

1. - Why are you guys here?- it's not pickwick'S.

|- 你们为什么在这里?

2. 'Mr. Pickwick took his hat and his leave' is an example of zeugma.


3. 'Mr. Pickwick took his hat and his leave'is an example of zeugma.


4. Now, Mr Winkle,@ cried Mr Pickwick,


5. "On a far less pleasant errand, sir,"replied Mr. Pickwick, the colour mounting to his face at the recollection


6. "I do," said Mr. Pickwick, growing energetic, as was his wont in speaking of a subject which interested him.


7. "Now, sir, "said Mr. Pickwick, "will you oblige us by proceeding with what you were going to relate?"


8. "Now, sir,"said Mr. Pickwick,"will you oblige us by proceeding with what you were going to relate?"


9. "It's a vile attempt to extort money," said Mr. Pickwick.


10. He always seemed to enjoy the fun of his humorous characters and had unending laughter over Mr. Pickwick's amusing misadventures


11. The turf type ryegrass (?Lolium perence?) varieties, Napoleon, Thetramax, Mikado, Juventus, Pimpernel, Simberia, Burton, Tonga, Taya, Figaro, Sakini, Tivolia, Pickwick, are appropliate planting in the irrigation area of Ningxia.

供试 13个多年生黑麦草 (Loliumperenne)品种Napoleon、Thetramax、Mikado、Juventus、Pimpernel、Simberia、Burton、Tonga、Taya、Figaro、Sakini、Tivolia、Pick wick均适宜在宁夏引黄灌区种植。

12. Next to Shakespeare's Falstaff, Mr. Pickwick is perhaps the greatest comic figure in English literature.


13. Mr. Pickwick's oration upon this occasion, together with the debate thereon, is entered on the Transaction of the club


14. Mr. Pickwick took his hat and his leave.


15. Mr. Pickwick is a stout, good-natured , cheerful, very simple-hearted old gentleman.


16. Mr. Pickwick fully entered into the spirit of this eulogium, but he could not exactly re-echo its terms.


17. Mr. Pickwick fully entered into the spirit of this eulogium, but he could not exactly re-echo its terms


18. The amiable countenance of Mr. Pickwick was fast recovering its customary expression.


19. Mr. Pickwick's equanimity was at once restored


20. Mr. Pickwick looked very hard at the man's face.


21. Mr. Pickwick's countenance glowed with an expression of universal philanthropy


22. Mr. Pickwick felt much gratified by the fair, candid and full explanation of his honourable friend.


23. "Would you say Mr. Pickwick reminded you of Christmas?"


24. Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club


25. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club;


26. 3. Into the tea-room Mr. Pickwick turned; and catching sight of him, Mr. Bantam corkscrewed his way through the crowd, and welcomed him with ecstasy


27. Next to Shakespear's Falstaff, Mr. Pickwick is perhaps the greatest comic figure in English literature.


28. Mr. Samuel pickwick burst like another sun from his slumbers


29. Soon The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club appeared in monthly installments. It is once lifted him into a position of fame and fortune.


30. At one time there was a sudden pressure from behind; and then Mr. Pickwick was jerked forward for several yards.


31. Pickwick Lake, at the borders of the states of Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee, had the most species with 156, according to the report in the Journal Nature.


32. Mr. Pickwick, who had been deeply investigating the interior of the pigeon-pie, readily assented


33. Mr. Payne gazed with a ferocious aspect on the beaming courtenance of the unconscious Pickwick


34. Charles Dickens was a famous british writer who wrote David Copfield, a Tale of Two Cities, Chrsitmas Carol, The Posthumons papers of the Pickwick Club, Oliver Twist, Great Expectation.


35. Pickwick probably wore to read his papers, Ms.


36. The wind puffed, and Mr. Pickwick puffed, and the hat rolled over and over as merrily as a lively porpoise in a strong tide; and on it might have rolled, far beyond Mr. Pickwick's reach


37. His first novel Pickwick papers came into being in 1837.


38. There was a fine gentle wind, and Mr. Pickwick's hat rolled sportively before it.

