

1. built like a brick outhouse

adj. 身材很好的

2. 16) "Capturing the Phylactery" (to get the Phylactery, click on the middle outhouse at 59.80


3. A farmer gathered his 6 sons and asked, "Which one of you boys pushed the outhouse into the creek?


4. A farmer gathered his 6 sons and asked,“Which one of you boys pushed the outhouse into the creek?”


5. An old man with a long white beard was standing in the outhouse, chopping Yule logs.


6. Then the girl came up the stairs, helped me to my feet, guided me to the outhouse, and afterwards escorted me back to my bunk.


7. His wife went into the outhouse, which in old houses was always right next to the pigpen.


8. Between 20 and 25 tribal notables sat on the council which was held at the mud-plastered and thatched outhouse of a local landlord of the girl's tribe, the Bunglani Mazari.


9. Behind it lay small sheds and tents, a rudimentary shower and outhouse.


10. What had started as a walk at night to the outhouse had turned into a life and death adventure!


11. There’s an outhouse in the woods.


12. Guzman is found dead near the outhouse of one of the rafts.


13. Just an old run-down shack, with an outhouse in back,


14. The king gave them a tiny run-down hut that people used as an outhouse.


15. I got him in the outhouse, jumped him on the stairs, come over to his pillow in the night while he was sleepin and pasted him damn good.


16. The most unusual event at the festival is Latrine Running where an outhouse and its occupier are raced around a course.


17. The sparrow 's nest under the outhouse roof had been washed away and the birds flitted in and out of the eaves, panicking.


18. What I want out of each and everyone of you is a hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse in that area.


19. What I want out of each and everyone of you is a hard target search of every gas station,residence,warehouse,farmhouse,henhouse,outhouse,and doghouse in that area.


20. She rushed out of the bedroom, intending to go and bang on the outhouse door, but at the head of the stairs she paused


21. So for the year or so we lived out there, on the hottest summer days and the coldest winter nights, we had to go outside to the wooden outhouse to relieve ourselves.


22. We still use an outhouse at our summer place.


23. I was reading in the inner room, and heard my mother suddenly calling me from the outhouse.


24. The outhouse's most modern descendant, the high-tech Brondell Swash 600 toilet seat.

户外厕所革命性产品:Brondell Swash 600高科技马桶座。

25. There must have been an outhouse, too, but my mind never recorded it.


26. " Some paintings are abstract, and other subjects featured include an outhouse and a person blowing soap bubbles.


27. In the middle of the night nature's call compelled me to visit the outhouse, a task that involved descending the insecure stairs and going across yak territory.


28. This is just temporary.” Years went by, however, and we got used to going to the outhouse, hauling buckets of water, heating with wood, bathing in a metal tub, lighting kerosene lamps.


29. Peel is not sure why the outhouse was shot.It could have been vandalism, assault or perhaps somebody's way of creating holes to let air come in and out more easily.


30. Then the door of the wooden outhouse standing in one corner of the yard opened and out he came,fastening his linen underdrawers.


31. An outdoor toilet;an outhouse.


32. An outdoor toilet; an outhouse.


33. Later, when I got into politics, being able to say I had lived on a farm with an outhouse made a great story, almost as good as being born in a log cabin.


34. Some paintings are a tract, and other subjects featured include an outhouse and a person blowing soap bu les.


35. This Taipei restaurant might consider it a compliment to be called an outhouse as the Modern Toilet diner is one of the chain themed eateries appealing to largely young clientele with a special toilet humor.


36. McCourt's memoir describes an entire block of houses sharing a single outhouse, ground floor dwellings flooded by constant rain, a home infested with rats and vermin.


37. There must have been an outhouse, too, but my mind never recorded it.


38. On their feet once more, they began exclaiming indignantly against Feng's treachery, expressing the hope, when they learnt what had happened in the outhouse, that the lime had blinded him permanently.

