
praisepraiseD.J.:[preiz]K.K.:[prez]vt.1.称赞, 赞赏They have been praising you all the time.他们总在夸奖你。Critics praised the works as highly original.评论家称赞该作品独树一帜。2.赞美; 颂扬; 崇拜He was praised for his neat and careful work.他因工作认真、利索而受到赞扬。n.1.称赞, 赞美; 赞扬, 表扬Let us give praise to God.让我们来赞美上帝吧。2.崇拜; 荣耀He despised people who were lavish with their praises.他看不起那些阿谀奉承的人。3.赞美的话

praise[preiz]vt.1.赞扬,表扬,称赞:He praised her for her courage.他赞扬她很勇敢。2.歌颂,赞颂;赞美(上帝):They praised God for their safe deliverance from the difficult position.他们赞颂上帝使他们从困境中安全脱险。3.[古语]估量;评价vi.1.赞扬,赞颂n.1.赞扬,表扬,赞美2.崇拜3.赞扬话;(对神的)赞辞;赞美诗4.[古语]受赞扬的人;值得赞扬之处;受赞扬的理由近义词laudacclaimbe lavish (或 loud) in someone's praise极力称赞(或颂扬)某人beyond (all) praise赞美不尽的chant (sing) the praises of someone颂扬(歌颂)某人damn with faint praise寓贬于褒,名褒实贬;用轻微的赞扬进行贬低in praise of为歌颂…,为颂扬…be loud (或warm) in someone's praise热烈颂扬某人more praise than pudding恭维多实惠少;仅有恭维而无实惠plaster someone with praise极力称赞(或颂扬)某人Praise be (to God)!感谢上帝praise someone to the sky把某人捧上天pudding rather than praise宁要实惠,不要恭维say in someone's praise称赞某人说sing one's own praises自吹自擂,自我表扬,自我吹嘘sing someone's praise(s)夸奖某人(或某事物),盛赞某人(或某事物) [亦作 sing the praise of someone (或 something)]with high praise受到高度赞扬变形vt.praisedpraising

praisepraise[preiz]n.1.赞扬, 表扬; [pl. ]赞词, 赞美的话2.【宗】赞美; 崇拜, 荣耀3.[古]可受赞美的人[物]; 可受赞美的地方[理由]a service of praise【宗】赞美礼拜He won praises for his modesty.他因谦虚赢得人们的称赞。His heroism is beyond praise.他的英勇是赞美不尽的。
词性变化praise[preiz]vt.1.称赞; 赞扬, 表扬; 夸奖2.赞美(上帝)3.吹捧praise the skies把某人捧上天Everybody praised the book.人人称赞这本书。praise[preiz]vi.1.赞扬, 表扬

参考词汇praise;acclaim;eulogize;commend;都含“赞扬”的意思,1.praise 系常用词, 指“对某人或某物衷心地称赞或钦佩”, 如:praise one's performance赞扬某人的行为, acclaim 指“欢呼”、“喝采”, 如:acclaim the winner of a race欢呼赛跑比赛中的获胜者。2.eulogize 指“口头或书面地赞扬或颂扬”, 如:eulogize heroes颂扬英雄。3.commend 更正式, 指“正式地称赞或嘉许”, 如:He commended them for their enthusiasm.他称赞他们的热情。