
at a good pace

1. 相当快地

The old man can not walk at a good pace.


keep pace

1. 齐步并进; 并驾齐驱

They were walking so fast that the small boy could hardly keep pace with them.

他们走得太快, 那小男孩几乎跟不上。

pace off/out

1. 用脚步量出

He paced the distance off from the school to the bus station.


put sb. through his paces

1. 检验某人的能力

The coach spent the whole morning putting the newcomer through his paces.


set/make the pace

1. 定速度

If you ask the fastest runner to set the pace, then most of them will be left behind.

如果你让跑得最快的人来定速度, 那么他们中的大多数人都将落后。

show one's paces

1. 显出自己的本领

He is always ready to show his paces.


习惯用语at a foot's pace1.用平常步走at a good pace1.相当快地at a snail's pace1.慢条斯理地, 以蜗牛爬行的速度at a snail's gallop1.慢条斯理地, 以蜗牛爬行的速度to a snail's pace1.慢条斯理地, 以蜗牛爬行的速度to a snail's gallop1.慢条斯理地, 以蜗牛爬行的速度force the pace [running]1.(赛跑时)拼命加快速度go the pace1.飞速前进; [喻]过放荡生活, 挥霍无度go through one's pace1.显本领, 显身手keep pace with sb.1.与某人[某物]齐步前进, 跟上某人[某物]keep pace with sth.1.与某人[某物]齐步前进, 跟上某人[某物]make the pace1.为别人定速度[步调]; 树榜样set the pace1.为别人定速度[步调]; 树榜样mend one's pace1.放快步子off the pace1.跑在第一名之后put sb. through his paces1.考查某人[某物]的本领[性能], 考验某人[某物]是否合用put sb. through its paces1.考查某人[某物]的本领[性能], 考验某人[某物]是否合用put sth. through his paces1.考查某人[某物]的本领[性能], 考验某人[某物]是否合用put sth. through its paces1.考查某人[某物]的本领[性能], 考验某人[某物]是否合用show one's paces1.(马)显示速度[步法]; [喻]显出自己的本领try sb.'s paces1.试某人本领pace off1.用步子量出(一段距离)pace out1.用步子量出(总长度)pace up and down1.走来走去(尤指由于烦躁、焦虑等)特殊用法even pace1.匀速extra pace1.(球)加速foot pace1.梯台normal pace1.【工管】标准进度pace of technological innovation1.工艺革新的速度, 科学技术进步的速度