
nourishnourishD.J.:[ˈnʌriʃ]K.K.:[ˈnɚrɪʃ, ˈnʌr-]vt.1.养育, 喂养, 滋养They needed good food to nourish their bodies.他们需要好食品滋养身体。2.保持, 增长(情绪等)He's been nourishing the hope of a trip abroad.他一直怀着出国旅行的愿望。

nourish['nʌriʃ; 'nə:-]vt.1.抚养,养育:to nourish a baby by milk用牛奶喂养婴儿2.营养,给…施肥:to nourish flowers给花施肥3.培养,助长;支持,鼓励:to nourish new varieties of wheat培育小麦新品种He nourished me to muster my courage.他激励我鼓起勇气。4.加强,促进:to nourish the economic growth促进经济增长5.怀有(希望、仇恨等):He had long nourished the dream of being an actor.很久以来他一直梦想着成为一名演员。

nourishnourish[ˈnʌriʃ]vt.1.施肥于; 滋养2.抚养; 养育3.供给; 助长4.怀抱(希望、怨恨等)nourish feelings of hatred怀恨在心Milk nourishes a baby.牛奶供给婴儿养料。
继承用法nourishern.nourishing[ˈnʌrɪʃɪŋ]adj.1.滋养[补]的, 富于营养的nourishment[ˈnʌrɪʃmənt]n.1.食物; 营养, 滋养