
neglectneglectD.J.:[niˈɡlekt]K.K.:[nɪˈɡlɛkt]vt.1.疏忽; 忽略; 遗漏The government neglected industry.政府忽视了工业。Don't neglect your health.不要忽视你的健康。It won't do to neglect this work.忽视这项工作是不行的。No country can afford to neglect education.任何国家都不能忽视教育。For a time he neglected his studies.有一段时间, 他放松了学习。I don't trust him for he often neglects his duty.我不信任他, 因为他常玩忽职守。It is bad for us to pay attention to one side and neglect the other.只顾一方面, 不顾其他方面, 会对我们不利。The wrong was neglected.这种错误被忽略了。Some of the most significant issues were neglected.最重要的问题中, 有些被忽略了。The study of this subject is undeservedly neglected today.现今, 这门学科的研究受到不应有的忽视。The great importance of the quality of equipment for navigation should never be neglected.导航设备的质量极为重要, 不容忽视。Don't neglect to study.不要疏忽学习。He neglected to follow the instructions.他疏忽了, 未遵循指示。He neglected to write and say “Thank you”.他忘了写信道谢。They neglected to lay a good foundation.他们没有注意打下了一个良好的基础。Don't neglect to lock the door when you leave.你离开时别忘了锁门。He neglected to mention that compensation should be made for all the damage done to the building.他忘了提出对该建筑物造成的损失均应赔偿。She neglected locking the door.她忘记锁门了。Don't neglect writing to your mother.不要忘了给你母亲写信。He neglected calling Tom to school.他忘了叫汤姆上学。Don't neglect paying him a visit now and then.别忘了时常去看看他。n.1.忽略, 疏忽, 玩忽2.被忽略的状态

neglect[ni'ɡlekt]vt.1.忽视,无视,轻视:His genius was neglected for several years.他的创造能力被忽视了好几年。2.不讲究,不顾:to neglect one's behaviour不拘小节3.疏忽,忽略,遗漏:He neglected to go to the meeting.他一时疏忽,忘记去开会。4.漏做(某事):to neglect waking someone up忘了叫醒某人5.玩忽:He was dismissed for neglecting his work.他因玩忽职守而被炒了鱿鱼。n.1.忽视,无视,轻视;疏忽,疏漏;玩忽2.被忽视(状态)近义词omitoverlook

neglectneglect[niˈɡlekt]vt.1.忽视, 忽略2.无视, 不顾3.漏做(某事); 疏忽; 玩忽neglect one's meals and sleep废寝忘食neglect other's criticism无视他人的批评neglect one's duties玩忽职守neglect to do [doing] sth.忘做某事Don't neglect paying him a visit now and then.别忘了时常去看看他。He neglected to lock the door yesterday.他昨天忘了锁门。
词性变化neglect[niˈɡlekt]n.1.忽略; 疏忽; 玩忽; 轻视the neglect of health忽略身体健康the neglect of duty玩忽职守In course of time old customs and observances tend to fall into neglect.随着时间的推移, 旧风俗习惯有被忽略的趋势。

继承用法neglected[nɪˈɡlektɪd]adj.1.被忽视的; 未被好好照管的neglecter,neglectorn.1.疏忽者, 忽视者

参考词汇neglect;overlook;slight;都含“忽略”、“疏忽”的意思。1.neglect强调“疏忽”、“忽略”, 如:He neglected his health.他疏忽了他的健康。2.overlook指“由于粗心、放任而没看出或采取行动”, 如:He overlooked my errors.他忽视了我的错误。3.slight 强调“轻蔑, 怠慢”,如:He seems to slight the news writer.他好象是怠慢这个新闻撰稿人。attend;heed;