

1. am economic handling of customer complaints to su ort QMM 3.


2. Sailing first became an Olympic ort in Paris in 1900, where time handica were used to adjudicate the race.


3. For the WB the tra ort sector does not guarantee a return of more than 10% as recommended by the Mille ium Challenge for private investment.


4. Incoterms 2000By the 1920s, commercial traders developed a set of trade terms to describe their rights and liabilities with regard to the sale and tra ort of goods.


5. All Risks mea WPA plus additional risks, or extraneous risks, risks not incidental to tra ort by sea.


6. A new Israeli poll indicates Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is losing public su ort as more Israelis believe they are either losing the war or that it will end in a stalemate.


7. The paper says the facility can su ort 200-thousand people for up to 15 days. The Shanghai municipality's population is a roaching 20 million.


8. World ORT Union


9. The Eastern style consists of hanging ort all day in the sun, doing nothing, avoiding and kind of work or useful activity, drinking cups of tea and gossiping with friends.


10. They decided to stay in su ort of the new leadership.


11. Carried ort a number of experiments, with interesting results.


12. Why didn't Red Hat enable NTFS su ort in their kernels?


13. To help taxi drivers survive the eumonia outbreak, the Tra ort Department a ounced on Thursday it would relax sto ing restrictio from next Thursday for three months.


14. Active tra ort : This proce is characterized by selectivity and saturability and requires energy expenditure by the cell.

主动转运 这种转运过程的特征是选择性和饱和性,需要细胞的能量消耗。

15. A Perha . I wish I had more time for ort or exercise.


16. To let go is not to denby, but to accept.To let go is not to nag, scowl, ort argue, but to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them.


17. Indeed, Pearl River Delta cities are developing numerous projects designed to reduce dependence on Hong Kong as a tra ort hub.


18. Und es soll geschehen an dem Ort, da man zu ihnen gesagt hat: "Ihr seid nicht mein Volk", wird man zu ihnen sagen: "O ihr Kinder des lebendigen Gottes!"


19. They have little time to do ort.


20. He has made up one's mind of the avenging oneself and cancel ort one's hatred for parents' extremely


21. He oke at the meeting in su ort of my idea.


22. He gave up his American pa ort to become a British citizen.


23. His novel is really a fine ef f ort .


24. With a parting shot he stormed ort of the house


25. 463. All this above imputes or contributes to the communication su ort.


26. But as a coach his ra ort with his players seems very good.


27. But South Korean officials said the two men su ort "nece ary and a ropriate" measures agai t North Korea.


28. However, the capacity of central banks to su ort commercial banks in trouble and to prevent a lo of confidence in all deposit taking i titutio should not be overestimated.


29. C: What is the most popular ort in your country?


30. You'd better a ly for your pa ort now. The sooner, the better.


31. You said no star was ort of reach


32. Ru ia has su ended all tra ort and postal links with neighboring Georgia in retaliation for Tbilisi's detention last week of four Ru ian military officers accused of ying.


33. 5' Protect the po[or and] the slave / [supp]ort the stranger.


34. The Octopus card's popularity was e ured by its status as the monopoly card-payment system for the MTR and other tra ort services.


35. Work ort an itinerary


36. Organizers of the Beijing Olympiad are co idering of the inclusion of golf as a demo tration ort in 2008.


37. The alliance said the international community strongly reaffirms its su ort for the territorial integrity of Georgia.


38. National Commission for ORT


39. I addition, ome multiproce or ystem u ort arallel roce ing.


40. But I thought that if I could get your su ort first, it might make getting a roval easier.


41. Ich habe geh"ort dass alle ihn ignoriert.


42. Kept good relatio hip among different departments within the company, provided efficient related su ort to the Union of Labor, Human Resources Department and Sales Department.


43. Because, housewife clears when ort remnant mug-up, particularly easy put a course that remain or a mug-up subliminally into the mouth at any time.


44. Good idea!Try it!But you ma not get much su ort, because listening is as important as reading, writing, eaking.Maybe one day oken English will also be tested!


45. London ist auch der Ort, wo die Schokolade erstmals in fester Form auftaucht.


46. The ort would return in a similar role when the Olympic Games returned after a 1500-year a ence in 1896.


47. The troo , with tanks, armored units and air su ort, set up checkpoints throughout the city.


48. Remind yourself at a particular ort to check the time.


49. Between that, you've got the majority of people who su ort some sort of mixture of the two - what's called a mixed economy.


50. Research and Design of ORT Reduction Gear Based on Movable Teeth Transmission


51. The su ort of rate of major party nominee is higher than that of a minor party nominee.


52. College-age athletes who can earn millions if they drop ort of school and play professional sports are well aware that their opportunity cost of college is very high.


53. If finger is chosen as monitoring site, su ort lower arm. I truct client to keep se or probe site still.


54. The Wilsons decided to farm ort their rubber plantation to the natives.


55. It is carried ort by yeasts and some other fungi and certain bacteria.


56. Name und Ort der Universitaet


57. S: How does a head nurse su ort the primary nurse?


58. They include: APEC su ort to the WTO proce , trade and security, and free trade agreements (FTAs) and regional trade agreements (RTAs).


59. It's simpler and cheaper for both of us to arrange multimodal combined tra ort.


60. It was shown that the mean ORT ( Operation /Response Time) for Task SK was 6.3%. less than for Task CK, the mean ORT for Task SS was 5.8% less than for Task CS.

实验结果表明,作业SK的平均操作反应时间(ORT)比作业 CK快6.3%,作业SS平均ORT比作业CS快5.8%;

61. This is definitely true in climbing whether you're working a high-ball boulder problem, ort route, multi-pitch traditional line, or alpine route.


62. The same type of ve el could be used, one day, to tra ort astronauts to Mars.


63. The ort was introduced to the Olympics in 1964 by the Japanese, although it was never contested as a demo tration ort at the Olympics.


64. "Despite these recommendations, recent surveys suggest that many emergency department and primary care physicians preferentially use IVT rather than ORT for children who are dehydrated.


65. Brazil would also su ort Guinea Bi au in the areas of Education, Health and Agriculture, among others, Pimenta said.


66. Su ort for the safety of the banking system via a lender of last resort mechanism became the most important function of central banks in the early twentieth century.


67. Governments of the municipality, districts and tow shall provide nece ary material su ort and a istance for the performance of representatives' functio in the corre onding election area.


68. De veloped quilkly,nonpolluting and nontoxic analysis system will become the hot sp ort in the future .


69. am angeführten Ort


70. As you build an atmo here of su ort,keep a notebook handy to jot down the things you hear and read that i ire you.


71. The host country could add one ort, and Japan chose judo.


72. While taekwondo and triathlon both debuted as the newest Olympic orts at the Sydney2000 Games, triathlon was literally the newest ort.


73. Many people believe that capital punishment deters crime . But although criminologists have conducted exhaustive research regarding the subject , little evidence exists to su ort the claim .


74. Too often, training carried out results in the trainee going back to a working environment that does not su ort the learning experiences she has just gone through.


75. Soon she was at her end of the driveway and ort on the main road, but sbe did not stop until she had rounded a curve that put a lareg clump of trees between her and the house.


76. "This money will help Sao Tome and Principe to boost revenues," Menezes said, adding that the su ort was provided after a request from Sao Tome, within the scope of bilateral cooperation.


77. We solicit a continuance of your confidence and su ort.


78. Quale ort preferisce?


79. We have arranged to tra ort the rice you purchased by rail.


80. We have to ~ profits from this sector to su ort the other.

