

1. and she held the silver vessel in her big, pudgy hand, looking curiously at it, as though wondering what had so quickly become of the water.


2. A hillbilly was visiting the big city for the first time.Entering an office building, he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room.


3. A pudgy hostess leads us to a dimly lit private room without windows.


4. There he is the fat fellow in the Barka lounger, munching candy, swilling beer, pudgy fingers on the clicker, oblivious to family and all other persons not dressed in numbered uniforms.


5. He was a massive black giant and I was a pudgy little redhead.


6. He looked around at each of them with his aggressive, pudgy face set in a fierce scowl.


7. Entering an office building, he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room.


8. Entering an office building,he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small romm.


9. Entering an office building, e saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room.


10. Don't you call me pudgy portley or stout just tell me once again Who's fat?


11. You thought you'd get away with it, pudgy, but tonight is a night without sleep.


12. You're likely to be pudgy


13. 1.At issue is whether to concede that Mr Prabhakaran, whose pudgy corpse was displayed for television cameras by the army and then burned, is really dead.


14. At issue is whether to concede that Mr Prabhakaran, whose pudgy corpse was displayed for television cameras by the army and then burned, is really dead.


15. His thick glasses, pudgy figure, and overall demeanour make him look more like a muddle-headed retiree than the owner and head chef of the famous Soon Huat Crab Bee Hoon Restaurant.


16. Alright Barney, where are you? -Right here, Fred. -Can you get a good grip on my arm? -Well, uh I don't know. It's kind of fat and pudgy.


17. a baby's pudgy fingers


18. Broad cheek, pudgy figure, people says he is " plump cloth law Luo Ren " .


19. The wizard clapped a pudgy hand to his vast forehead.


20. In visualizing him one saw always a picture of dimpled knees and sleeves rolled back from pudgy forearms.


21. We love our girls, so we don't want them to suffer the indignities we have suffered for being pudgy.


22. My sister's baby is a bit pudgy, just like her father.


23. I pulled that tape out and listened for this new bird song, but I couldn't find any that matched my pudgy, shy friend.


24. I wanted to reach out and touch the pudgy sea baby, but I hesitated, not knowing the rules of this inter-species encounter.


25. Although they seemed pudgy, Toydarians were actually quite light, primarily because their tissues were spongy and filled with gas.


26. Baby boomers who were even just a tad pudgy were more likely to die prematurely than those who were at a healthy weight, U.


27. a faint smile gleamed on his pudgy face, and with a low, respectful bow, he picked up the object on the dish.It was the Order of St.


28. Pudgy and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team.


29. Each time he straightened his pudgy knees it was apparent that they were trembling.


30. The elder Peale painted a slightly pudgy, compassionate-looking, even rosy-cheeked person: his longtime friend and comrade.


31. Watch Torchbearer 61, a pudgy local government official, pass the torch to Torchbearer 62, a tall gangly European man from the United Nations!


32. pudgy fingers


33. pudgy fingers.


34. plump; chubby; pudgy


35. pudgy fingers.See Synonyms at fat


36. S. study published on Monday that calculated the heart hazards of being pudgy but not obese.


37. .. or calling a guy who probably still found it impossible to believe a pudgy, redheaded metasystems analyst would rebuff his romantic advances.


38. While this shows a strange lack of confidence in Hawes, it doesn't look like anything to worry about since May didn't do anything in his start aside from look pudgy.


39. Where could a girl who is less than pretty and a little bit pudgy possibly fit in?


40. Dubbed "Xiao Pang" or "Little Fatty", his pudgy face is everywhere as witty webizens superimpose his large head onto a host of stars.


41. The baker, Nazorine, pudgy and crusty as his great Italian loaves, still dusty with flour, scowled at his wife, his nubile daughter, Katherine, and his baker's helper, Enzo.


42. Miss Pao rushed into the arms of a balding, dark, pudgy man in big glasses


43. Three silly tickles on a soft, pudgy chin.


44. Now look at you, all pudgy and wasting away. (She pokes him in the stomach and runs away).


45. MR COEBEN,50 ish, short and pudgy, climbs carefully back through the window.


46. MR COEBEN, 50ish, short and pudgy, climbs carefully back through the window. He is drenched. We last saw him in Orison when he let MULDER into SCULLY's apartment.


47. MR COEBEN,50 ish, short and pudgy, climbs carefully back through the window. He is drenched. We last saw him in Orison when he let MULDER into SCULLY's apartment.

