
pushpushD.J.:[puʃ]K.K.:[pʊʃ]vt. & vi.1.推, 推动The door pushes easily.这门一推就开。They pushed past.他们从旁边挤了过去。If you push the car, I'll steer it.如果你来推车, 我就来驾车。She pushed the door open.她把门推开。She pushed the drawer closed.她把抽屉推上了。vt.1.对…施加压力, 按He pushed the button.他按动按钮。2.逼迫, 驱策, 敦促One has to push the child or she will do no work at all.这孩子要有人督促, 否则她什么也不干。If you always push him too hard, he may make mistakes.要是你总逼他太紧, 他可能会出错。He pushed her to make a decision.他催她快做决定。n.1.He opened the gate with a push.他一下就把大门推开了。The gate slid opened at the push of a button.一按电钮, 大门就滑动开启。They gave the car a push to start it.为了使汽车起动, 他们推了它一下。2.大规模攻势The enemy made a push on the western front.敌人在西线发动猛攻。3.毅力; 推动力She has plenty of push.她很有进取心。He hasn't enough push.他缺乏闯劲。

push[puʃ]vt.1.(用力)推;(尤指)用力推进;推动:He pushed me,and I fell into the water.他推了我一下,我便掉到水里去了。2.挤,驱;推行;驱使:Mother tried to push her daughter's worries from her mind.妈妈力图排遣她女儿心头的烦恼。3.促进;促成;催促:He pushed her into making a decision.他催促她做出决定。4.逼迫,催逼:be pushed for time感到时间紧迫5.扩展;扩大;增加:The frontier was pushed westward.边疆向西扩展。6.提携;推销:The company are pushing their new product.这家公司正在推销他们的新产品。7.突出,伸出:He pushed out his lower lip.他努出他的下嘴唇。8.生根;发芽:The plants push their roots deep into the soil.植物深深地扎根于土中。9.在年龄或数目上接近于:The old man was pushing eighty-five.老人快85岁了。10.[美国英语]【棒球、高尔夫球】推棒触击;轻推球;从右手把(球)向右侧击去;从左手把(球)向左侧击去11.挤出路前进:The policeman pushed his way through the crowd.警察从人群中挤了过去。12.[俚语]非法销售:be jailed for pushing heroin因私售海洛因而坐牢13.[美国俚语]把(新的东西)插入(预定的项目之中)vi.1.推;按:Don't push against me!别推我!2.推进;努力前进:She pushed past me.她从我身边挤了过去。3.推行运动;极力活动:Unions pushed for higher wages.工会极力争取提高工资。4.突出,伸出:to push up through the mulch从覆盖层里破土而出5.被推:The door pushed open.门被推开了。6.延伸:A road pushes toward the mountains.一条路延伸到群山之中。7.扩展;增加:Corn acreage pushed into first place.玉米的种植面积居于首位。8.向前划桨:to push down a stream划桨顺流而下9.(尤指为超过别人或为成功而)奋力,尽力:They are pushing hard to improve their strategic nuclear capabilities.他们正全力以赴增强他们的战略核力量。10.(产妇)屏息收肌以助婴儿产出11.【牌戏】故意叫高牌使对方不得不叫更高的牌12.[俚语]贩毒n.1.推;推动;推进;推力2.促进3.力量;能力4.奋力;奋斗;奋进;奋发;努力5.攻击;攻势;猛攻6.危机;迫切;压力7.紧迫事件,紧急关头8.突出,伸出9.【台球、板球、网球】推击;推球10.提携;推荐11.(启动机械等的)按钮12.运动;推销运动13.鼓励,激励14.一群人,一批人15.(刀锋、兽角等的)刺;触16.[口语]进取心,事业心,劲头17.[英国俚语]解雇;断绝关系18.[澳大利亚俚语]一帮贼(恶棍、无赖等)19.[美国俚语](伐木场的)工头20.【计算机】推送技术近义词shovethrust反义词pulldrawat a push一推(或一按)之下[口语]没有(别的)办法时,在不得已时,急迫时,必要时;如果确实需要的话at the first push第一;在开始攻击时be in the push[俚语]熟悉情况,知情;是集团中的一分子be pushed around被摆布,被支使;被欺负be pushed for[口语](金钱)短缺(时间)紧迫 [参见 push for]be put to the push受到考验;陷入困境bring to the push使陷绝境come to the push临到紧急关头;陷入绝境get the push[俚语]被开除,被解雇,被辞退求婚被拒绝give (someone) the push[俚语]开除(或解雇)(某人),叫(某人)卷铺盖(或滚蛋)抛弃(情人);拒婚if (或 when) it comes to the push到了紧急关头;如果急需的话make a push (at,for,on 或 to do something)用最大努力(做某事),(对某事)加把劲大举进攻,猛烈攻击push ahead with推动,推进,推行push and go精力;活力push and shove推推搡搡,连推带挤push a pen耍笔杆子push around= push aboutpush aside把…推(或挤)到一边去避免;消除push by (或 past)从(某人)身边挤过去push for争取;一再强烈要求,迫切要求;硬要得到push oneself鞭策自己,自强;发愤push oneself forward出风头,突出自己push round the ale传递啤酒push past= push bypush the boat out见 boatpush the mark skyward[美国俚语]创新纪录push to把(门)推上push up against向…用力推push (up) daisies见 daisypush up to逼近put to the push使陷绝境;使受到严重考验quick push[美国俚语]易被击败的运动员(或运动队)容易受骗的人stable push[美国俚语]来自有影响人士(或权威人士)的消息;内幕新闻

pushpush[puʃ]vt.1.推; 推动2.使突出, 使伸出, 使延伸3.大力推进, 推行; 努力干, 使劲要求; 设法推销, 宣传4.强迫, 逼迫, 催逼, 促使5.使引人注意, 提携(人); 推销(货物), 贩卖6.扩展, 扩大, 增加7.(台球)推撞8.[常用被动句]使(某人)在金钱等方面受窘, 对(难题)感到困惑push a door open推开门push one's plan大力实施自己的计划push one's way through a crowd从人群中挤出pushone'snoseinto other people's affairs干涉别人的事情push one's claims坚持要求push a campaign大力推进一场运动be pushed for time感到时间紧迫push a person推荐人push one's wares推销货物Some plants push their roots deep into the soil.一些植物的根深深长入土中。
词性变化pushvi.1.2.推行, 推进, 努力前进, 挤着走3.伸展, 扩展; 突出; 增加4.竭力争取(for)5.[古]用角触a dock pushing far out into the sea远远伸入海中的码头push for higher wages争取提高工资The door pushs easily.这门一推就开。pushn.1.推, 推进, 推动2.奋斗, 奋力3.攻击, 攻势; 推销; 运动4.紧迫, 紧要关头5.劲头, 进取心, 事业心, 能力6.[英俚]解雇7.一批人; [英]一帮贼[罪犯等]8.(刀锋或兽角等)刺, 冲, 戳9.(台球)推球; (棒球)轻击an economic push经济攻势at one push一推, 一下子at the first push第一; 在开始攻击时

继承用法push-biken.1.(=push bicycle)自行车(区别于机动脚踏两用车或摩托车)push-cartn.1.手推车, 婴儿推车push-downn.1.【航空】推下2.【自】 迭式存储器, 后进先出存储器push-overn.1.容易击败的对手, 弱敌2.容易被吸引的人; 容易方向的位移push-pinn.1.图钉2.微不足道的东西3.[美]高顶图画钉push-pull[ˈpʊʃˈpʊl]adj.1.【无】 推挽式的pushraken.1.推集机push-typeadj.1.推进式的, 前悬挂式的push-upn.1.【体】俯卧撑2.垮[落]沙3.砂眼, 型穴; 结疤pushableadj.1.可以推的pushfuladj.1.有进取心的pushy[ˈpʊʃɪ]adj.1.[美]前进的, 有进取精神的, 有干[冲]劲的

参考词汇push;shove;thrust;propel;都含“推"的意思。1.push 系常用词, 指“用力推动接触的人、物", 如:push a baby carriage推童车。2.shove 指“粗暴地推开挡路的人或物"、“使劲推动(重物)", 如:shove a box into the corner用力把箱子推到角落里。3.thrust 指“突然用力地推"、“使透过某物", 如:He thrust a dagger into her heart.他把匕首剌入她的心脏。4.propel 指“推进"、“推动", 如:a boat propelled by oars以桨操作的船。