得中肯; 打中要害

You hit the nail on the head about him: he is a con artist.


He hit the nail on the head when he mentioned that the company was actually facing the danger of bankruptcy.

他说那家公司实际上正面临破产的危机, 真是一针见血。

nail down

1. 用钉子固定

She nailed down the corners of the carpet.


2. 确定

It took the negotiators ten hours to nail down a deal.


We should sign a contract with them to nail down their agreement.

我们应该与他们签订合同, 把协议确定下来。

nail up

1. 把……钉紧

He nailed up the window.


on the nail

1. 立即; 当场

We have to pay on the nail before we can leave with the goods.

我们必须当场付款, 才能拿走货物。

to the nail

1. 完全; 非常

Her analysis was correct to the nail.


习惯用语a nail in its coffin1.加速某人[物]灭亡[垮台]的原因2.败坏名誉[声]的举动a nail in sb.'s coffin1.加速某人[物]灭亡[垮台]的原因2.败坏名誉[声]的举动(as) hard as nails1.身体强壮得象铁打似的; 铁石心肠的; 严峻的(as) naked as one's nail1.[俚, 废]一丝不挂, 赤身露体(as) right as nails1.非常健康, 强健as sure as nails1.[口]肯定无疑;必然as sure as fate1.[口]肯定无疑;必然as sure as death1.[口]肯定无疑;必然as sure as a gun1.[口]肯定无疑;必然By(God's)nails!1.[废]当着上帝的面! 老天爷作证!drive a nail into sb.'s coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台drive a nail into one's coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台drive a nail in sb.'s coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台drive a nail in one's coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台hammera nail into sb.'s coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台hammera a nail into one's coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台hammera a nail in sb.'s coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台hammera a nail in one's coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台put nail into sb.'s coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台put a nail into one's coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台put a nail in sb.'s coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台put a nail in one's coffin1.促使某人[自己]死亡, 加速某人[自己]垮台drive the nail1.[美口]射中靶心; [喻](辩论中)打中要害drive the nail home1.把钉子钉到头, 坚持到底; 使明白[信服]无疑drive the nail to the head1.把钉子钉到头, 坚持到底; 使明白[信服]无疑drive the nail home up to the head1.把钉子钉到头, 坚持到底; 使明白[信服]无疑from the tender nail1.[罕]从少年时代go off at the nail1.[苏]举止失常; 神经失常be off at the nail1.[苏]举止失常; 神经失常He must have iron nails that scratches a bear.1.[谚]搔熊者必具铁爪; 要干危险的事, 就得有充分的准备。He must have iron nails who scratches a bear.1.[谚]搔熊者必具铁爪; 要干危险的事, 就得有充分的准备。hit the (right) nail on the head1.说得对, 中肯, 正中要害off the nail1.有点醉on the nail1.立即; 当场2.在讨论中One nail drives out another.1.[谚]一钉入, 一钉出; 新的挤掉旧的(指习惯, 感情, 爱情, 危险等)。say black is sb.'s nail1.[废]责怪[遣责]某人to the nail1.完全, 彻底to a nail1.完全, 彻底nail down1.用钉子钉牢2.要某人明确表态3.把(某事)准确地加以说明4.要(某人)遵守诺言nail on1.用钉子钉在...上面2.使固定在...nail onto1.用钉子钉在...上面2.使固定在...nail up1.用钉子把...钉死2.把...钉在高处特殊用法barbed nail1.不规则钉, 带齿钉, 刺钉blind nail1.暗钉brad nail1.角钉, 无头钉, 曲头钉bullen nail1.阔头钉calking nail1.填隙钉, 凿密钉caulking nail1.填隙钉, 凿密钉chaplet nail1.型芯撑钉chinch nail1.抱钉clasp nail1.扒钉clasp-headed nail1.钩头钉composition nail1.(铜锌合金)屋面板钉cone-head(ed) nail1.圆锥头钉convex-head steel wire nail1.凸头钢线钉cooler nail1.冷却器钉cut nail1.切制钉dog nail1.道钉double-headed nail1.双头钉draw nail1.起模钉flat chequered head steel wire nail1.方格头顶钢线钉flat smooth head steel wire nail1.平头顶钢线钉halfround head nail1.半圆头钉hand-made nail1.手制钉headless nail1.无头钉hog nail1.猪爪hooked nail1.曲钉hook foundry nail1.型箱用钩头钉ingrown nail1.指甲内长joist nail1.搁栅钉large-headed nail1.大头钉lead nail1.铅皮钉lock seal steel wire roofing nail1.锁封房顶钢线钉masonry nail1.砖石钉mo(u)ld nail1.型钉pilot nail1.安装钉pipe nail1.弧面(瓦状头)泥芯撑primitive nail1.原甲, 原爪rag nail1.棘钉.棘螺栓rose nail1.圆花钉round flat-headed nail1.圆平头钉screw nail1.螺钉secret nail1.暗钉, 隐钉shingle nail1.墙面板, 用木板盖屋面, 木瓦spike nail1.长折钉, 小钉, 道钉spring draw nail1.弹簧起模钉stamped nail1.压制钉steel wire lath nail1.钢丝板条钉stub nail1.短粗钉tenpenny nail1.三英寸大钉toe(d) nail1.斜钉twopenny nail1.一英寸号钉welt nail1.登山靴三齿钉wire nail1.线钉, 圆铁钉wrought nail1.锻钉