

1. On April 10, northwesterly airflow posed a “moderate risk for susceptible plants in southeast Louisiana, all of Mississippi, western Alabama, and the western Florida Panhandle.


2. On September 30, a spectacular bolide or fireball meteor surprised a group of amateur astronomers enjoying dark night skies over the Oklahoma panhandle's Black Mesa State Park in the Midwestern US.


3. Boone Pickens, a famous local corporate buccaneer, plans eventually to install 4,000MW-worth of windmills in the panhandle, and to build his own transmission line to the main grid.


4. the Panhandle State

[美]西弗吉尼亚(West Virginia)州的别名

5. And what's with Oklahoma having a panhandle?

|而且奥克拉荷马 为什么有个平底锅柄呢?

6. WHY does Oklahoma have that panhandle?


7. He had known the family for fifty years and saw them make a great contribution to the Texas panhandle.


8. He is rock-solid proof that a hard-working guy with no direct connection to Dennis and Eckhardt could learn to make big money trading - all out of a sleepy small town in the Texas panhandle.


9. His company, Mesa Power, has already invested $2 billion to build the world's largest wind farm in Pampa, a small town in the Texas panhandle.


10. I love to travel by subway, but I'm afraid of those homeless people outside who often panhandle! Once one of them followed me until I gave him a dollar.


11. a city in the northern panhandle of West Virginia on the Ohio river


12. Resemble the children of such panhandle, more than 34.


13. A river rising in southwest Montana near Butte and flowing about 579 km (360 mi) generally north then northwest to Pend Oreille Lake in the Idaho Panhandle.


14. A river rising in northeast New Mexico and flowing about ,458 km (90' mi) eastward across the Texas Panhandle to the Arkansas River in eastern Oklahoma.


15. A city of northwest Florida in the Panhandle east of Pensacola. It is a year-round resort on the Gulf of Mexico. Population, 21,471.


16. A city of northern Texas in the Panhandle northeast of Amarillo. Oil was discovered in the area in1925. Population15, 675.


17. a city of northern Texas in the Panhandle northeast of Amarillo. Oil was discovered in the area in 1925. Population15,675


18. A city of northern Texas in the Panhandle northeast of Amarillo. Oil was discovered in the area in 925. Population 5,'75.


19. Even public schools up in the once lily-white panhandle in the north of the state are seeing their classes fill up with Hispanic children;


20. a river rising in northeastern New Mexico and flowing eastward across the Texas panhandle to become a tributary of the Arkansas River in Oklahoma.


21. Fay, though, has hit Florida four times already,today in a Panhandle area.


22. The Santa Fe Trail crossed its valley for 100 mi (160 km), and travelers knew the Oklahoma Panhandle as the “Cimarron Cutoff.


23. Then the wind industry started to take hold in west Texas and the panhandle.


24. A city of northwest Maryland in the Panhandle on the Potomac River and the West Virginia border. It is a shipping center for a coal-mining area. Population,23,706.


25. A city of northwest Maryland in the Panhandle on the Potomac River and the West Virginia border. It is a shipping center for a coal-mining area. Population, 23, 706.


26. A city of northwest Maryland in the Panhandle on the Potomac River and the West Virginia border. It is a shipping center for a coal-mining area. Population, 23,70'.


27. A city of northwest Maryland in the Panhandle on the Potomac River and the West Virginia border. It is a shipping center for a coal-mining area. Population, 23,706.


28. George Island via a bridge.Here begin the renowned blinding-white dunes and sand beaches of Florida’s Panhandle.


29. Often Panhandle A narrow strip of territory projecting from a larger, broader area, as in Alaska, Idaho, Oklahoma, Texas, and West


30. The Texas Panhandle receives grain from the Central Plains and the Upper Mississippi.


31. Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia.


32. I knew I couldn't panhandle.


33. As drafted, the additional areas are Alaska's North Aleutian Basin, portions of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico near the Florida panhandle, and a section of the Mid-Atlantic off of the Virginia coast.


34. 1. Homeless people forced to panhandle in subway stations.


35. Panhandle Plains Historical Museum - Dedicated to the preservation of northwest Texas heritage. Information on exhibits, educational programs, and research.


36. JERRY: You better find that grape before it mutates into another life form. (Elaine laughs) There was once a mutant grape that terrorized an entire town in the Texas panhandle.


37. A city of northwest Texas in the Panhandle east-northeast of Amarillo.


38. A city of northwest Texas in the Panhandle east-northeast of Amarillo. It is an industrial and shipping center in a cattle and oil area. Population,19, 959.


39. A city of northwest Texas in the Panhandle east-northeast of Amarillo. It is an industrial and shipping center in a cattle and oil area. Population,19,959.


40. Tropical Storm Claudette made landfall on the Florida Panhandle packing fifteen-mile-per-hour winds. It is now a tropical depression. Meanwhile Bill has become the Atlantic season's first hurricane.


41. Tropical Storm Fay is wrapping up its disastrous slog across Florida by making a record fourth landfall on the Panhandle's coast.


42. After crossing the Florida peninsula and coastal portions of the Gulf of Mexico, Tropical Storm Frances struck the Florida panhandle.


43. the Gansu Panhandle

甘肃走廊, 河西走廊

44. Pickens and Abraham's ranches are right next to each other in the Texas panhandle (even though they are separated by forty miles, their ranches touch) and they have become friends over the years;


45. 6.Mitchell brought her back to DeFuniak Springs, which is between Pensacola and Tallahassee on the Florida Panhandle.


46. a city in the northern panhandle of West Virginia on the Ohio river.


47. Panhandle State


48. Went to still do not have one pace, another children is pulling his sleeve panhandle, he gave one article again.


49. I was lying under the shadow of a big chinaberry tree at the edge of the cotton field on my father's panhandle farm.


50. The birds, long believed extinct, may survive along the Choctawhatchee River in the state's panhandle, scientists report today in the online scientific journal Avian Conservation and Ecology .


51. panhandle PCR


52. Panhandle PCR and its Application in Mixed-Lineage Leukemia Genomic Breakpoint Cloning


53. Forecasters say Fay could move out into the Gulf of Mexico and then come ashore again in Florida's Panhandle.


54. 6.The storm spawned a tornado near the Florida panhandle town of Santa Rosa Beach.

