
nestlenestleD.J.:[ˈnesl]K.K.:[ˈnɛsəl]vt. & vi.1.舒适而温暖地安定下来He nestled down in bed shortly after he got home.他回家后不久便上床休息了。2.依偎The child nestled (his head) up against to his mother.小孩(将头)紧紧地依偎着他的母亲。

nestle['nesl]vi.1.(似巢中鸟般)紧贴着身子躺,偎依:The baby cats nestled together in the basket.几只小猫咪互相偎依着躺在篮子里。2.(舒适地)安顿下来;安卧,舒适地躺:to nestle into a marriage成家立业She rubbed her body with sun-scream and nestled into the beachchair.她往身上擦满了防晒霜,舒舒服服地躺在了帆布躺椅上。3.半隐半现:I saw a cottage nestling in the woods.我看到隐映在树林中的乡村别墅。4.[口语]5.筑巢,有巢6.安家,定巢而居vt.1.(鸟)为…筑巢;把…安置于巢中:to nestle chicks把小鸡赶回窝中2.使(舒适地)安顿下来:He nestled himself into the sofa for a nap.他倒身躺在沙发上小睡了一会儿。3.使紧贴,使偎依;抱:Her father nestled her in his arms and asked her not to bother abour it.父亲把她搂在怀里,安慰她说不要紧。变形vi.nestlednestling

nestlenestle[ˈnesl]vi.1.舒适地安顿下来, 安居[身], 座落, 安卧(down, in, into, among)2.偎依, 紧靠(up, to, against)3.半隐半现地处于4.筑巢; 定巢而居He nestled into a chair.他安适地坐在椅中。The little house nestled among the trees.那小屋座落在树丛中。The child nestled up to its mother.那小孩偎依母亲身边。
词性变化nestle[ˈnesl]vt.1.抱, 使紧贴2.置于巢中, 安顿, 掩蔽3.舒适地安顿下来nestle oneself in bed安卧在床上She nestled the baby in her arms.她把孩子抱在怀里。