

1. "The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.


2. 4 And go nobly on in your power, because you are good and true and without pride; and your right hand will be teaching you things of fear.


3. "We shall nobly save or meanly lose the last, best hope of earth."


4. The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.


5. the mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause,


6. ”However after that three point hits, found a point to be self-confident nobly, “afterward let loose has hit.


7. conduct oneself nobly


8. And go nobly on in your power, because you are good and true and without pride; and your right hand will be teaching you things of fear.


9. ”Tonight the third time goes on stage, already put nobly with ease many, “first such has not been anxious.


10. He was nobly born


11. Gillenormand the elder, he never haggled over his alms-giving, but gave gladly and nobly.


12. But very few people acted responsibly, honorably or nobly (the very word sounds odd today).


13. but taking poor, mortal human as it is, how shall we organize our life so that we can work peacefully, endure nobly and live happily?


14. If you really mean "which," then it usually needs to be preceded by a comma, See "Help" key for more information.] they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.


15. nobly born


16. be nobly born


17. The nobly born must nobly do.


18. Nobly sound result and simple makings,still make you give full play to all sorts of imagination.


19. The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause/While the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.


20. Nobly, nobly Cape Saint Vincent to the North-west died away; Sunset ran, one glorious blood-red, reeking into Cadiz bay


21. She conducts herself nobly


22. she has behaved nobly.


23. She bore the disappointment nobly.


24. She conducted herself nobly.


25. But if you ask what is good of education in general, the answer is easy: that education makes good man, and that good man act nobly.


26. If we must die,O let us nobly die,


27. If we must suffer ,let us suffer nobly .


28. Choosing to die nobly rather than to fall into the hands of the wicked, and to suffer abuses unbecoming his noble birth.


29. a deed nobly done


30. In Olympus, Zeus congratulated himself that his favorite son had behaved so nobly


31. Toward women he was nobly restrained and chivalrous.


32. Fortunately, he died nobly at the alamo, fighting for Texan independence, and thus secured immortality


33. to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.


34. Take as an example of pain nobly undergone and of strength in trouble, the prophets who gave to men the words of the Lord.


35. Like its culture, Italian food is nobly renowned, elegant and tasty. D...


36. Zehir has acquitted himself nobly in Ygg-Chall;Ylaya and her armies will come to his aid in Talonguard.However, Zehir now needs to find out what is going on with the rebels in the Griffin Empi ...


37. Moved by pure and genuine of "Snow Leopard" the god of snowy mountain, admired by soft and firm together of"Snow Leopard", and sublimate to be pure and nobly of "Life Memory".


38. We believe that the report is well intentioned, nobly inspired and contains many practical proposals.


39. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.


40. A peace is of the nature of a conquest; for then both parties nobly are subdued, and neither party loser.


41. 18. He is noble who feels and acts nobly.


42. Some kinds of baseness are nobly undergone and most poor matters point to rich ends.


43. Noble Group (SGX: NOBL) is a market leader in managing the global supply chain of agricultural, industrial and energy products.

来宝集团 是总部在香港,在新加坡证券交易所上市的企业集团(新加坡海峡股票交易所代码:NOBL),是农业、工业及能源产品全球供应链管理的市场领军者。

44. Above, his brow is perfect wisdom; nobly wise,


45. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.


46. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work, which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.


47. When troubles do come, Marcus Aur- elius wisely tells us to" remember on every occasion which leads thee to vex- ation to apply this principle, that this is not a misfortune, but that to bear it nobly is good fortune.


48. Then she told me she would carry me to an uncle's house of hers, where we should be nobly entertained.


49. And now the ideas and the ideals which he so nobly represented must and will be translated into effective action


50. Hence, while sectarian and partisan faiths are based on personal choice or temperament and divide men, scientific procedure unites men in something nobly devoid of all pettiness.


51. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work, which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.


52. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.


53. "Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all."


54. The end previous 6 minutes 25 seconds, have the opportunity nobly, the coordinated process are over-the-rim shot successfully, all people to nobly applaud on the spot.


55. Strong, generous, and confident, she has nobly served mankind.


56. The feather gorgeous birds nobly and gracefully hover in the all colors variegated jungle sky.


57. However, Richard Strauss, a master composer, Wilhelm Furtwangler, the world's best conductor at that time, and Karajan, later an internationally reputable conductor, did not act so nobly and righteously.


58. It is for us,the living,rather to be dedicated her to the unfinished work they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.


59. Requests others to do, oneself first do, forbids others to do, oneself firm do not do, becomes morals nobly, to be beneficial diligently in people's person.


60. Remember too on every occasion which leads thee to vexation to apply this principle: not that this is a misfortune, but that to bear it nobly is good fortune.


61. “Effective for life” means to make persons live healthily and nobly.

这里的 “对生活有益”,指能够使人过上健康向上的生活。

62. but taking poor, mortal human nature as it is, how shall we organize our life so that we can work peacefully, endure nobly and live happily?


63. The point is not how long you live, but how nobly you live.


64. Later he said he hoped that Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms would save a system nobly based on the “combination of socialism and freedom”.


65. The woman nobly said it could be worse: "People have to take everything in proportion and thank God for the good and the bad.

面对可能会变得更糟的情况,她洒脱地说: “人生总是有得有失。不论好坏,我们都要感谢上帝对我们的眷顾。”

66. First gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand,


67. ”Has become before nobly just like the Hongyuan season, the match “the core”.

