frequently; many times 经常;常常 he often goes for long walks by himself. 他常常独自散步很久。 how often do you have your hair cut?. 你多长时间剪一次头发?。 ■in many instances 经常 vocabulary often reflects social standing. 一个人所用的词汇往往能反映出他的社会地位。
常用词组 as often as not
quite frequently or commonly 经常;在通常情况下 I had two homes really, because as often as not I was down at her house. 其实我有两个家,因为我常去她家里。
more often than not
usually 往往,多半 food is scarce and more often than not they go hungry. 食物很少,他们经常挨饿。
Middle English: extended form of oft, probably influenced by selden 'seldom'. Early examples appear to be northern English; the word became general in the 16th cent