
nodnodD.J.:[nɔd]K.K.:[nɑd]vt. & vi.1.点头I nodded at him in greeting.我向他点头打招呼。He nodded to show that he understood.他点头表示他懂了。She nodded her head when she passed me in the street.当她在街上走过我身旁时, 向我点了点头。He nodded a welcome to Mary.他向玛丽点头表示欢迎。vi.1.打盹, 打瞌睡Grandmother sat nodding by the fire.祖母坐在火炉旁打瞌睡。n.1.点头The judges gave the nod to the winning challenger.裁判们对挑战者的胜利给予确认。

nod[nɔd]vt.1.点(头):She nodded to agree with me.她点头同意了我的意见。2.点头表示:to nod one's respect点头表示敬意3.点头让(或要、叫):He nodded me to go in.他点头让我进去。4.使晃动;使倾斜,使弯曲:The branches of the trees werenodded by the wind.风吹得树枝来回晃动。5.【足球】头顶(球)vi.1.点头同意;点头打招呼:to nod at someone向某人点头致意2.(点头)打瞌睡,打盹:He always nodded when watching TV.一看电视他就会打瞌睡。3.变得粗心大意;不当心而弄错:to nod over the spelling在拼写上变得粗心大意起来4.晃动,摆动;倾斜,弯曲:Leaves nod in the winds.树叶在风中不停地抖动着。n.1.点头;点头同意;点头致意2.打瞌睡,打盹3.晃动,摆动;倾斜,弯曲4.粗心大意,疏忽a nod and a beck点头致意(或打招呼)a nod and a wink点头眨眼示意a nod is as good as a wink[口语]心中有数,无需明言be at someone's nod受某人支配,在某人控制下,完全听命于某人get the nod[美国口语]得到认可;被选中give the nod[美国口语]点头同意使得胜Homer sometimes nods.[谚语]智者千虑,必有一失。on the nod[口语]点头表示同意,默许用赊购方法(吸毒等后)处于昏迷状态变形vt.noddednodding

nodnod[nɔd]vi.(nodded; nodding)1.点头(表示同意或打招呼)2.打盹, 瞌睡3.不专心、不留意而失误4.(树梢、花等)摇曳; 摆动5.(建筑物)倾斜nod to sb.向某人打招呼nodding in an armchair坐在椅子上打瞌睡Flowers nod in the breeze.花在微风中摇动。
词性变化nod[nɔd]vt.1.点(头); 点头表示(同意等)2.使屈服; 使弯曲; 使低垂; 使摇摆nod sb. a welcome向某人表示欢迎nod sb. back点头表示某人回来nod one's farewell点头告别nod[nɔd]n.1.点头2.打盹3.(树梢等)摆动
