

1. A few minutes before twelve, a great box of bread was pushed out, and exactly on the hour a portly, round-faced German took position by it, calling "Ready."

12点差几分时,推出来一大箱子面包。 一到12点整,一个大腹便便的圆脸德国人就站到箱子的旁边,叫了一声"准备好"。

2. A couple of centuries ago, no American was better known in Europe than a portly old man who wore his spectacles on the end of this nose.


3. Pauli (who had the part of Mephistopheles) was a portly womaniser given to drinking and smoking;


4. "I won't," said the portly woman.


5. ""Peace! old woman," replied a portly and solemn personage, who was holding his nose as he stood beside the fishwife; "a Mass had to be founded. Would you have the King fall sick again?

“住嘴! 老婆子。” 有个一本正经的大胖子站在这卖鱼婆的身旁,捂住鼻子,接过话头说道,“不举行弥撒怎行,你总不巴望国王再欠安吧?”

6. "Peace! old woman," replied a portly and solemn personage, who was holding his nose as he stood beside the fishwife; "a Mass had to be founded. Would you have the King fall sick again?


7. "We discover if one can be noble without being Good," said the portly abishai, rubbing his leathery palms together.


8. a portly,rubicund man of middle age(Winston Churchill.


9. a portly, rubicund man of middle age(Winston Churchill.

一个粗壮的红脸膛中年人(温斯顿 丘吉尔)。

10. Several of the men interviewed say that the fighters were extremely deferential to the apparent leader on site, a portly, bespectacled man who was referred to as either the "sheikh" or the "doctor".


11. a fine, portly, middle-aged gentleman with iron-gray hair;


12. A portly city councillor attended the meeting.


13. said Lydia stoutly(men are portly(fat) and women are stout(fat);


14. They saw me with my thin marathoner's body and wondered what it was that I admired in this portly paramour with the plus-size panties.


15. In today's cartoon he portrays a Bush-era Uncle Sam, portly, domineering and suggestive of a senior corporate type, loudly announcing current policy


16. In today's cartoon he portrays a Bush-era Uncle Sam, portly, domineering and suggestive of a senior corporate type, loudly announcing current policy.


17. His eyes were blue, his complexion rubicund, his figure almost portly and well - built, his body muscular, and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days.


18. How did he look, Sir? Was he portly, bold, outspoken, and hearty?


19. He watched, trying not to betray a flicker of surprise or alarm, as a portly man appeared within the flames, spinning as fast as a top.


20. He would make a feast of the portly grunter.


21. portly members of the city council


22. Mary is a portly eight-year-old girl.


23. Key technique to breed rice portly seedling at area of cold


24. By late 1975, Papa Doc Duvalier had passed from the scene, succeeded by his son, a portly young man whom everybody called Baby Doc.


25. The portly gentlemen in the front rows began to feel that she was a delicious little morsel.


26. Carrie acquiesced, and that evening met the portly Vance, an individual a few years younger than Hurstwood, and who owed his seemingly comfortable matrimonial state much more to his money than to his good looks.

嘉莉答应了,那天晚上见到了大腹便便的万斯。 他比赫斯渥小几岁。 他那看似美满的婚姻,多半是因为他有钱,而不是因为他有副好长相。

27. In his prime, the portly singer known for his black beard and cheerful demeanor was a favorite of opera critics and audiences around the world.


28. Geographical location had no bearing on the results: A portly neighbor had no effect, but a friend who gained weight and lied far away still appeared to raise the risk of obesity.


29. There are five people in the hall , one of them being a portly city councillor .


30. said Stryver the portly, with his hands in his waistband, glancing round from the sofa where he lay on his back,


31. After them came a portly lady of about forty-five, light-haired, sharp-eyed , and evidently good-natured.


32. Her new boss was in his mid-fifties, a portly figure in an ill-fitting suit.


33. She had seen the lobby, guarded by another large and portly gentleman, and been waited upon by uniformed youths who took care of canes, overcoats, and the like.


34. She had come up the imposing steps, guarded by the large and portly doorman.


35. Her portly figure stood erect, with her mighty arms hanging by her side (she had handed her reticule to the countess).


36. It reads like an old Geographic, rich in the delightful minutiae of bungalows and centipedes, tinned goods, portly lamas, silence and wonder.


37. For a portly man like him, Uncle Tom still has quick reflex.


38. The portly Benjamin Harrison, who had played an active role in drafting the declaration, professed amusement at the threat.


39. A portly German kept this place.


40. Mrs. Chang was a portly woman of forty or more with the dainty little foreign name of "Tessie."


41. Just as he was about to speak, a portly man dressed in rich silks bustled into the room, saying loudly, "Ah, Pandu, they told me what was happening.


42. For one hour a week the class had elocution lessons from an old, portly teacher called Mr Priestley.


43. GOOD ADVICE The portly sales manager was getting ready to leave his doctor s office after a routine examination.


44. My friend Steve said to me, “Well, you’ve got that portly Asian look down now.


45. So when, at the highly sensitive age of 16 years old, his portly features were posted online, he was terribly upset.


46. The new manager is a portly middle-aged woman.


47. old woman,” replied a portly and solemn personage, who was holding his nose as he stood beside the fishwife;“a Mass had to be founded.Would you have the King fall sick again?


48. And with a cry of delight he ran towards the slumbering Portly.


49. Extra large garment (or size); outsize garment; portly; stout


50. Portly (or outsize garment) store


51. Peter Wang, a portly property agent with thick glasses, greeted me with a beaming smile.At the time of the handover, he said, he'd had mixed feelings.


52. "Now, at last, she was really in it. She had come up the imposing steps, guarded by the large and portly doorman."


53. men are portly and women are stout.


54. The more portly abishai had to puff and scurry to keep up.


55. This was a portly figure with white hair and a long beard, dressed in a red robe and wearing a crown of holly, holding a long clay pipe similar to that of Sinterklaas.


56. Instantly the portly lady's face became exceedingly sober and shrewd.


57. The first, a portly man of middle years, was a merchant going to the city to buy goods.


58. a portly belly

罗汉肚, 大肚子

59. And the portly pooches also risk similar illnesses, including heart disease.


60. And the portly pooches also risk similar illnesses,including heart disease.


61. 1.The portly furrier answered never a word, but did his best to escape the attention directed to him from all sides;


62. a portly figure


63. portly /`pC:tli/ a.


64. go?Portly Pete & Ralph: Sure!


65. a portly old gentleman


66. The portly sales manager was getting ready to leave his doctor's office after a routine examination.


67. As for Meggie, she was incapable of equating Teresa's beaming, portly little mother with her own slender unsmiling mother.


68. Mr. Seegrave was tall and portly , and military in his manners.


69. A police chief memorably bought a sleek yellow Lamborghini, only to find he was too portly to fit in the driver's seat.


70. " The portly bank manager, Su Dapeng, offers to take us hunting for wildfowl and to pose for a portrait.


71. The portly 73-year-old with ruddy cheeks and a shock of silver hair spent much of his life steering barges along the river.


72. The portly client puffed out his chest with an appearance of some little pride


73. Such informality would have been unthinkable at Versailles, where the archduchess[4] was despatched in 1770, aged 14, to marry the portly dauphin, in an alliance between France and Austria.


74. The Mafia chief was an extremely portly man, a "man with a belly," literally as well as in the figurative sense that meant a man able to inspire fear in his fellow men.

这黑帮头头是个异常肥胖的男子,是个“挺着大肚皮的男子”。 这形象,就含义或字面来说,都意味着是一个能够在同伙中引起敬畏的人。

75. And it was there he used to teach him Fishing, and there young Portly caught his first fish, of which he was so very proud.


76. He saw by portly keepers, whose shirt fronts shone with large diamonds, and whose clothes were properly cut, that the liquor business here, as elsewhere, yielded the same golden profit.

那些大腹便便的店主的衬衫前襟上闪耀着大块的钻石,穿的衣服裁剪合身。 他从他们身上看出,这里的卖酒生意和其它地方一样,赢利很高。

77. The general is a portly old man.


78. There was a portly man in his late 30s standing outside and smoking a cigarette.


79. John Brown, on the opposite sidewalk, portly and comfortable, with his furred cloak thrown open, disclosing a handsome surtout beneath.


80. 6. to marry the portly dauphin。

