
promotepromoteD.J.:[prəˈməut]K.K.:[prəˈmot]vt.1.提升, 提拔My son's just been promoted.我儿子刚被提拔。They promoted him to be a general.他们将他提拔为将军。They promoted him captain.他们提升他为上尉。2.筹划, 发起, 创立They are promoting a boxing match.他们正在筹划一次拳击比赛。3.推销He was in town to promote his new books.他在城里推销他的新书。4.〈正〉促进; 推动; 增进The organization works to promote the trade between nations.该组织旨在促进各国之间的贸易。Milk promotes health.牛奶可增进健康。

promote[prəu'məut]vt.1.提升;升级;升迁:He worked hard and was soon promoted.他工作努力,很快就获得提升。2.促进;增进;发扬;提倡:to promote what is right提倡(或发扬)正确的东西3.[美国英语]宣传;推销(商品等):We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.我们发动了一场声势浩大的广告宣传攻势,旨在推销新型牙膏。4.使 (学生)升级:to be promoted to the next grade升到下一年级5.筹划,发起,创立:to promote a basketball match筹划一次篮球比赛6.促使(法律、议案等) 通过:to promote a bill in Parliament促使一项法案在议会中通过7.【化学】使(催化剂)更活泼8.【国际象棋】使(卒)升格(为王后等)9.[美国俚语](用不正的手段)获得,骗取:to be able to promote a bottle of wine能够搞到一瓶酒vi.1.【国际象棋】成为王后或其他大于卒的子:A pawn automatically promotes when it reaches the eighth rank.卒子在到达第八横格时自动升级。2.[废语]告发某人3.[废语]煽动某人(去争吵等)近义词advance变形vt.promotedpromoting

promotepromote[prəˈməut]vt.1.增进, 促进, 发扬, 引起2.提升; 使升级, 使晋级3.创办, 发起; (美)筹划(不正当的事业)4.设法使(议案) 通过5.宣传, 推广, 推销(商品等)6.[美俚](用不正当的手段)获得7.(国际象棋)使升格(如小卒变为女王)promote growth [prosperity, understanding]促进增长[繁荣, 了解]be promoted (to be [to the rank of]) first mate被提为大副Several banks promoted the company.好几家银行创办了这个公司。The boy was promoted to the fourth grade.这个男孩升到四年级。The company are promoting their new products on television.这家公司在电视上宣传他们的新产品。
继承用法-motableadj.promotee[prəməuˈti:]n.1.被提升者, 被晋级者 -motive

