

1. From1994to2002,ileum with vascular pedicle was adopted for posterior vaginal wall reconstruction in posterior pelvic exenteration in8cases.


2. Two thecal penetrations were due to medial placement of pedicle screws, and 1 was due to dissection during spine exposure.


3. Anatomical repositioning of C2 fracture-dislocation was achieved in 34 patients, but the other 2 patients had mild kyphosis of C2-C3 after union of C2 pedicle fracture.


4. Three cases with tumors were managed posteriorly by resection of tumors and pedicle screw fixation.


5. Four cases with scoliosis were managed with correction and fixation with pedicle screws posteriorly.


6. Transplantation of the pedicle adipo-lymphatico venous flap of the great saphenous vein assisted by suction (Group A, n=5), suction only (Group B, n=5).


7. Six patients had a bone fracture going through the pedicle and the ertebral body.Twele patients had a physeal injury located on the superior or on the inferior ertebral endplate.


8. CT scan can clearly show the structure of vertebral body,such as depth of verterbral body,width of pedicle of vertebral arch and bone ridge in vertebral canal.


9. Either Magerl screws or C1-C2 pedicle screws combined with Brooks wiring got the lowest three dimensional movements of the fixation techniques.


10. Fang H,Chen AM,Luo YX,et al.Causes for pedicle screw misplacement in the thoracolumbar spine and countermeasures.Chin J Orthop Trauma,2004,6:1235-1238.


11. We concluded that this was a thin, pedicle long, and vascularly reliable flap.


12. To "Superwoman," Kim Chan-style appearance pedicle (decorated with good benefits) for the supply of water Junbiao (Lee Min-ho decorated) to do artificial respiration.


13. Floral organ culture and rapid propagation of Lilium orential "Sorbonne" were carried out using pedicle, receptacle, petal, and filament as explants.

以东方百合 索邦 L ilium orential Sorbonne 的花梗、花托、花瓣和花丝为外植体 ,进行了离体培养与快速繁殖研究 .

14. Few publications in the English language literature specifically ealuate the association between the pedicle isthmic widths of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar.


15. The center of the neoplasm is predominant sarcoma component, the surface and pedicle is carcinoma component.


16. The attached point of the pedicle should be placed at least 2cm proximal to the radial styloid process, and the width of the distal pedicle may range from 2.5cm to 3.5cm.


17. We suggest that posterior vertebrectomy through the pedicle of vertebral arch is the most safely way.


18. As a result, cerical lateral mass screws are generally smaller in length and diameter with starting points, which are medially aligned relatie to thoracic pedicle screws.


19. For thoracic screw placement, a mini-laminotomy technique was used, inserting a spatula inside the ertebral canal to palpate the borders of the pedicle.


20. The pedicle is anastomosed to recipient vessels in the chest, and the donor site is closed without the use of mesh.


21. A short vascular pedicle can also result if the exit of the peroneal artery lies more distally , which can, however, be recognized preoperatively by angiography.


22. And intertransverse process arthrodesis was managed by means of bone chip grafting obtained from the iliac crest, and SOCON system was installed by pedicle screw fixation devices.


23. The research of the bone structure on the pedicle screws think that the bone mineral density under the cortes of the pedicle srews is higher.


24. Pedicle screws were inserted in L1 and L3 for the control group (nonsegmental fixation).


25. The application of distally based fascial pedicle flap to repair the defects of foot and ankle.


26. Hypospadias with chordee repaired in one stage uretnroplasty with pedicle preputial flap should be considered as a first choice.


27. Treatment of Femoral Neck Fracture in young adults by Pedicle Bone Flap Transfer.


28. As a result, cervical lateral mass screws are generally smaller in length and diameter with starting points, which are medially aligned relative to thoracic pedicle screws.


29. To make a summary of the nursing experience of 10 patients whose breast was reconstructed by double vessel pedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap (TRAM).


30. The review summarizes present situation and unhandled question on thoracolumbar spine pedicle screw fixation.


31. All specimens were instrumented with pedicle screws using a uniform technique.


32. To our knowledge, no literature exists on the application of the internal thoracic vessels as the recipient vascular pedicle in reconstructive spinal surgery.


33. To investigate the late results of pedicle screw system and cage fixation for lumbar broken isthmus spondylolisthesis.


34. Objective To explore the feasibility and clinical effects of spinal processes and laminae as materials for interbody fusion and pedicle screw fixation in the lower lumbar spine.


35. To assess the biomechanical strength of costotransverse unit screws and compare them to pedicle screws.


36. Objective: To provide the anatomic basis for designing compound flap of distally based pedicle with cephalic vein-cutaneous nerve at radial margin of forearm.


37. Objective: To discuss the application of pedicle instrument on reoperation of lumbar disc herniation.


38. Methods:13 cases of big area of pars saoralis bed sore,the desigred hip rotary aporeurosis pedicle skin flap coas used.

方法 :对 13例较大面积的骶部褥疮 ,采用设计的臀部旋转筋膜蒂皮瓣修复。

39. Methods The arm medial pedicle flap with cutaneous nerve and nutrient vessel could be direcdy of adversely transferred to repair adjacent soft tissue defect.

方法 根据臂内侧皮神经营养血管筋膜皮瓣的解剖特点,设计以臂内侧皮神经营养血管为蒂的顺行及逆行筋膜岛状皮瓣移位修复腋部、肘部及前臂上部皮肤及软组织缺损共12例。

40. Methods :100 cases’operations were performed by way ob modified supraclavicular or subclavicular pedicle preperations.

方法 :对肌蒂经锁骨上或下隧道穿行共100例进行临床对比研究,并提出改良的方法。

41. Methods Internal fixation of the pedicle screw and anteriolateral debridement of decompression of spinal cord and fusion were performed in 28 cases.


42. Methods 48 cases with degenerative lumbar instability received segmental pedicle screw fixation,laminectomy decompression,and autologous micromorselized bone graft.


43. Method:Sixty-six patients with idiopathic scoliosis were treated surgically with hook-rod or hook-screw-rod or pedicle screw-rod internal fixation system.


44. Methods 52 mammae in 26 patients with macromastia were treated by reduction mammaplasty of outside gyrate with the upper pedicle process from 1989 to 2004.


45. Methods:16 patients with extremity cutaneous deficiency were treated with nutrient vascular pedicle skin flap of cutaneous nerve.


46. Methods:Clinical data of 21 patients with hypospadias undergoing urethroplasty with preputial pedicle tube were reviewed.


47. Methods: The thyroid perich ondrium with muscular pedicle was used. in 2 cases undergoing resection of laryn gopharyngeal cancer during different patterns of repair operation.


48. Method:Ten patients with hypopharynx stenosis underwent hypopharynx reconstruction using platysma pedicle flap.


49. Method Sternal turnover operation with pedicle of abdominal rectus muscle were performed in 10 patients with pectus excavatum.


50. Methods:Twenty hypospadias patients were treated with one stage urethroplasty vascularized pedicle preputial flap.


51. Methods: Of one stage,we used urethroplasty with midline scrotal flap with vessel pedicle for treating hypospadias.


52. Methods 7 cases with finger extremities bone reveal were repaired with the finger dorsum cutaneous nerve and fascia pedicle flap.


53. After the tumor excision, the oral defect was reconstructed with myocutaneous platysma flap which had submandibular pedicle and contained external jugular vein.


54. Methods 18 cases at the same time that the two degloving injury of a single pedicle ipsilateral double groin surgery repair of the flap.


55. Methods 25 cases with lumbar spondylolysis were treated with isthmic debriment, local bone graft and pedicle screw tension band fixation.


56. Methods 38 cases with fresh thoracic and lumbar fractures were treated with pedicle screw fixation and vertebroplasty with CPC.


57. Methods To analyze the data of 39 cases of lumbar spondylolisthesis treated with decompression, intervertebral bone graft and GSS pedicle screw system retrospectively.


58. Methods 8 cases of failure thoracolumbar fractures treated with pedicle screw fixation were analyzed retrospectively.


59. Methods All the patients with hands skin defect were repaired by pedicle island skin flap or free skin flap.


60. Methods The skin-nail flap of floating finger with blood vessel pedicle was transferred to the preserved thumb for the correction of the deformity thumb.


61. Methods Free skin flap, axile island flap with vascular pedicle and muscular skin flap were employed to repair 64 wounds in 49 cases.


62. Methods: Nasolabial fold flap of subcutaneous belt pedicle was used to repaire nasolabial defect.


63. Methods The superior-lateral dermo-glandular pedicle flap including the nipple-areola complex was created.


64. Methods Groin skin flaps with pedicle were translated and repaired the wound hand and the effect were observed.


65. Methods.Cadaveric lumbar spines were exposed by a posterior approach.Titanium pedicle screws were inserted.Radiographs and CTs were obtained.


66. Methods.Three cadaveric thoracic calf spines were instrumented between T1-T10 bilaterally with one type of pedicle screws stored at different insertional temperatures.


67. Methods: Clinical data of 21 patients with hypospadias undergoing urethroplasty with preputial pedicle tube were reviewed.


68. Methods: The thyroid perichondrium with muscular pedicle was used, in 2 cases undergoing resection of laryngopharyngeal cancer during different patterns of repair operation.


69. Methods: The fixed location of nail pedicle of vertebra from synthesis was based on standard method of fixed position.


70. Methods: By using computer reconstruction, we applied the CAD/CAM to develop a new generation of the total pelvic prosthesis, and to fix it with the vertebral pedicle screw.


71. Methods: By using computer reconstruction, we applied the CAD/ CAM to develop a new generation of the total pelvic prosthesis, and to fix it with the vertebral pedicle screw.


72. METHODS: All cases were fixed with C1 and C2 pedicle screws system following skull traction and reduction.


73. Methods:Twenty hypospadias patients were treated with one-stage ure throplasty vascularized pedicle preputial flap.


74. The pedicle retained coelomic cavity and not completely filled with a connective tissue as proposed by Popov, L.E (1992).


75. The transverse pedicle angle measured 29 deg in the cephalad aspect of the thoracic spine, decreased to 2.8 deg at the twelfth thoracic vertebra.

最大值出现在T1,平均29度; 最小值出现在T12,平均2.8度。

76. One case of VAI during C1 lateral mass screw fixation was included, whereas there was no case of VAI caused by cervical pedicle screw fixation.


77. Matsuzaki H,Tokuhashi Y,Matsumito F,et al.Problems and solutions of pedicle screw plate fixation of lumbar spine[J].Spine,1990,15:1159.


78. Fruit of a clear pattern, with shiny surface, the Ministry of pedicle of a slight economic contraction. (3) According to Guo Bing and tendril of the mature form of judgement.


79. The evulsion and letdown is the most common complication of pedicle screw, it’s mostly because the hold force is low, and it relates to the angle of the screw.


80. The anatomy of pedicle scews prove that the height is bigger its width further, and that makes the change of (SSA) have more space than the (TSA).

