

1. Leif Ericson landed at Vinland (Newfoundland) on October 9th, becoming the first known European to set foot in Canada.


2. In the year 1578, the English navigator Martin Frobisher held a formal ceremony, in what is now called Newfoundland, to give thanks for surviving the long journey.


3. 1800 - First smallpox vaccination in North America, at Trinity, Newfoundland.


4. In 1928, aviator Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as she completed a flight from Newfoundland to Wales in about 21 hours.


5. Statute of Westminster gives complete legislative independence to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland and Newfoundland.


6. On the morning of May 20, 1932, in Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, an atactive 34-year-old woman climbed into the 2) cockpit of her single-engine Lockheed Vega, and took off into the sky, 3) headed for Paris.


7. The admission of Newfoundland into Confederation in 1948 completed the Canadian Confederation of ten provinces from sea to sea, as they exist today.


8. In 1969, the federal government allowed Quebec sole control of hydroelectric-power purchases at the American border, forcing Newfoundland to buy power from its neighbour at punitive rates.


9. Newfoundland again found itself in financial trouble in the 1940s: this time Britain nudged Newfoundland and Labrador into the arms of Canada.


10. "Hi, there," Jack called. "Want an orange from Newfoundland?" And he tossed one to the boy.


11. “Don't Sell Your Country!”said one opting for Newfoundland to remain independent.


12. Before long, many fishermen were sailing across the Atlantic to Newfoundland in their little fishing boats and bringing back great numbers of dried fish for the kitchens of Europe.


13. Ice floes in the northern Gulf and around Newfoundland province where most of the seal hunting occurs remain in "good" condition, the minister said.


14. Perhaps the best known case is the complete collapse of the Atlantic cod fishery off the coast of Newfoundland in the early 1990s.


15. breed of very large heavy usually black dogs developed in Newfoundland; highly intelligent and vigorous swimmers


16. breed of very large heavy usually black dogs developed in Newfoundland; highly intelligent and vigorous swimmers.


17. Starting in the spring of 2007, daylight saving time (DST) start and end dates for Newfoundland will transition.


18. He then sailed further south to an island which is now known as Newfoundland.


19. But Newfoundland has gone through a lot of economic crisis over the past twenty, thirty years.


20. The famous military kennel Red Star in Moscow mixed the Caucasian with the St.Bernard and the Newfoundland, trying to create new breeds based on the Caucasian.


21. The smaller dog has been called, variously, the Lesser St.John's dog, the Lesser Newfoundland, or even the Labrador.


22. Newfoundland Trusts in the Sea


23. Looking down my Driveway at the Main Road in Hant's Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada.....Looking Northeast toward Trinity Bay .


24. The Newfoundland went first, followed by the three short-haired pointers, the two mongrels hanging more grittily on to life, but going in the end.


25. Everything Mark Earle made through fishing in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, Canada. Reuben's mother, Dora, stretched like elastic to feed clothe their five children.


26. Candidate for the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary stratotype of Newfoundland


27. Others admit that Newfoundland has a history of financial mismanagement and spectacular boondoggles.


28. Name one province that is on the Atlantic coast of Canada. Newfoundland (Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia) is on the Atlantic coast of Canada.


29. Canada is such a vast country that people in Newfoundland can be eating their lunch while people in British Columbia may be having their breakfast.


30. Canadian authority say they are continuing looking until tonight for 16 people still missing after their helicopter ditched into the ocean of the province of Newfoundland on Thursday.


31. Changes to DST and time zone settings that will occur in Canada in 2007 (except in Newfoundland).


32. Provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador New Brunswick


33. Newfoundland and Labrador -- Canada


34. Geology and Mineralization of the Chetwynd Deposit,Southwestern Newfoundland,Canada


35. Also, mainland banks were reluctant to lend money for projects in Newfoundland, a complaint that echoes many I heard from the mining industry yesterday.


36. Avoid long hikes until the Newfoundland is fully grown.


37. To which ocean is Newfoundland closest Atlantic Ocean is closest to Newfoundland.


38. Which was the last province to join Canada It was Newfoundland.


39. Rescuers have pulled one survivor and one body from frigid waters off Newfoundland, Canada.


40. Reaching new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.


41. At the tip of the Great Northern Peninsula of the island of Newfoundland, the remains of an 11th-century Viking settlement are evidence of the first European presence in North America.


42. A mere 17 miles south of Newfoundland lie a group of islands collectively known as St Pierre et Miquelon, and they don't just belong to France, they are France.


43. How high are the mountains in western Newfoundland?


44. Trade certification for electricians (domestic and rural) is mandatory in Quebec and Ontario, and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador.


45. One of its most famous fishing regions, the Grand Banks, is near Newfoundland.


46. The Atlanticfurnishes much food for the people on its shores. One of its most famous fishing regions, the Grand Banks, is near Newfoundland.


47. The Atlantic furnishes much food for the people on its shores. One of its most famous fishing regions, the Grand Banks, is near Newfoundland.


48. What are the provinces of the Atlantic Region Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are the provinces of the Atlantic regions.


49. "atlantic Provinces: the eastern Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland."

宾大西洋诸省: 加拿大东部省份,新不伦瑞克,爱德华太子岛,新斯科舍和纽芬兰。

50. The Newfoundland is very sensitive to the tone of your voice.


51. Buck saw money pass between them, and was not surprised when Curly, a good-natured Newfoundland, and he were led away by the little weazened man.


52. Hemaya, Paulette B., “Knowledge-Based Advisory System for Flexible Pavement Routine Maintenance”, Ph.D, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, 1992.


53. Many Canadians see Newfoundland as the poor man of confederation, where unemployment always soars above the national average and whose people depend on the largesse of their fellow countrymen.


54. I am pleased to advise that Dr.Cosmas Ho is well regarded in the Newfoundland &Labrador business community.


55. A ceramic bowl and other debris from the Titanic litter the floor of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Newfoundland.


56. Our conversation had veered into the sources of nationalist sentiment in Newfoundland, which is what brought us to the flag.


57. I can find you a Newfoundland dog that will do as much.


58. That distinctiveness is apparent as I get into a taxi for the 20-minute ride from the airport to downtown St John's, Newfoundland's capital.


59. I hope I can visit Newfoundland.


60. My first stop is the Newfoundland Ocean Industries Association, which represents the companies involved in offshore oil, to find out how oil can be extracted in such hazardous conditions.


61. I believe the west coast of Newfoundland is very beautiful.


62. The Labradors originally came from Newfoundland,where sailors used them to retrieve fish that had escaped from their fishhooks.


63. One engaged in cod fishing off Newfoundland.


64. Resettlement did not solve rural Newfoundland's problems: unemployment in some areas is as high as 20%, compared with just over 6% in St John's.


65. Methods QPCODE,General self-efficacy scale,and Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale(MUNSH) were administered to 217 old adults aged over 60 years.


66. Some think that Canadians know as little about Newfoundland as Americans know about Canada: out of that ignorance comes discrimination.


67. We have also advised the Mayor of New York, the State of California, and the four Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland& Labrador and Ontario on their national waste strategies.


68. Their range extends from the Atlantic shore down to Georgia, Ohio, Virginia, North Dakota, spreading to Newfoundland and Quebec.


69. The Dowell Drilling Fluids Team on the Hibernia project, off the coast of Newfoundland, faces some interesting challenges.


70. More than a dozen writers from Newfoundland are making the trip to Nova Scotia to get in on the action.


71. But it is unknown if the fishermen going to Newfoundland would have had hound dogs used for game rather than water dogs.


72. Faulty hormone receptor tests disqualified scores of women in Newfoundland and Labrador from receiing potentially life-saing treatment for breast cancer, court documents show.


73. A town of northeast Newfoundland, Canada. Its airport was strategically important during World War II and was long used as a refueling stop for transatlantic flights. Population, 10,404.


74. A town of northeast Newfoundland,Canada. Its airport was strategically important during World War II and was long used as a refueling stop for transatlantic flights. Population,10,404.


75. A town of northeast Newfoundland, Canada. Its airport was strategically important during World War II and was long used as a refueling stop for transatlantic flights. Population,10, 404.


76. There is even a small lobster fishery, although Newfoundland is at the northern limit of their habitat.


77. SCL-90 and 3. MUNSH (Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness).


78. Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick


79. To which ocean is Newfoundland closest?


80. The Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador

