
feather one's nest

1. 营私

He went into illegal business to feather his nest.


foul one's own nest

1. 家丑外扬

If any of you makes it known to others, he'll be fouling his own nest.

要是你们有谁把这件事讲给外人听, 就是将家丑外扬。

习惯用语a hornet's[wasps'] nest1.蜂窝; 众怒; 众敌; (对某人)不表欢迎或怀有敌意的场所a mare's nest1.幻想的东西, 不存在的东西a nest of1.一窝, 一套(一个比一个小可以叠在一起的)arouse [stir up] a nest of hornets1.捅马蜂窝; 惹麻烦; 引起公愤; 树敌招怨a stolen nest1.母鸡不在本窝而在别处下的一窝蛋bird's nest1.燕窝; 鸟巢; (=crow's nest)观察台; (船)桅杆了望台feather one's nest1.自肥, 中饱私囊; 装修舒适住宅, 经营安乐窝find a mare's nest1.自以为发现了重要的东西结果证明是空欢喜一场foul [befoul] one's own nest1.说自己人坏话, 家丑外扬; 自己拆自己的台go nesting1.掏鸟窝取蛋hurrah's [hurra's, hurray's] nest1.[美口]杂乱无章, 乱七八糟put one's head into a hornet's nest1.(因干预某事而)招来麻烦; 招惹是非take a nest1.摸(鸟)巢, 摸巢中的鸟蛋[雏]nest of singing birds1.[英]抒情诗人小集团特殊用法bird nest1.鸟窝; 锅垢; 炉渣drying nest1.干燥部分graphite nest1.石墨巢孔(铸件缺陷), 石墨粗大疏松组织heating tube nest1.加热管束retaining nest1.定位槽rollaway nest1.滚道, 滑槽roller nest1.滚柱窝spring nest1.弹簧组tube nest1.(列管热交换器的)花板nest of intervals1.区间套nest of tubes1.管组, 管簇