

1. The ISOS must also ensure that any guarantees of resource availability can be met: Mary doesn't want her movie to grind to a halt partway through.


2. But recent data do suggest that, while helpful, the Treasury’s $250 billion goes only partway towards the levels required to support renewed lending.


3. Turning the radio off partway through will not allow the potions to work.


4. Tesla and Burak lingered for a moment at the hub of the sudden activity. The Invid turned partway toward his accomplice and spoke in a hushed voice.


5. Spotting Heather' s thick leather belt, he grabbed hold, tugging again and again. Wincing in pain as hot plastic from the car's melting interior dripped on him, he managed to pull her partway out.


6. They tried this first from partway up the slope where the rover had spent the winter.


7. They projected our growth rate will be about two and a half per cent for the financial year that we are partway through.


8. Wincing in pain as hot plastic from the car's melting interior dripped on him, he managed to pull her partway out.


9. Climb up partway, or take the elevators to the top for a spectacular view of the city.


10. This is achieved by lifting up the main target until they are partway in the air, then moving onto another unit to either kill or continue in the juggling process.


11. partway to town; not even partway reasonable.


12. So many of us end up living a life partway between responsibility and the chaos of complete abandon.


13. I learned the answer to that question partway through my internship. Not in the hospital but in the checkout line of a local grocery store.


14. Students may enrol partway through a term if there is availability in the requested class.


15. It was a rectangular piece of woolen or linen fabric sewn partway up the sides and fastened on each shoulder by a fibula.


16. This room was at least partway underground, and in the corner was a brazier with hot coals sending warmth into the air.


17. Her success was unusually dramatic: after treatment, she was able to hold a live tarantula (which crawled partway up her arm) for several minutes with little anxiety.


18. What if the ATM breaks partway through the transaction?


19. If the load fails partway through reading a file, some of the game objects will be in the wrong position.


20. “The Houdini program was first announced when I was partway through my 3D year at VFS.

当我到某种程度是经过我的3D年在VFS, “Houdini节目首先宣布了。

21. When it's time for us to go, they initially leave with us, walking partway up the first mountain to give us a kind of send-off.

我们出发的时间终于到了,他们和我们一起离开, 和我们一起爬到第一座大山的半山腰,友好地欢送我们。

22. I'm already partway home.


23. I curled up tight as something scrambled partway into the hole and bumped into my feet.


24. I'll go partway with you.


25. "In the laying of a [hedgerow] live branches are cut partway through, leaving a section 'about as thick as a lamb's tongue.


26. The rover has begun a trek skirting at least partway around the plateau instead of directly over it.


27. Phoenix’ mission will last 92 earth-days, with hope that it will survive partway through the Martian winter to witness the formation of carbon dioxide ice.


28. Partway through the development of Java 2,however,it was discovered that this caused problems,and so now the entire package name is lowercase.

然而,在Java 2的开发过程中,设计者发现这样做会造成一些问题。所以目前的整个软件包都以小写字母为标准。

29. Partway through the development of Java 2, however, it was discovered that this caused problems, and so now the entire package name is lowercase.


30. Calyx mostly lobed partway and splitting further at sinuses.


31. The pile should be concreted wholly by tremie andthe method of deposition should not be changed partway up the pile, to prevent the laitance from beingentrapped within the pile.


32. Nadine was thenonly partway through college.


33. The snow leopard sometimes uses its tail to send signals during social encounters or to wrap partway around itself like a scarf when bedded down in bitter weather.

