

1. Keep in mind that even if your cake is destroyed or your friends start a fight or your organist doesn’t show up and everyone has to sing a cappella that at the end of the day, you’re still married.


2. Nach dem Tode seines Vaters im Jahre 1697 komponierte Georg Friedrich H ndel Kirchenkantaten und Orgelst cken. Zur gleichen Zeit war er Organist am Dom und der Schlosskirche von Halle.


3. "I'll have a look at this new organist," he thought, "who can afford to bury his talents at Audley, and play Mendelssohn's finest fugues for a stipend of sixteen pounds a-year.


4. I wanted tape tins at my father's funeral service, not a live organist playing selections from Fiddler on the Roof.


5. The Significance of Organist Ethics Education Viewed from the Point of the Continuous Development


6. Schweitzer also spoke out against the dangers of nuclear weapons, became an organist and expert on Johann Sebastian Bach, and served as a church pastor and university professor.


7. He held a variety of posts as an organist, rapidly gaining in fame for his virtuosity and ability.


8. Always attracted to the black and white keys, he learns the piano when he is eleven years old and becomes the organist of his village.


9. " He lingered in the porch, waiting for the organist to descend the awkward little staircase.


10. Bach next took a position with a duke who made him his court organist.


11. He is a very fine organist.


12. He began his career as a church organist, and was soon corns ORGAN preludes (opening pieces) and fugues (pieces arranged for several contrasting parts).


13. Venus with Organist and Cupid (detail)


14. 2.A few Sundays ago it reached rock bottom when the minister preached his wife, the organist and the two presiding officers for that date.


15. )Later, as organist at Leipzig, he composed church music, including his St Matthew and St John Passions, and the Mass in B minor


16. Together with Henry Wood, the organist, accompanist and conductor, the two man team created a particular philosophy that set the tone of the Proms in the years to come.


17. He therefore freely indulged his curiosity about the new organist.


18. The surprise hobby was the piano and his implied admission that when he tires of Manchester United he will be applying for the job as the in-house organist at Wilmslow crematorium.


19. Before I left Cahors, I slipped into its 11th Century cathedral to have a look at the medieval frescoes and to listen to the organist who was practising for Mass.


20. Willson has started conducting since school-age and founded the Gregory Choir; during which he had also conducted several church choirs and played as an organist.


21. Our 9:30 a.m. service also feature music by our Choir, vocal soloists, and our organist leads hymn singing on our wonderful Organ.


22. During his lifetime, however, Bach was better known as an organist.


23. J.S.Bach began his career in low-level positions, including one as a church organist in the town of Arnstadt.


24. Bach:German composer and organist of the late baroque period. among the greatest composers in history


25. Whilst organist at Arnstadt, Bach requested four weeks' leave to walk to Lubeck (some 300km) in order to hear Dietrich Buxtehude, then the greatest organist in Germany.


26. About 10 minutes from downtown. In the very heart of the city. Can accommodate up to 100 guest. Live Organist available.


27. French composer who was court organist at Versailles during the reign of Louis XIV.


28. French organist and composer who exerted great influence as a teacher.His most acclaimed work is his Symphony in D minor(1889.


29. French organist and composer who exerted great influence as a teacher. His most acclaimed work is his Symphony in D minor(1889).


30. The organist was playing the congregation out


31. A church wedding service will include hymns, a commemorative Order of Service leaflets, an organist, a choir, lapel flowers and personally chosen Bible readings.


32. The church organist may improvise on a ground bass.


33. Through one violet-stained window a soft light glowed, where, no doubt, the organist loitered over the keys, making sure of his mastery of the coming Sabbath anthem.


34. French organist and composer who exerted great influence as a teacher. His most acclaimed work is his Symphony in D minor(1889)


35. When Mildred combined her musical talents, as the resident expert on spiritual songs, and as the organist for her church, with her sister's expertise in the area of Kindergarten Education, "Good Morning to All" was sure to be a success.


36. When Mildred combined her musical talents, as the resident expert on spiritual songs, and as the organist for her church, with her sisters expertise in the area of Kindergarten Education, Good Morning to All was sure to be a success.


37. organist ethics education


38. About 60 minutes from chosen hotel. About 15 mins from Airport. In the middle of Okinawa. Can accommodate up to 40 guest. Live Organist available.


39. About 25 minutes from chosen hotel. About 90 mins from Airport. In the middle of Okinawa. Can accommodate up to 60 guest. . Live Organist available.


40. About 20 minutes from chosen hotel. About 60 mins from Airport. In the middle of Okinawa. Can accommodate up to 50 guest. . Live Organist available.


41. About 20 minutes from chosen hotel. About 60 mins from Airport. In the middle of Okinawa. Can accommodate up to 60 guest. . Live Organist available.


42. About 15 minutes from chosen hotel. About 60 mins from Airport. In the middle of Okinawa. Can accommodate up to 100 guest. . Live Organist available.


43. Analyzing Hegel's Organist Thinking of Ethics Simply


44. It was the organist, Paula Cotton.


45. When he was 15, and was working in a Church as an assistance organist, Ludwig was practically supporting the family.


46. That lady herself played the organ for the choir at the Methodist Church and, as an organist, had scant respect for harps or harpists.


47. The organist played a famous melody.


48. 4. The organist played a famous melody .


49. And the anthem that the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence, for he had known it well in the days when his life contained such things as mothers and roses and ambitions and friends.


50. Through one window a soft light glowed, where, no doubt, the organist played a Sunday anthem.


51. Organist gently comforted Road: "You worry when we look back to find him, protect him.


52. The organist played the congregation out of the church。


53. 1. The organist played the congregation out of the church.


54. And the anthem that the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence, for he had known it well in the days when his life contained such things as mothers and roses and ambitions and friends and immaculate thoughts and collars.


55. The anthem that the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence


56. The organist played a Sunday anthem


57. And the anthem that the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence,


58. (1685-1750) German composer and organist.

