

1. Easterners are psychologically better equipped for a global slowdown, says Ms Maron, because unification has given them 20 years of “crisis management” training.

Ms Maron认为,面对全球经济不景气,东德人较有心理准备,因为统一之后的20年,他们经历了足够多的“危机管理训练”了。

2. First, prepare plans and psychologically prepared for retirement.


3. If a man wants happiness, he has to get a home, a warm home.Thereby, psychologically, physiologically and spiritually, two persons help each other heart to heart when both are in humble circumstances.


4. Within a 24-hour rhythm the first 2 hours,after starting work is the psychologically psychologically high risk period for the workers at a young age,with low literacy,and of low degree of seniority are more likely to have fatal accidents.

一天24时昼夜节律中白班开工后1-2小时是员工事故行为心理高发时段。 市场经济条件下低年龄、低工龄、低文化等“三低”员工是事故高暴露群体。

5. How should we equip ourselves with knowledge and prepare ourselves psychologically once we have selected a pet animal as a companion?


6. Unfortunately, being fired from that tour had terrible repercussions for me both psychologically and professionally.


7. Immature or psychologically fragile people can be thrown into a panic, or far worse, if they are inappropriately confronted with such topics.


8. Not accomplishing these tasks may lead to a psychologically crippling ego-complex or create conflict within you. You could suffer from the same impersonal treatment you sometimes indulge in.


9. Do not be moved by the man feeling sorry for you, because psychologically speaking, he who feels regretful subconsciously starts to repel you.


10. However, it is a physiologically and psychologically related question;therefore, it is probably worthwhile to be a stubborn fool in the name of love.


11. China's benchmark stock index punched back through the psychologically important 5,000-point level yest...


12. What about that story of the black eight year-old girl, also from a poor family, who was molested and raped by her mother’s boyfriend, which psychologically traumatized the girl and became mute?


13. There are three typical images in her novels, female image of the social beauty, psychologically abnormal female image and male image of clerisy.


14. Today our country is being psychologically divided by the confusion and the suspicions that are bred in the United States Senate to spread like cancerous tentacles of "know nothing, suspect everything" attitudes.


15. Psychologically,devoutly belief make the mind healthy.


16. Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age.


17. Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue absorption in the past.


18. Psychologically, Philemon represents superior insight to Jung.


19. Physically and psychologically Zlatan is a strong player who is very extremely well for the team.


20. Around construction sites are central business areas in Shanghai, which are close to immigrant workers geologically but remote to them psychologically.


21. They learn much,factually,about the problems of retirement and provision for old age,and,psychologically,in the sharing of their thoughts on retirement.


22. Most of them suffered sensational failures during their middle school time, thus, they became psychologically resistant to others even teachers.


23. He has tried to reconcile them in the “adaptive markets hypothesis”, which supposes that humans are neither fully rational nor psychologically unhinged.


24. In some way or other, every wife beats the husband. It may not be physical, but to beat psychologically is more dangerous and more harmful.


25. In some way or other, every wife beats the husband. It may not bephysical, but to beat psychologically is more dangerous and moreharmful.


26. But presents and real-time interaction with Earthlings would be impossible on a Mars mission, which would be more similar, psychologically, to heading into the sunset with Ferdinand Magellan than to joining a trip to the moon in Apollo.


27. Such surveys are necessary in that they show Singaporeans up to be rather ill-prepared psychologically,many will doubtless be thrown into panic should a disaster strike.


28. But it is possible for minorities to pull down the shutters psychologically, to protect themselves by assuming the worst.


29. It is not psychologically or rhetorically strange to say that these principles, even when imperfectly formulated, are infallible and infallibly known.


30. But Americans appear to be psychologically unprepared for China's effort to use some of its vast dollar reserves to become a global stakeholder in America.


31. What you are doing psychologically is expanding your boudaries


32. Your friend is draining you: You feel you're psychologically and emotionally giving all your energy to her and receiving nothing in return.


33. To become confused or psychologically unbalanced


34. To cause to break down emotionally or psychologically;upset.


35. To cause to break down emotionally or psychologically; upset.


36. Its independence has never been accepted psychologically by the Russians, whose history starts with medieval Kievan Rus.


37. When the aerials are down,and your spirit is covered with the snow of cynicism and the ice of pessimism,then you are psychologically old,even at 20.


38. Part-time job experience gives students some insights into what work is about and prepares them psychologically for their future jobs.


39. disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock


40. disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock.


41. Allowing bullying to continue might result in the bullied child being hurt physically or psychologically.


42. You're psychologically clingy when you never leave her side when you're walking around the department store, or when yoxu keep asking if she likes you or if you're her type.


43. the psychologically symbolic level


44. Thirdly it helps build a system of evaluation to evaluate students both physically and psychologically, overally, students-centeredly, cooperatively, instructively, and with a developing idea.


45. Don't fool yourself that you going to have it all. You are not. psychologically,having it all is not even a valid concept.


46. His role as psychologically disturbed stableboy Alan Strang in the controversial stage drama Equus is certain to shock his young fans.


47. Goal: We are educating our students to be physically and psychologically healthy, helping them master special skills and ability so that they can develop in an all round way.


48. "We want to enrich the daily lives of the animals, both physically and psychologically," Diana Reiss, senior research scientist at the Conservation Society, told reporter.


49. "We want to enrich the daily lives of the animals,both physically and psychologically," Diana Reiss,senior research scientist at the Conservation Society,told reporter.


50. It is Carr's job to rescue the crushed person within, to locate the original source of pain and begin to rebuild: psychically, psychologically, socially.


51. economically and psychologically poor students


52. In addition, Ashforth and Humphrey(1993) indicated that performing emotional labor may help employees to psychologically distance themselves from unpleasant situations.


53. And that identity can be resolved only when, psychologically, the whole process of identifying, the desire, the motive, is clearly understood.


54. Looking ahead at the journey was psychologically very frightening because while he had traveled in the footsteps of Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen, no one had ever attempted this journey.


55. However, as a rule, they are psychologically and socially unprepared and thus still unfit for parenthood.


56. Ye Jiangchuan of the view that they are also psychologically hard-learned lessons, and then they have to go back to conscientiously sum up.


57. But also because his deviance is psychologically subversive to the others' spontaneous virility.


58. This is also a good time for survivors to talk about how they're coping emotionally and psychologically.


59. Preteen schoolgirl Mitsuko was rapped by his fathers and became psychologically confused for this forbidden sex.


60. Faceless,bodiless virtual communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation,and the relationships formed through it may be shallower.


61. Faceless, bodiless "virtual" communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower.


62. Psychologically, would that not enhance Cowperwood's standing as a financier?


63. Before sexually molesting young victims, many predatory priests psychologically seduced the parents - winning their trust in order to gain access to their children.


64. In the face of the disaster, we are not prepared psychologically, and we are weak in strength, but we are staunch.


65. Boys mature more slowly than girls,both physically and psychologically.


66. He wants them to get away from football after the intensity of the last few months, and get psychologically prepared for the last four games of the season.


67. Metros station is an underground traffic space which is negative to the health of people in physiological and psychologically aspects.


68. Tatiana, was it difficult psychologically to play Maya Chiburdanidze?


69. University student psychologically healthy education


70. Most people can't psychologically handle the wait.


71. They now more often appear staring vacantly or seeming disoriented, being psychologically removed from their situation.


72. She alleged Majerik is a "serial matchmaker suer" who enjoyed herself with the men she met before claiming she had been "psychologically damaged by the process" and demanding compensation.


73. Would she be psychologically scarred by the knowledge of how bizarrely she had been created?


74. She is psychologically unsound.


75. If you are physically DISABLED,you cannot offord to be psychologically disabled.


76. The prospect of trying and convicting the embodiment of the Japanese nation was psychologically and politically too disruptive to contemplate.


77. If there was a “secret,” he knew that you had to be able to accept losses both psychologically and physiologically.


78. They're declarations of powerlessness, one of the most psychologically debilitating conditions human beings can experience.


79. psychologically safe environment


80. The result of intimate association, psychologically, is a certain fusion of individualities in a common whole.

