

1. " They are paid pints, they a pittance.


2. quot;I work focusing on the club's fans, and I work with the maximum passion whether I earn a pittance or millions.


3. A rickshaw puller swallows husks but spits out his life's blood, he strains his utmost for the lowest pittance.

一个拉车的吞的是粗粮,冒出来的是血; 他要卖最大的力气,得最低的报酬;

4. She is soon ringed by hagglers wanting her paltry wares for even less than the pittance she asks.


5. The emergency food and medicine that47of the world's wealthiest nations have now promised to send to the former Soviet Union amount to a pittance.


6. After he had worked through a few classes, but was still not perfect in everything, the little pittance that the father had saved was all spent, and the boy had to return home to him.


7. to work for a pittance


8. My grandmother sewed and mended clothes for a pittance in order to make a living in the 1920s.


9. work all day for a mere pittance


10. work for a mere pittance


11. He fags away for a mere pittance


12. they work all day for a mere pittance.


13. "As soon as they have completed the term of eighty years, they are looked on as dead in law;their heirs immediately succeed to their estates;only a small pittance is reserved for their support;


14. They grudged me even my pittance.


15. They’re paid a pittance.


16. He earns a pittance and tells me he will do all he can for Guria, while he's alive, but when he dies, what then?


17. He lives on a mere pittance.


18. to pay sb a pittance


19. That, alas, is a mere pittance in the context of this year's broader lending spree.


20. You sold your people for a pittance, gaining nothing from their sale.


21. those women who teach in our seminaries, academies, and public schools for a miserable pittance;


22. The peasant laboured for a mere pittance.


23. He found it.His wages in a steel factory in Ohio were fatter and more predictable than the pittance he had earned coaxing cotton out of Mississippi's soil.


24. 1. Lawrence fags away for a pittance.


25. Untouchables work for a pittance washing clothes at dawn.


26. The only consolation is that tight restrictions on both political contributions and spending mean that general elections cost a pittance compared with those next door.


27. She could barely survive on the pittance she received as a widow's pension


28. She could barely survive on the pittance she received as a widow's pension.


29. * She could barely survive on the pittance she received as a widow's pension.

她靠著极少的孤寡抚恤金仅够 口.

30. The calculable results show that polyolifine has lowal pittance, polyndde is next.


31. When you doled out the pittance of bread to the starving poor, when you gave those flimsy garments to shield them from the biting frost, did you remember that you were giving to the Lord of glory?


32. At those low wages, few will apply for the job. Who wants to work for a pittance?


33. a mere pittance

微薄的报酬 一点点薪金或津贴

34. The first job that I ever had was delivering newspapers before work but it paid a pittance.


35. It is evident, therefore, that if both girls had married, this beauty would have had a mere pittance, while even one of them would cripple him to a very serious extent.


36. According to Reuters, since BMW sold its British unit Rover in 2000 for a pittance, Daimler’s arch-rival has propagated a philosophy that close mergers and alliances only weaken a brand’s profile.


37. The men who came to enjoy her couldn't expect anything fancy, not for the pittance they paid.


38. The Yang family seldom kept servants for more than three or four days because the master and two mistresses always treated them like slaves, as if only by working them to death could they get value for the pittance they paid them.


39. not a pittance of remorse.


40. Over its first three months the game signed up fewer than50,000 subscribers, a pittance, so in June Warner cut bait and agreed to sell the game to Sony.


41. Now it occurred to him that he was earning a monthly pittance, putting up with all sorts of hardship and even hugging a water can to prevent it freeing. Apparently his broad chest was worth less than a small can.


42. Rodrigo, an engineer in a small town in central Cuba surrounded by cane fields, says there is no point in practising his profession for a pittance.


43. That is a pittance considering the $400 billion or so of losses and write-downs at the world's banks from the credit crisis as a whole.


44. Earning 1,200 yuan ($169) per month working in a factory is better than a pittance on a farm, but as Wang points out, it's not a dream career.


45. The value of the dog food was a pittance compared with what I would pay in doctor bills and medicine, not to mention the considerable physical pain of essentially kneecapping myself.


46. Cindy: Come on, Michael, Are you going to put the whole burden on me? the pittance our shop earns not even cover the bills.


47. In these intervals he was able to shake off a bit of his melancholy and enjoy a pittance of fun.

这其间他有小的忧愁,也有小的快乐。 他把输掉的钱全赢回来了。

48. It's a pittance of time.


49. We aren't talking a pittance here.


50. This helps to explain why advertisers will only pay a pittance for page views on many social networks.


51. The widow must live on her slender pittance


52. And Nomura paid a pittance for the European, Asian and Middle Eastern operations of Lehman Brothers after it went bust.


53. She could barely survive on the pittance she received as a pension.


54. The Territory Environment Centre and the Australian Maritime Conservation Society says the carcasses minus their fins are being sold as fertiliser for a pittance.


55. You are not working for some firm merely for the pittance they pay you.You are part of the great scheme of things.

