
poseposeD.J.:[pəuz]K.K.:[poz]vt. & vi.1.使摆姿势; 以…身份出现The model was posing carefully.这位模特儿在认真地摆着姿势。The artist posed his model carefully.画家细心地指导模特儿摆好姿势。vt.1.提出You've posed an awkward question.你已经提出了一个难题。n.1.姿势, 姿态He sat in a relaxed pose.他轻松自如地坐着。2.装腔作势, 伪装The President's visit to the slums was a mere pose.总统到贫民区去访问只不过是做做样子罢了。

pose1[pəuz]vt.1.陈述;主张;提出(问题、建议等);提议:Allow me to pose several questions.请允许我提几个问题。2.形成,造成,引起:The workers' movement poses a direct threat to their interests.工人运动对他们的利益造成了直接威胁。3.使摆好姿势;把…摆正位置:The great photographer posed them in front of a row of tenement.摄影大师让他们在一排公寓房面前摆好姿势。vi.1.(尤指画像时)摆好姿态,作姿态:After the wedding we all posed for a photograph.婚礼之后,我们全体排好拍了一张照片。2.摆样子;装腔作势:She loves to pose when men are around.当有男人在四周时她喜欢装腔作势,故作姿态。3.假装;冒充:He posed as a newsman to get in.他假装新闻记者混了进去。4.自任;自命to pose as an officer自命为官员n.1.(尤指画像、摄影时的)姿势;姿态2.装腔作势;伪装;矫揉造作3.心理状态;精神状态4.(玩骨牌戏时)打的第一张牌近义词affectationmannerismairsa dramatic (stage) pose【戏剧】亮相strike an attitude (a pose)装模作样pose for a photograph with摆好姿势同…合影变形vt.posedposing pose2[pəuz]vt.1.把…难住;使为难:determined not to be posed决定不被陷入窘境2.[废语]查问,盘问变形vt.posedposing

posepose[pəuz]n.1.(画像, 表演, 摄影时的)姿势, 姿态2.装腔作势; 伪装3.心理状态; 精神状态4.(玩骨牌戏时)打的第一张牌a dramatic [stage] pose舞台亮相a pose cultivated by the upper classes上层阶级所培养的风度strike [put on]a pose of装出...面貌[样子]His brave words are merely a pose.他的勇敢的言词仅仅是做样子而已。
词性变化pose[pəuz]vt.1.使摆好某种姿势, 把...摆正位置2.提出; 形成; 造成pose an obstacle to成为...障碍Allow me to pose a question.请允许我提一个问题。The artist posed the model carefully.那个画家细心地使模特儿摆好姿势。pose[pəuz]vi.1.摆好姿势2.假装, 伪装, 装腔作势; 摆架子3.(玩骨牌戏时的)打第一张牌pose for a photograph with摆好姿势同...合影pose as a writer摆出作家的样子She is always posing.她总是装腔作势。

继承用法poser[ˈpəʊzə(r)]n.1.装腔作势的人; 伪装者