

1. “if you describe me as decadence, you are overrating me.


2. This idiom is used to mean overrating oneself and trying to do what is beyond one's ability.


3. This idiom is used to mean overrating oneself and trying to do what is beyond one's ability. The result can be nothing but failure.


4. In one of his poems he wrote, "An ant tries to topple a giant tree, ridiculously overrating its ability.


5. Nowadays,this idiom is used to mean overrating the ability of oneself and trying to do what is beyond one's power.


6. Some of our comrades have suffered through overrating the enemy's combat effectiveness, but they have arrived at a correct understanding after being criticized.


7. The significance of Byatt's work lies in the fact that it is an appeal to literary scholars to be aware of the overrating of literary theories which Byatt stand up against.


8. This is way too......I'm.......wow. Speechless. Brilliant but definitely shouldn't be there. Overrating it is only going to hurt it!


9. Do not use Thermal Cutoffs exceeding the rating which is expressed in or cataloge sheets.The usage under overrating condition may result abnormal operating of Thermal Cutoffs.

温度保险丝只能在规格中规定的额定电压,额定电流和指定温度的条件下使用. 若在超过额定电压,额定电流和指定温度的条件下使用,温度保险丝将不能保证正常工作.

10. The formation and classification of lightening overrating voltage and the ways for regular and irregular lightening-proof of the overhead transmission line are introduced.


11. like ants trying to shake a huge tree, ridiculously overrating themselves; They were merely like ants trying to shake a giant tree. How they overrated themselves!

蚍蜉撼大树, 可笑不自量。

12. overrating voltage


13. But also a warning against overrating the passing glories of wealth, power and great good fortune.

